Category Archives: End of Days


ALEXANDER BACKMAN interviews DR. PRESTON T BAILEY PhD for the 1st time ever! English Only Version.

Get his must-read book Spiritual Warfare, Defeating the Forces of Darkness at his site

Also visit for other interviews and prayers spiritually-tailored by Dr. Bailey himself.

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I cannot and will not stop voicing my opinion ont he insanity of these NAZIs int he White House, the Demorats and the Establishment about what PP (Planned Parenthood), the new SS, is doing. It gets worse and worse! Now, as Children of God’s Debbi Vinnedge illustrates, they are inducing the live birth of these soul-filled, God-breathed babies, dissecting them alive (vivisection) without anesthesia in order to procure their organs. Then, the just kill them off while they scream in agony unable to defend themselves. Deborah Nucatola and her whole staff are the New Nazis practicing Neonaticide! This has to stop! Fuck science! and I am sorry, I am angry!!! So angry by this… F**k Planned Parenthood and may they all burn in hell. God will cut them down, make no mistake about it! – Alexander Backman

Another Felony at Planned Parenthood Caught on Camera

Children of God for Life website:

Can a baby: Fetus Food for the Family

Related Episodes of Information Overload with Alexander Backman:

Dead Babies for Sale (Part I):
Dead Babies for Sale 2:
This is a video project called INFORMATION OVERLOAD with Investigative Journalist Alexander Backman. All hats are off! Alexander is going to rant away and throw all political-correctness where it belongs… in the toxic trash dump in Rome from where it first spawned.
Get ready for a daily dose of news and views from THE ELECTRO PRINTO INFO PRESS…
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VIDEO► Jupiter + Venus become Star of Bethlehem 06/30/2015

Are the signs of the times here? God surely has a way to show us His handiwork and speak to us through His glorious creation! On June 30, 2015, a spectacular conjunction of Venus and Jupiter happened beside Regulus; and on a Full Moon. What does this mean? This report will help the viewer come to grasp with the ultimate reality, Jesus is Coming back soon and with a vengeance. Make a way for the King, The King is Coming! Do not miss  this amazing lecture – OUTLOOK 2017 – Alexander Backman – Now Online + Full Edition

Watch Venus and Jupiter become ‘Star of Bethlehem’ tomorrow: Cosmic illusion will make planets appear to merge in night sky • This chance alignment of the two planets is very rare • Some claims similar alignment was responsible for Star of Bethlehem By Jonathan O’Callaghan for MailOnline

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Scientist ‘Muzzled’ about Incoming Solar System

  • Veteran scientist and Planet X supporter, James McCanney, has just shifted gears in the opposite direction saying that he does not see any ‘evidence’ of the existence of the infamous Planet X.

By Alexander Backman | Twitter: @crnalexander July 1st, 2015 –CR NEWS | CR NOTICIAS | CONCIENCIA RADIO—Mexico

“Leaks are coming out all over the place . . . Professional astronomers and military types are reporting that a mini-solar system is moving into our Solar System.”— Prof. James McCanney Get ready to be blown away! Not by a CAT5 hurricane or F5 tornado, but just as much. This is so massive that I had to report on it. My Video Commentary on the matter: James McCanney, a well-known scientist and owner of the site, has changed his mind regarding Planet X. Albeit, McCanney has been a strong advocate of the existence of an intersecting ‘mini solar system’ known as Planet X—now headed our way, and, as models predict, will wreak havoc on Earth within this generation—has now decided to go ‘cold turkey’ on the entire group of colleagues and body of independent researchers which have studied the incoming comet-like planetary object basing a lot of our work on his assessments and analysis. In spite there being a wealth of well-documented and historical evidence that Planet X is real, McCanney has simply ‘veered off course’ on national radio in an appearance on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley. To my amazement, on they day of this report, I received an email in my inbox from a fellow colleague and researcher, Sheldon Day on the matter. McCanney has made a fool of himself again folks. He was on the 3rd Hour of THE POWER HOUR radio show today with Joyce Riley claiming he sees “NO EVIDENCE” of PLANET X.

Here is the link to the show in question:

Updated  excerpt in question used under the Fair Use Act of 1976 on the basis of critique, research and commentary.

