Tag Archives: alexander backman

Positive and Negative Issues of Journalism in Mexico

By Alexander Backman  | July 22, 2017

I was tasked in writing an essay for my journalism specialization course at Michigan University in the class that relates to issues that journalists face in their reporting activities. As you can imagine, in Mexico, sadly, it is not hard at all to talk about things that pose a threat to journalists in their line of work. But also, there are some issues that counter these bleak grievances and make the job of informing rewarding and fulfilling. I want to balance these two aspects in this essay. So, here it goes.

With respect on the future of journalism in my country, the future is bleak as it is becoming ever-so dangerous to reports the facts as events transpire. This is the first key issue that greatly concerns me.

As many abroad have learned, Mexico is currently living the worst security crisis in history with the full-scale criminal insurgency which has undermined the capability of its Government to deal with such a threat from the ever-growing transnational drug cartels and their well-established networks and bases of operations in different parts of the country. This exponential growth has provided them with an inordinate level of power. It is true, this problem is not new and has lurked as a demon in the shadows of the Mexican state since the 80s. But now, almost 40 years later, Mexico has not only become a second Colombia, it has transformed into a safe-haven for criminal empires to thrive and corrupt the entire government system, while at the same time operating under a veil of total impunity and secrecy. This now endemic problem has gotten to the point where journalists cannot report on these issues freely at a local and state level for fear of being killed. It is amazing still, that in the first six months of 2017 out of the 18 journalists that have been killed, nine are from Mexico, according to a report from PRESS EMBLEM CAMPAIGN. Journalism is being stifled due to this threat.

A second negative issue that needs attention in the media is poverty. Almost half of Mexicans live in extreme poverty. This situation has almost zero coverage by the mainstream Government-influenced media. And with it, a terrible lack of education of most of its inhabitants. This mix of lack of food, housing, jobs and education creates a great opportunity for the criminal organizations to prey on and hire peasants to do their bidding in the cartels. In a way, all these issues are noticeably intertwined, while ignorance and apathy are king and queen, the media rarely delves deeper into this social and dysfunctional abnormality.

But when it comes to the media, since half of Mexicans live in total and abject poverty, one has to ponder, do they read a newspaper? Do they have access to a tablet and the Internet? Do they read at all?

Yes, this affects journalism. How? Well, if we think about it, this means that 60 million potential viewers are not watching the news, they are not reading and following tweets, they are not being informed. Also, how can a journalist adapt to these deficiencies and at the same time inform the masses outside of the mainstream media or major communication outlets? One solution could be delivering the news visually instead of in writing and making the Internet available to all citizens on a zero budget so they can get in touch with reality and not be brainwashed by political action committees from the far left in the south of the Country where most of them live.

My third not-so positive issue which the media is not reporting on for fear of being threatened or have their ad revenue pulled altogether, and that is how Big Corporations have de facto taken control of what is being lightly reported on and spun and sugarcoated to the masses because it affects their sales and therefore their profit margins. Coca Cola is one of these unstoppable businesses that have total control of the media for one simple reason, they advertise everywhere! And if anything negative is reported about them, where they are mentioned or questioned directly, like, for example, why Mexico is the #1 country worldwide with child-diabetes, and also why Mexico is # 1 in child-obesity, again at a global scale, this is mentioned but no names are mentioned. When one questions who or what might be the source of this out-of-control problem. The logical answer would be the sugar intake that Mexican children are getting, and where this extreme consumption of sugar is coming from. Not only Coca Cola, there are many companies that have a lot invested in people consuming their products without any interest of even reading the labels to check what ingredients they are putting into their bodies, let alone their children’s bodies. So, here again we can see how ignorance, apathy and poverty makes this only worse. It is a vicious cycle, and reporters do not report on it because of pressure from their bosses or from the Government itself who in turn is getting its ears pulled by Big C.

Albeit, as dark and somber journalism in Mexico might seem, there are other areas where journalism is thriving. Despite the negative issues that seem to have overtaken Mexico and given it a terrible image worldwide affecting its tourist sector, Mexico is well-covered as well by the media with regard to its culture, its food and its historical heritage. After all, much of what Mexico has to offer to the world comes from archaeological landmarks from the Mesoamerican empires and how easy it is to still visit these places and have fun. A lot of reporting by journalists is being done about this on a constant basis. Whether it be a recent archaeological dig about the discovery that the Aztecs had human-sacrifice towers of women and children erected around their ‘juego de la pelota’ ball courts in their capital city of Tenochtitlan, or that an underground river was found gushing water under the ever famous pyramid of Pakaal in Palenque Chiapas, all these reports in the media not only shed light of Mexico´s history, they also attract a lot of people to visit these places as well. It promotes tourism and allows journalists to write about it and they get to travel. After all, who is not up to visiting the second biggest pyramid in the world at only 40 minutes away from Mexico City and seeing the ‘Tzompantli’ (skull rack towers) as they are being unearthed in the heart of the city? Graphic reporters are taking great images of these places as well and enriching the reports that we read.

A second positive aspect of journalism in Mexico is that to overcome the state-influenced media moguls in Mexico, the sector of independent citizen journalists sprang up along with the Internet revolution. In a country rife in corruption, citizens took to it and took advantage of the available social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress and other blog sites to report what was not being said in the nightly news. In turn, this created a Government crackdown on dissidents who turned into journalists and who started to become a threat to the information control system. Journalists disappeared, were intimidated to not report on anything ever again. So, now, there is the average citizen journalist, but Mexicans who still report, know there are limits to what is being reported and how much of it should be known. So, freedom of speech is not absolutely 100% guaranteed in Mexico as one would expect, but at least self-censorship allows journalists to still report while, at the same time, be very careful not to step on the sharp-edged claws of the Mexican Media Masters and its members.

In conclusion, in troublesome countries where ‘La Libertad de Prensa’ does not exist, self-control and a decent dose of common sense of what to report and how might extend your livelihood in times of conflict and division as ‘periodista’.

P.S. I wrote this last paragraph as a series of bullets were fired in the distance close to where I am.


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ALEXANDER BACKMAN interviews DR. PRESTON T BAILEY PhD for the 1st time ever! English Only Version.

Get his must-read book Spiritual Warfare, Defeating the Forces of Darkness at his site http://spiritualwarfarecenter.com

Also visit thebridemovement.com for other interviews and prayers spiritually-tailored by Dr. Bailey himself.

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Sun Dogs and Planet X Debunked


(Nov 5 2015-†) Mexican investigative journalist for Conciencia Radio, Alexander Backman, elaborates on the phenomenon he recorded on video for CRTV over the skies of Tijuana, Mexico recently on October 25 while under, yet another, unmistakable and undeniable, heavy aerosol spraying attack with chemtrails,  where, at the same time, what appeared to be two rainbow-colored sky , which in reality, form part of a solar and optical phenomenon known as “Sun Dogs”.  In other words, we managed to understand and successfully explain what we caught on camera.

Moreover, Alexander Backman shows why the supposed video o the now infamous ‘Planet X’ by Melissa Huffman (link below) that has gone viral and retransmitted by mass media, including The Daily Mail of London, in recent weeks is not Planet X at all nor anything that resembles it.

Once again, Conciencia Radio’s leading investigative journalist  puts this and other Planet X videos that claim to have filmed or photographed Planet X close to the sun and labels them as total fakes or false in their assumptions: BE ADVISED! THEY ARE NOT PLANET X.

Finally, we prove, through a series of never published before images, how, with any digital video or photographic camera, any one person can film or photograph Planet X near the setting sun  and make a fraudulent video with minimal effort.

We are still waiting for the ominous arrival of Planet X.

This same video was also recorded in Spanish:
Images and Videos used:
What is this ?#planet?#reddwarf?#NIbiru?, Melissa Hufmann © 2015

Stunning Dog Sun Time-lapse Over South Florida, Jeff Gammons © 2013

Strange Object Filmed In Florida Sky Some Are Calling Proof Of Planet X

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I cannot and will not stop voicing my opinion ont he insanity of these NAZIs int he White House, the Demorats and the Establishment about what PP (Planned Parenthood), the new SS, is doing. It gets worse and worse! Now, as Children of God’s Debbi Vinnedge illustrates, they are inducing the live birth of these soul-filled, God-breathed babies, dissecting them alive (vivisection) without anesthesia in order to procure their organs. Then, the just kill them off while they scream in agony unable to defend themselves. Deborah Nucatola and her whole staff are the New Nazis practicing Neonaticide! This has to stop! Fuck science! and I am sorry, I am angry!!! So angry by this… F**k Planned Parenthood and may they all burn in hell. God will cut them down, make no mistake about it! – Alexander Backman

Another Felony at Planned Parenthood Caught on Camera

Children of God for Life website:

Can a baby: Fetus Food for the Family

Related Episodes of Information Overload with Alexander Backman:

Dead Babies for Sale (Part I):
Dead Babies for Sale 2:
This is a video project called INFORMATION OVERLOAD with Investigative Journalist Alexander Backman. All hats are off! Alexander is going to rant away and throw all political-correctness where it belongs… in the toxic trash dump in Rome from where it first spawned.
Get ready for a daily dose of news and views from THE ELECTRO PRINTO INFO PRESS…
Comment if you like it and subscribe.
If you do, we will keep on uploading new daily video briefs on all things global.
Suggest any topic and Alexander will comment on it.
Support us! We are Independent Media and are viewer-sponsored.
Paypal: concienciaradio@prodigy.net.mx

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OUTLOOK 2017 Full Lecture by Alexander Backman

An incredible preordained lecture given by radio host, researcher and investigative journalist Alexander Backman on how Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled announcing the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ -Yeshua ha Mashiach- to earth.

OUTLOOK 2017 is a 3 hours and 33 minute lecture that covers Bible Prophecy from a unique and different perspective. LEARN THE TRUTH here and get ready to receive The Lord Jesus Christ.
Also available on DVD here:
Share the Paypal Link so others can watch too for just $ 5.00 dollars
Visit the official page at:
DVD will be available soon.

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Incredible interview with Black Ops member and former US ARMY Sniper COL SC who relayed his most amazing experiences to Radio Host and Journalist Alexander Backman. SC worked at AREA 51 and at the DULCE NM facility.

Spanish Version available here:


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Originally published here: PERMALINK: http://www.alexanderbackman.com/dry_bones_and_pentagons.html

By Alexander Backman

Update @Feb 28 2015Amazingly, Benjamin Netanyahu went public in 2010 and said that the prophecy written in Ezekiel 37 has already been fulfilled.  This is a huge game changer! That means that we in the midst of Ezequiel 38, the War of Gog (Russia) and Magog (Islam) against Israel.

Is spoke with a Pastor and brother in Mexico over the phone for two hours today. We fellowshipped together and double-checked our findings. He says Ezekiel 37 is yet to be fulfilled. I say it is already fulfilled in light of the current events in world history. Netanyahu is about to deliver his speak in Washington DC before Congress and Iran is already on the doorstep of Israel with 3,000 strong. With all this prophetic hype over the tetrads with a solar eclipse to ocur on March 20th, the 3rd Red Moon on April 4th (right after Resurrection Day) and the final of the Four Blood Moons to happen on Sep. 28 (7+7+7+7+7), Israel is being judged and with it, the rest of the world.

CRN®-FEB-05-2013- I am having a series of dreams in sequence that lay out a prophecy that is to come. I am in Israel walking in a dried up riverbed. This riverbed is all beautiful tan-colored sand. As I enter the Riverbed from the North -the riverbed runs from east to west- I see on my left how these sharp-edged bones start coming out of the ground. They rapidly and sharply start thrusting out of the sand. Simply, I am amazed at this.  I begin to see skulls, not normal skulls though, elongated strangely-formed with what appears to be almond-shaped eye-sockets. They are awesome in size and incredible to behold. I begin to see the torsoes of these skeletons fill the riverbed. the riverbed was very wide, maybe 500 meters wide. The air was dry and the environment wwas very arid, and spiritually-void. Evil is present.

In the recurrent dream I am then transported to a cobblestone street in an old part of a city. I am contacted by a woman who wishes to interview me on important matters regarding NASA and the European Space Agency.  It has to do with an imminent non-earthly threat to Earth.

After the interview, I exit the office where it took place and as I came back out again on the sidewalk where this cobble-stone street is, I see the façade of this building or structure made up of pure black stones of great size. Similar to volcano rocks. They were jagged and completely black. As I observe and contemplate the wall of this property I clearly see 2 logos of a pentagon with two hands over the top that were joined together at the base of the thumbs and canopying over the top part of the pentagon. They were very well-made and finished in highlights, the edges that is, of bronze. They were bronze plaques painted black and just the edges made of shiny bronze.

I am told in the dream by the Holy Spirit resounding in my heart that these are the dark elements responsible for what is to come upon the Earth soon. I am told that these elements belong to a very dark group that uses this Pentagon Emblem with two hands joined at the base of the thumbs while serving as an umbrella of the Pentagon which they worship and enshrine themselves in.

The bones are a representation of the Ezekiel 37 prophecy coming into fruition and the inevitable start of World War Three as detailed in Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, Isaiah 9:10 and the Gog-Magog War detailed in Ezekiel 38 and 39.

I would not be writing this unless I felt in my soul that it might serve a purpose for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ King of Kings Creator of the Universe and All. May He Come Quickly!

In His Army!

Rak Chasak! Joel 1:7

Alexander Backman

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UPDATE MARCH 5 2015: CONFIRMED ISIS leader is behind plot to assassinate Mexican journalists Alexander Backman and Monica Gahbler

“Mexican Journalist’s head is being auctioned off in the French DEEP WEB possibly for speaking out about ISIS and the persecution of Christians in Libya and the Middle East.”

PERMALINK: http://concienciaradio.com/why_i_am_in_danger.htm
(Versíon en Español aquí) (PDF VERSION IN ENGLISH AVAILABLE HEREby Alexander Backman


• Freedom of speech, lower than ever
• Freedom House : “Only 1 in 7 people live in a country with a ‘free’ press.”

The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is the truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.” – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.

(CR NEWS/ CR NOTICAS /CRTV- Feb 25, 2015—Mexico)— I was informed via Twitter ON February 23rd, 2015 that someone put out a bid for my head. When I asked this contact about the details, he mentioned that the information is in certain forums that are part of THE DEEP WEB.  These are servers and webpages that mask themselves and are invisible to search engines. One example of this DARK OR DEEP WEB is FACEBOOK.com. But there are many others that are even more sinister. On Facebook there is even a page that says RIP Alexander Backman.

Recently, I exposed how this DEEP WEB operates, specifically Facebook with relation to Child Pornography, Child Trafficking within its confidential databases and files in its private network. Posts that often are ignored by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg making him complicit of aiding and abetting criminals.  The video report can be seen here: http://youtu.be/FL97vn-TmSk

Similarly, on the other side of the Atlantic, there is one of these such DARK SITES that make up the DEEP WEB. These are underground forums within forums, subforums where all kinds of heinous things are going on; from selling children, streaming live videos of sexual abuse, rape, torture and killings of minors, street fights to the death, bestiality, gore, snuff films, to Islamic killings.

Entrance to these highly restricted sites is by invitation only. Apparently, there is a section about posting bounty heads on people. Here is a redacted twitter message of the message.


I know this has everything to do with my publications, video reports and radio shows, TV and radio appearances. Based on my work,

I do not doubt that I have my share of enemies. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. The most recent one could be militant Islamic radicals, members of secret societies within the Vatican.

By interviewing many personalities, I have also helped expose the Vatican’s ongoing crimes with regard to child rape conducted by priests, archbishops and others at the highest levels including the Pope.

Reports are here: http://youtu.be/cUksNYJGaIQ and here: http://concienciaradio.com/vaticano/

Other important and high-profile guests I have interviewed on matters of global security and counterterrorism have also been under threat for their lives for coming out and publicly exposing the core agenda that fuels militant Islam.  One is Reza Kahlili and another is Academic Prof. Boylan.

Now I understand why.

My enemies stem from people in the Intelligence Community Apparatus, Radical Islamists, members of Organized Crime, staunch Communists, The Mexican Left, a Retired Mexican pseudo-General, or so he says, Jaime Garcia Miramontes who, at the same time, threatened Mexican President Peña Nieto including me and my colleague Mónica Gahbler in a public video on Youtube. All because I criticized his public announcement on one of my news shows of him wanting to ignite a revolution or civil war against the current Mexican administration.

Here is one of Miramontes’ comments sent to our Google+ account on September 19, 2014. The words speak for themselves.


Let us be clear. No one wants this asymmetrical Civil War in Mexico to keep growing. Those who do, only have to look at Ukraine, Syria and Iraq and understand the consequences this entails. The thousands upon thousands of dead are a testament of this.

In the United States, the same agenda is being promoted by these agents provocateurs that have infiltrated the mass media and online media organizations demonizing what was once the greatest nation on earth. They have made the citizens of this country hate its own country in order to make a small spark of discontent flare up into a bonfire of chaos and social turmoil akin to the revolts in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

What people fail to realize is that this agenda has been planned in detail by the Communists since the end of World War II. The media has been infiltrated by these agents to such a degree that no one sees it anymore because their mindset has already been conditioned to think in conformity with the agenda.

Almost all, if not all revolutions and revolts are fueled, promoted or started by people with a left-oriented agenda. Call them Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Atheists, Humanists etc. This needs to be said and acknowledged. Fascism, socialism and communism are inherently the same thing. They all do one thing, suppress the human condition by force and repression of the mind while at the same time, use the media to brainwash the population with their lie-filled agenda to further their own agenda.

Some think the current threat towards me might be coming from ISIS because of my recent video CHRISTIANS RISE! on Youtube.

Others have suggested that certain investigators of the Alternative Christian media that I and other journalists have been recently exposing their lies and manipulation of the masses could be wanting to hire a hit man to have me and these other journalists assassinated.  After all, they used open airwaves to send cryptic threats to me and express their intentions. The evidence speaks for itself in the related article

So yes, I have my share of enemies. Four assassination plots that have not succeeded, thank God! The most recent one was in 2014. I will not go into details for security reasons.

But now, this new threat must be acknowledged against me, my colleagues and my family. First and foremost, I am a son of Jesus Christ, a language professor by trade, a federally-licensed radio host, an online journalist and lecturer. I am free thinker and a defender of freedom of speech understanding that there are indeed limits to what statements one may make over a microphone or in the press.

I am defender for human rights and will defend the right that each human being has to be in concordance with their free will but, at the same time, knowledgeable that with all actions there are consequences.

I am a defender of life and the living. No one has the right to kill the weak, the helpless nor the innocent, no matter what the distorted justification may be.

I am an advocate of freedom and the right to private property; always in alignment with moral statutes that serve as an example so we can live in harmony and peace. Knowing that this model for peace and happiness has been passed down from a higher domain than the one that we currently inhabit.

I will always fight against any antagonist force that may challenge these views and will never be subjected or submitted into fascist and Orwellian forms of social acclimation, oppression and control.

I am against corruption and its agents. I will continue to expose them to the best of my ability, knowing that I have had to apply self-censorship in many cases just to stay alive in my country of residence.

It is a lamentable and sad thing to say. I live in a state where speaking out is dangerous. A country where more journalists have been killed in the last decade than anywhere else in the world.

We are living in dangerous times. Almost 600 journalists have been killed since 2006 according to UNESCO. Most of these were not even War-Time reporters. 6 percent out of the 593 journalists killed exercising their profession from 2006-2013 were not even foreign correspondents; in other words, they were assassinated for their profession in their own nations of origin or residence.

According to The Road to Justice, a special report issued by the Committee to Protect Journalists, “It isn’t just one story that ends with a journalist’s death; a climate of intimidation builds. If no one is punished, killers are emboldened, and violence repeats. Journalists have no choice but to censor themselves or even flee into exile. Targeted attacks on the media have kept the world from
understanding the full dimension of violence in Syria, drug trafficking in Mexico, militant influence in Pakistan, and corruption in Russia.” In fact, Mexico is right behind Middle-Eastern nations like Syria and Pakistan. Another fact is that Mexico is ranked #6 according to UNESCO with 43 journalists killed between 2006-2013.


Source: Freedom House 2014
As I said. And I say it again, Journalism is War.

It is a fact that Mexico continues being one of the worst countries in the world to exercise journalism. According to a report by the Mexican Chapter of Freedom House, in 2014 (English version here), “76 journalists were killed from the period of 2000-2013 and 16 continue missing since 2003.”

Impunity at its best.

This is the continued result of the incessant Government corruption, impunity, the ongoing criminal insurgency, and what I would characterize as a form of depraved apathy on part of legislators and other politicos for not taking action to defend us and guarantee our livelihood and allow us to do our job as journalists.

Sadly, these senseless deaths against these hommes et femmes de plume  and the negligent behavior to bring those responsible to justice can be better defined as an almost form of under-the-rug policy in failed states like Mexico.

Then of course, there is the corruption on the other side of the aisle extending to those journalists that stick out their hand under the table and who are paid off via ‘mordidas’ to publish what those in power, government, business, banking and finance want published.

But not all has gone to waste.

Now, with the online media, this has changed. They can control so much. MediaCorp Inc. is not an absolute monopoly anymore. Youtube.com and freelance online journalism has made the world of information and news a better place in many respects. In others, it has made it a not-so-better place with so much disinformation and lies being spread via this vast global network and luckily continues to be a last bastion which partially still allows freedom of expression to exist.

And I will state it again, Journalism is war. Censorship is the same as hiding the facts.

As a journalist, I have been censored before. Our media outlets, visited by millions worldwide, have been subject to such actions by those that simply want to stifle the cause for truth. We were censored in all Mexico during our coverage of the 2012 Elections by one of the leading Internet providers.

Our websites have been censored in entire countries such as Spain and others. Censored for our content of reporting the truth and the facts as we see fit. After all, this is freedom of expression, a universal right to speak out and report on matters that matter.

Freedom of Expression is our duty to defend such a God-given right is more important now than ever. What our minds think and express should never be trod on. What our mouths speak and our eyes see should never be silenced. After all, our mind is in itself a thought machine that, when at work, can produce great works to further humanity.

As a journalist, I am a champion for truth!
As an intellectual, I am a defender of critical thinking!
As a man of God, I am an upholder of Truth, at all costs!

And since Journalism is War, and the different media platforms are our battlegrounds, then let us have a good fight, a fight for truth, a fight for freedom, a fight to shed light and expose that which lurks in the shadows so it may be made known. But let us not have our voices be silenced by those who oppose the right to exercise our freedom to stand up, speak out and tell it like it is. For if it weren’t for journalism, the world would be void of that which makes it real, information. After all, we all are information and a manifestation thereof. Without information there is nothing but darkness and ignorance like we are seeing being imposed in many regions of the world like in Japan, Mali and the Middle East. And if we do not do something now to defend this right, this cancerous evil will reach every continent, country and city in this world we all have to share. After all, information and knowledge is a precious resource that we do not have the luxury to lose as time itself.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a defender of truth and freedom. He was prohibited to speak out, publish in print and express his ideas under the fascist Nazi regime. He was censored at all costs. He was harassed by the Nazi authorities and required to report his activities to the police.

In a 1932 sermon Bonhoeffer said:

“The blood of martyrs might once again be demanded, but this blood, if we really have the courage and loyalty to shed it, will not be innocent, shining like that of the first witnesses for the faith. On our blood lies heavy guilt, the guilt of the unprofitable servant who is cast into outer darkness” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Dutch MP, Geert Wilders had this to say about his right to define and express his view of Islam:

 “I see Islam not as a religion, but as a totalitarian ideology—comparable to communism and fascism.
¿Don’t I have a right to say it
?” —Geert Wilders – Dutch MP


There is no doubt about it. Islamofascism is the new evil in this world. It is just like Nazism, only many times worse due to its religious covering with which it enshrouds itself serving as a front for a totalitarian, tyrannical, dictatorial and authoritarian governmental system. The persecution of Christians by Radical Islamists happening today is the same as Hitler’s persecution and extermination of the Jews and Christians more than 75 years ago. We should never be persecuted or killed for speaking and thinking, but we are. Now, instead of writing and printing, producing and filming, we are self-censoring our works around the world for terror and fear of being hunted down and assassinated. We are in fact accepting Islamic rule and Islamic law in our lives.

Bonhoeffer spoke of the dangers of being silent in times of tyranny. He said:

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.

—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

And also similar to Bonhoeffer, the brutal impact of communism in the Stalin regime left a deep scar on another defender of truth, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. This quote from his book The Gulag Archipelago echoes this.

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future.” —Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Like I said, as journalists, it is our duty for us to speak and type, and film and document what happens in this world. By not doing so, we are complicit by just sitting idly by in fear of repercussions for our actions when it is our lack of action that is condemning us.

Lastly, I ask everyone to ponder what Bonhoeffer asked to be remembered by before his execution with this:

This is the end — for me the beginning of life.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If ‘this is the end’ for me, then too, as Jesus Christ as my God, my Savior and the Holy Spirit as my witness, likewise, this will be, for me, ‘the beginning of life.’

God Speed! †

Alexander Backman
Investigative Journalist


Journalism and Freedom of Speech are being destroyed through Radical Islam. © Garrincha

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Notice Length of Video!!! ►3:16:21 (John 3:16 + 21 Christian Martyrs Beheaded for Christ (21=7+7+7) This video has been Sealed by God Himself!

(CRTV FEB 22, 2015)  A Joint Special Report on Counterterroism, Radical Islam, Terorrism, ISIS, Global Jihad, Shariah and Persecution of Christians and non-Christians Worldwide †

Presented by investigative journalist Alexander Backman.

MP3 FILE ► View details »  Download »

Language : English
Subtitles needed in Spanish, Korean,  (Please contact us to help us in subtitling this important video) Email: info@concienciaradio.com
DVD of this Video presentation is available.

POWERPOINT IN PDF OF THE SLIDES PRESENTED► christians_rise_feb222015_alexander_backman
This is a joint presentation of Conciencia Radio and VIVACRISTOJESUS.com Christian Ministry.

Please help us continue our work.
Support is well-received at:
Paypal: concienciaradio@prodigy.net.mx

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Radical Islam Section:
Terrorism Resources:
Quotes on Nuclear Terrorism:
Leave Islam Safely:
Global Jihad Watch:
Prepare for Domestic terrorism:


THE IRAN SOLUTION:  A Special Interview with Reza Kahlili


Woolwich London Terrorist Attack: A Sign of What the ISLAMization of the West Means to US, not THEM and How to Solve It

Jihad Watch

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handhDouglas Hagmann issues ‘cryptic’ comment on his show and relays Steve Quayle’s petition, while on-air, requesting support or intentions to hire a retired Navy Seal Officer, Army Ranger or member of the Special Ops community to contact him over an urgent matter.

By Alexander Backman https://alexanderbackman.wordpress.com Feb 19, 2015.

Abstract: Time to shed some light once more on Douglas Hagmann and Steve Quayle. This article is long and worth the read if you have time. In it, I share the recent ‘cryptic’ threats and innuendos that these alternative media personalities have now spewed out over their over-rated online radio show. Also, Quayle’s solicitation of men for hire that would be willing to do some ‘wet work’ for him is a clear sign that he is taking bold steps to imply he is in danger or he wishes to harm me or other fellow journalists that have exposed their made-up lies and fabrications about events that never transpired.

In all seriousness, this is getting dangerous and it requires your utmost attention. If you are interested, then by all means, get a cup of Joe or Earl Grey and read on.

On the Friday the 13th, 2015 show of the Hagmann and Hagmann Report which airs daily from 8:00-11:00pm EST over BlogTalkradio.com, the host, Douglas Hagmann enunciates a series of very ‘cryptic’ comments indirectly referring to me, Mexican investigative journalist Alexander Backman, and possibly to fellow journalists Marinka Peschmann and/or Michael Erevna.

I believe the reason why I am being indirectly threatened is for my publishing information in support of Peschmann and Erevna with regard to the ongoing lies that these independent journalists have recently exposed about Douglas Hagmann being SWATTED whereby, in their defense, one Stephen Quayle, alias ‘Steve Quayle’, owner of Renaissance Precious Metals in Bozeman Montana, supported their claim of the events transpired only to get caught red-handed. The diligent process of tracing back and trying to verify their claims of this so-called SWATTING by Peschmann led to her TRUTH BOMB. The facts are clear, no such SWATTING ever took place. Therefore, Douglas Hagmann and Steve Quayle lied. And that very fact is what they are defending at all costs. Not by counterclaiming the argument itself but by using a very well-known tactic of diversion. They decided to post a lengthy and insidious article that they happily boasted about ont heir show titled ‘Setting the Record Straight: Joint Response Addressing the Character Assassinations Underway’.

As a follow up to Marinka’s report Michael Erevna posted an article titled, ‘Hagmann/Quayle: Mo’ Lies Mo’ Money’. In an article titled Hagmann/Quayle: Revenge of the Money Changers! and in response to the diversionary Hagmann/Quayle post, Erevna then dissects the insidious and backstabbing counterpost against him by correctly refuting its lies one-by-one. Please read it.

I left some comments in Erevna’s article that probably more than ‘triggered’ Quayle and he, along with Douglas Hagmann, decided to continue spinning their web of lies only to deceive the people even further. Only this time, they got tangled in a mess that is spinning out of control for them. They know this. That is why they have responded the way they have.

Half-truths are not truths at all. However, if you repeat them long enough and frequently enough, they become truths within the psyche of the people hearing them. It is a science almost, it worked for Stalin and Hitler and Kim Jong-Il, Pol Pot and countless others with great success.

Quayle routinely appears on the Hagmann and Hagmann Radio Show and is key in a larger Steering Committee of men and women who have used Christianity for profit and exploited it by injecting fear, doom and gloom to the listeners instead of hope, truth and faith. These groups or cult groups are called Fear-Based Ministries. They feed off the people that they have injected their fear into, just like that spider biting Frodo in Lord of the Rings and paralyzing him in fear, immobilizing him and not allowing him to operate or lead a normal life. That is what I call the FEARS SYSTEM. FEARS is an acronym for Fear-porn Alert Reporting System.

Considering the Bible says FEAR NOT 365 times, one for every day of the year mind you. No. These men do the opposite. Just like Alex Jones and the rest of them. They instill FEAR into people. This has been going on for years. It started when they got on Coast to Coast with Art bell back in the day. Even before that.

As a side-note. This Alternative ‘Christian’ show, The Hagmann and Hagmann Report, is relayed also over the Christian United Broadcasting Service or CUBN for short in the United States.

Back to the story.

On February 18, 2015, I was contacted by a long-time listener of The Hagmann and Hagmann Report and victim who has woken up and been freed from their cobwebs of deceit. The worried party that emailed me—with a great sense of urgency I might add— warned me of what appears to be ‘cryptic’ threats to my person, Alexander Backman.

The worried party mentioned the following in one part of the email:

“More of Hag’s very thinly veiled threats or special mention.  He is like a Mafia thug.  This is meant to be intimidating to Mr. Backman or at least I would take it that way.”

I have been threatened many times before, over the phone, in person even, but never over the radio. You can read about some of them in the about section on my blog. I have nothing to hide.

Albeit I never listen to these manipulating, deceiving, narcissistically-driven men anymore, I had to give it a listen. What you will hear and read will astound you!

Right at the beginning of the show, at marker 00:01:55, Douglas Hagmann, father of Joe Hagmann, with whom he broadcasts the show, greets that ‘very special hello to a listener in Mexico and sends his ‘cryptic’ warning:

We have eyes on you sir.Douglas Hagmann

Here is the excerpt and transcript below. I typed out in ALL CAPS the places where Douglas Hagmann emphasizes or places more stress on CERTAIN KEY WORDS. This is one of his tells. Notice THAT when he speaks.

Click the Player to Listen to the excerpt.

Download MP3► http://alexanderbackman.com/threats/douglas_hagmann_cryptic_threat_listener_in_mexico_we_are_watching_you.mp3

Douglas Hagmann: “Welcome listeners from coast to coast and worldwide. This is the Hagmann and Hagmann Report for today. It’s Friday, February 13, 2015. I’m Doug Hagmann, cohost along with my son Joe Hagmann. Together, we are The Hagmann and Hagmann Report.

Folks, we have a great program for you TONIGHT. A lot of KEY, CRITICAL INFORMATION.

We are going to be talking about what is propelling the headlines, what’s important to focus upon AND WHAT IS NOT. AND THERE IS A WHOLE LOT OF STUFF THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT that is… that is saturating the news headlines. IT’S HIDING. IT’S REALLY (HECKLES) CRITICAL.

And.. uh… I gotta tell you. PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY TONIGHT. We gotta a lot of news.”

Wait, this is where it gets interesting. I am skipping to the point where he says it.

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “We broadcast live each and every weekday from eight to eleven PM Eastern Time. You can find us on the Internet at HOMELANDSECURITY[.com]… [SPLICE]”

Here it is:

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “The Hagmann and Hagmann Report dot com WANTS TO SAY A VEEERY SPEEECIAL HELLO, if you know what I mean, TO A LISTENER IN MÉXICO. [poignant and audible angry stress added to MÉXico].”

He then goes on to say the following:

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “Uh… eh… We have eyes ON YOU sir.”

It is more than obvious in the way he says it, that he is referring to me after I published my comments on Michael Everno’s articles. Who else would he be bullying like that on his show that lives in Mexico?

Sorry Douglas, I decided to never listen to your show after your son kicked me out of the chat room for questioning your errantly-flawed ‘pre-rapture’ cult-like beliefs.


But thanks for considering me as one of your listeners. Subconsciously, it means you are thinking about me. It might even mean you are in fear or feel threatened. Why? Are you hiding something that you or your team do not want revealed or uncovered? You could always come clean and accept that you lied to your audience making false claims that THE GOVT is out to get you.

I wonder, after all your lies, all those DHS Informant claims true? After all, they never really happen either, did they?

Following the creepy and hecklish greeting to me, Hagmann then links his indirect and incisive comment to me and starts thanking a woman called ‘Deborah’ or ‘Deborah O’ who lives in Canada, thanking her for her very special collaboration with him on certain very pressing matters.

Have a listen here

Download MP3http://alexanderbackman.com/threats/douglas_hagmann_cryptic_comment_deborah_o_in_canada.mp3

Transcript of this Excerpt:

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “Ah… uh… you know… I just want to say hello to Deborah O. I am not permitted to give any… her… ah… I do not have her permission you know but… she’s been such a God-send to us. Deborah, you know WHO you are. Thank you so much.

Here is where he says it.

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: You’ve really helped us out a lot with respect to WHAT YOU’RE DOING.

I know it sounds CRYPTIC but… uh… uh… from Canada.. THANK YOU SOOO VERY MUCH.

Why is this so ‘cryptic’? Crypto means to hide, conceal or encode, does it not? What is Douglas Hagmann hiding now that he needs to say on the air right after his creepy hecklish hyena-like greeting to ‘the listener in Mexico’?

Lastly, starting at 01:07:09 into the show—after the first break—Douglas Hagmann decides to relay another cryptic message. He is asking on behalf of Stephen Quayle, that any ‘Retired Navy Seal’, ‘Special Ops’ or ‘Army Ranger’ contact him. Hagmann, as we know, who has recently been scrutinized and exposed publicly for lying about being SWATTED is very repetitive but very adamant about Quayle’s ‘special requests’. That this former Government gun-for-hire be not affiliated with any government agency and as an additional requirement “seen action” or be “experienced”. Hagmann goes on to ask the potential candidates for the job to write to Steve for something special that they dare not announce over the air. What is that something special? Why so CRYPTO-TOP-SECRET all of a sudden? Is it maybe because they want to get rid of the people that are exposing their lies? There, I said it. After all, why issue such a petition on the air? What is Steve Quayle up to now? Is he hiring a hit man to take me out…to take Marinka Peschmann out… or to get rid of Michael Erevna?

Click Play to Listen to Excerpt►

Download MP3► http://alexanderbackman.com/threats/douglas_hagmann_cryptic_threat_steve_quayle_navy_seal_solictation_of_services_excerpt.mp3

Here is the Transcript of this request:

DOUGLASS HAGMANN:“Folks I do have an announcement of sorts.

When I was talking with Steve Quayle today, he asked me to mention this during the program… asked me to toss this out there.

If there are any retired special ops people, Navy Seals, anybody with experience in special operations who are not currently associated with the government… Have seen, or have a level of experience in special ops… Not a pencil pusher but actual boots on the ground experience….and have.. And have also.., and this is important… are also saved or have had a life changing transformation. If you are saved, genuinely saved by the blood of our savior…

Those are two requirements… three requirements.

Number one special ops… special operations or Navy seal type person, just retired not affiliated with any government or government agency.

Number two.. You have experience and…

Thirdly and perhaps even most importantly you have a relationship, an active relationship with, with our Lord and Savior .

If you meet those requirements and you…some have the ability and inclination to assist us in something we are not going to talk about over the air.

Please email Steve Quayle and in the subject line just put “Special Ops per H and H” “Special Ops per H and H”

Email it to Steve Quayle. Just go to stevequayle.com and just email it to him. You can find his email there.

Again we’re… Steve is looking for, specifically special ops or Navy Seal, Army Ranger or whatever… has seen action… no … has seen action, retired, not affiliated with the government… currently not affiliated with any government agency and is saved spiritually saved and follower of our Lord and Savior.   Please email Steve Quayle. In the subject line you just put “Special Ops or Former Special Ops per H and H”.

We really appreciate that thank you. Thank you very much. Where is… you know there is… thank you.   That is all I have to say to that.”

You have to admit. This is getting very strange indeed.

In counterintelligence one is trained in following and taking any threat seriously, even if 10% of the HUMINT (Human Intelligence) is real. In this case, the so-called ‘veiled threats’ are veiled and very ‘cryptic’ indeed. But anyone trained in the field of behavioral psychology can easily read between the lines and peer into the subconscious intentions of Douglas Hagman and Steve Quayle.

Although the latter was not on the air with ‘the Hags’ this time around, whenever he is, he is foul mouthed. I can only imagine him when he is not on the air with these ‘mafia thugs’ and ‘bullies!’

Really, it would not be bad to have a shrink have a listen to one of Quayle’s heavy-breathing rants that almost always berate, diminish and put down the audience with phrases like “What people fail to realize is…” or “Most of the people fail to understand that…” Almost like if he were the Overlord of the Airwaves.

Over the years, Quayle has become more and more aggressive in his stance, his tone and his forms of expression. You can clearly see this. In a regular show with ‘the Hags’, Quayle suddenly ‘flips’ back and forth from the I-know-it-all ‘you just sit down and shut up stupid’ mentality to a God-loving, Gospel-preaching man closing the show with a prayer. Almost unreal! While minutes before he just repeats the same demeaning and almost deafening psychobabble, he totally ‘flips’ from A to B.

The big question here is if- and this is a big if-, if Steve Quayle is of such a sound mind and is a champion for Jesus Christ and His Army in these End Times, why does he lie and cover for Douglas Hagmann, while at the same time he ‘unintendedly’ tries to swindle buyers of his gold and silver through his Precious Renaissance Metals company? Doesn’t he know what happens to ALL LIARS and THIEVES? It’s in Revelation 21:8.

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” —Revelation 21:8

Of course, there is always repentance, coming clean, accepting one’s unrighteous deeds, and having the precious Blood of Jesus at one’s disposal to cleanse away our sins. That, in itself, is a blessing beyond measure!

All I am doing is supporting and echoing Marinka Peschmann’s and Michael Erevna’s articles in exposing these individuals. It is all about exposing the LIES really. And how? By sharing the TRUTH. There is a saying, TRUTH BE TOLD. Well, it is being told. Right here and now.

I am following what Jesus Christ, my Commanding Officer asked me to do when he showed me His Bride infested with maggots. You can read it here in a post I did recently titled “VISION OF THE MAGGOT-INFESTED BRIDE”.

As Saint Agustine said:

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.“—Saint Agustine

If they, Douglas Hagmann and Quayle had nothing to hide, they would have already come clean and just accepted that there was no SWATTING effectuated against Douglas Hagmann in the first place. Instead, Quayle said such an event did take place when there is no official record of there being one. There is evidence of this in Marinka Peschmann’s exposé. And the conclusion of the whole matter is that THEY LIED TO THE AUDIENCE. THEY LIED TO THE PEOPLE FOR THEIR OWN REASONS: to maintain their pristine credibility, a facade in itself, and increase their profit margin.

What is clear now is that their ‘credibility’ is totally shot and their ‘pristine’ condition has become rather stale. It is gone. They have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar and the people have a right to know. What the public does with this information is up to them.

After all, the listeners of The Hagmanns always listen to their aggressive and horrid intro blasting into their minds the words, over and over again, “I WANT THE TRUTH” and with the words “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH’. Maybe it is THE HAGMANNS and QUAYLE that ‘can’t handle the Truth’ this time around.

All this, has become a media circus really. How these supposed men of Christ twist their lies and bizarre claims to hypnotize their audience into a three-hour vortex of mind-kontrol-like triggers and cryptic messages.

I am being told to take their threats seriously as these men do not toy round nor mince words. This worries me. Is Steve Quayle a dangerous man? Has he become a danger to society? Does the yet-to-be-confirmed fact that he had a Class 3 Federal Firearms License to bear and sell arms make him more dangerous? Does this License prove he worked for the Government? If so, doing what? Then again, maybe what makes him more dangerous is that he is willing to hire ex Navy Seals, Army Rangers or Spec Ops to carry out ‘special missions’ for him, or as so it is implied by the announcement he had Douglas Hagmann repeat on the mentioned episode.

What is also clear is the fact that this group of men have emboldened their stance in defense of their lies and are willing to take further steps to prevent that they are scrutinized more in depth. What is it they are hiding? Is there more to all of this than meets the eye?

True, the implied and ‘cryptic’ threats speak for themselves. They are, in themselves, dangerous and will only bury them more and more in the pit they have already ‘dug’ for themselves (pun intended). These threats are evidence and attest to the fact that they crossed a huge red line. To use a mass media outlet to communicate their intentions to possibly bring harm to Marinka Peschmann, Michael Erevna or myself, Alexander Backman, or at least imply it by wanting to hire former soldiers to conduct possible acts of violence is unheard of in ‘Christian’ radio. I ask you, is this normal behavior to you?

Also evident is that these men are conspiring with other parties and could be about to commit a crime. Who is this ‘Deborah’ in Canada? Why the solicitation of a former Spec Ops member? Soldiers know and are very well-trained to do one thing, KILL OTHER HUMAN BEINGS when they are told to. That is their job, their duty to follow orders and never question them. MERCs or mercenaries are different, they do not answer to anyone except they get the job done for the right price.

Is Steve Quayle and Douglas Hagmann conspiring to have someone killed? Either that or they are scared for what is being uncovered about them. I am told there is more. Much more.

Maybe these ‘veiled threats’ toward my person are just words. Maybe Steve is looking to hire a MERC as a bodyguard for him? Who knows really. Someone should ask him. His email, as Douglas stated, is on his site. For those that do not know it, it is steve777@stevequayle.com.

All I have to add is this in return to Douglass Hagmann and Steve Quayle:

‘We too, are watching you VERY CLOSELY.’

As a last note, from now on I am questioning everything that comes out of Steve Quayle Aaong with all the guys in their cult-like ‘Circle of Trust’, who really knows what these guys are anymore or what they are capable of. I bet there are some individuals out there that know a lot more about ‘their other deeds’ and are thinking about coming forward to keep exposing them along with their cohorts.

Dr. Elizabeth Mattke wrote to me from TRIBULATIONEWS.com. She wrote an article titled The Hagmanns’ Corrupt Behavior. Here is a brief quote on how they literally mind-control their audience:

  1. Stuttering- They do this to make you feel sorry for them.

  2. Overload of Information- They do this to confuse the masses.

  3. Repetition and Overemphasis of Words through Exaggeration and Lies.”

Then she advises about how the Hagmanns are dangerous:

“One former listener was so scared, that she put an electrical fence around her house because she thought her life was in danger from the Hagmanns. This is one of many listeners who have come out of their cult, who felt isolated and alone;”

This attests to the facts at hand. These red flags popping up all over the place say one thing: The Hagmann’s should not have a radio show and they are in fact a cult and Quayle is their leader.

All I ask of them, the affected parties, is to contact Marinka Peschamnn or Michael Erevna with their testimonies via their respective websites. It is time for the truth to come out. Wether we like it or not, this is about us THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, being made ready for the Great and Glorious Coming of Our Beloved, Bridegroom, King and Savior, Jesus Christ. †

That is all for now.


“The TRUTH War is a good fight.

So let’s wage good warfare-

For the Honor and Glory of

Our Lord, Our God, Our Savior,

Our One and Only Beloved,

Our Righteous King of kings,

Holy, Holy, Holy is He,
Jesus Christ.”


Full link to the Hagmann and Hagmann Show in question:

Full splice of files above:

Download MP3► http://alexanderbackman.com/threats/douglas_hagmann_cryptic_threat_steve_quayle_navy_seal_solictation_of_services_full.mp3

MUST WATCH► Pastor Eric Ludy, A Cult Leader’s Worst Nightmare

Eric Ludy – A Cult Leader’s Worst Nightmare from Ellerslie Mission Society on Vimeo.

This is a subject that most of us simply don’t want to face. But face it we must. For, if the saints lose their watchfulness and discernment, the enemy moves into the Church with speed and precision. This particular message is possibly one of the most important messages Eric Ludy has ever given. It took guts to give it and it will takes guts to listen to it. And may it be proven true that this message becomes a thorn in the side of every spiritual manipulator the world over.

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