Well, please click links BELOW to listen to the OLD McCanney before the National Security Apparatus “muzzled” his precious Scientific mind !!!!–SHELDON My response to an email form Sheldon Day on this news is below: “You have got to be fricking kidding me!!! McCaney has been silenced? That means that either X is imminent or it will be a no-show. I rather believe the former considering that 3 volcanoes just blew their top in Asia, Burma, Java, Japan and now Helium releases have been detected under the Los Angeles Basin.”—Alexander Backman The evidence is clear that Planet X exists and is incoming! “The fact is that all government employees, especially those at NASA, are under strict gag orders not to tell the public of impending disaster (to prevent public panic).”—Scientist, James McCanney This quote above, from McCanney himself, explains how the scientific community is being silenced or ‘muzzled’ to prevent that the civilian populations of earth know about the threat while, at the same time, the rich and powerful men of the earth go hide in their subterranean end-of-the-world safe havens while we, on the surface, are left off to fend for ourselves as this wrecking ball wreaks bloody-hell on all of us. Evidence of censorship of scientists is abundant world-wide. And for those who do not comply and follow suit with the tyrannical fascist scientific dictatorship that pays their salaries, they are just ‘terminated’. Case in point, that has recently made the news, is of Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet, an autism researcher and alternative treatment developer, who appeared dead in a riverbed because he ‘committed suicide’ by a gunshot to the chest. Who commits suicide that way? A hillbilly maybe. Vincent Van Gogh, maybe. But a Medical professional? No! He was, as they say in the CIA, ‘waxed’. May I remind you that Dr. Bradstreet was totally against vaccines. Likewise, in my opinion, McCanney has been either bought off or threatened. Maybe his family has been threatened as well. We just don’t know what goes behind does evil blue doors at NASA and at that Lucifer Telescope that the Jesuits have in Arizona and which Tom Horn and Chris Putnam visit so much. Also, McCanney could be speaking under duress in the interview. Whatever it is, it just does not compute! If McCanney has been threatened, at his age, would he coward out this late in the game and follow-suit with the Powers That Be to go on Alternative Media and have the audacity to say that there is NO EVIDENCE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF PLANET X? I do not think so! Other senior astronomers, seismologists and scientists like Caros Muñoz Ferrada from Chile, have publicly warned of Planet X or ‘Hercolobus’—as it is termed in South America and Spain. At the end of this video interview, Muñoz says it all! Another possibility is that McCanney has been paid off some way? Maybe he has received one of those few and exclusive Ryholite color-coded passes known as Rex-84 that are only given to the ones that are in-the-known about the impending geophysical shift that is about to blindside us and who ingeniously think they are going to weather out the incoming monster by hiding in their ‘digs’ underground. I have personally met three Federal and Military employees that have these Hades-type CARDS. One told me that the Government is not going to save anyone, Another, told me that he/she would advise me when he/she received the order to go underground, giving us a few months, maybe weeks to expect the worse. And the last one said to me, that they would bring down the grid first, then go underground and we, on the surface, would be left off to fend for ourselves. Something does not check out here. It stinks to High Heaven! So-long McCanney. In our eyes, you are still a decent and highly-respected scientist. It appears that maybe you know something we do not know and, because of this foreknowledge, you have been either threatened to keep your mouth shut or have been paid off. After all, military astronomers are removed from the equation all the time when they decide to go public with the truth on Planet X. Steve Winwood, the guy who worked at CERN and the South Polar Telescope and other engineers like Phil Schneider and Thomas Castello come to mind. Maybe it is time for all of us researchers and investigative journalists to watch our backs more than ever. Here is a list of related links on McCanney and his Planet X assessments provided by Sheldon Day at THE LIGHT OF DAY RADIO SHOW. Please support his site! Subject: 1-9) Prof. McCanney: Planet X Menacing Gravitational Reel-In by Our Sun Parts 1-9) Prof. McCanney: Asteroid/Meteor Threat Approaching Click on players ► to listen ♫ to each excerpt or download via the links below.


Evidence that can neither be dismissed nor denied:

THE WASHINGTON POST front page: NASA Discovers the Long-Sought “Planet X”

In their 1983 WASHINGTON POST report, they tried to conceal the identity of this dwarf star, captured within the outer bounds of our Sun’s gravitational force field. They claimed, “We Don’t Know What It Is!” However, earlier that same year, they emphatically declared that they knew exactly what it was that they were launching their Infrared Astronomical Satellite to find: They announced that they were seeking “Planet X.” NASA, we are not stupid. We know that earlier you announced your space search for “Planet X,” even though you later feigned ignorance when you found precisely what you had announced you were seeking.

More Facts on Planet X

Earth Disasters Increase as Dwarf Star Approaches

Part 1) Prof. James McCanney: “Leaks are coming out all over the place revealing that ‘a mini-solar system is moving into our Solar System.’ You are on your own! Be prepared!” Part 2) The WASHINGTON POST: (Repeat from above) The U.S. Government’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (N.A.S.A.) excitedly announces the discovery of Planet X, which they then deceitfully call “a mystery body,” after previously calling this object “the long sought Planet X” eleven months earlier in a landmark NEW YORK TIMES report heralding the launch of N.A.S.A.’s Infrared Astronomical Satellite. N.A.S.A.’s I.R.A.S., they stated, was built and launched with the specific mission of sighting that infrared light-emitting brown dwarf star which Dr. Harrington and others called “Planet X.” Astronomers estimate brown dwarf stars to be as massive as one thousand Earth-masses, as a minimum estimation. JD Part 3) The NEW YORK TIMES: “Clues Get Warm in the Search for Planet X”: N.A.S.A. and other leading astronomers and astrophysicists proudly herald the launch of their Infrared Astronomical Satellite, and they declare that the purpose of this mission is to sight what they term, “the long sought Planet X.” JD Part 4) Late Night in the Midlands radio show, hosted by Michael Vara: Discussion of the New York Times report of a brown dwarf star (larger than Jupiter) declared to be so close that it is now a part of our Solar System.   JD Part 5) TruTV: Gov. Jesse Ventura at Cheyenne Mountain & Denver Airport in Colorado: HERE, WE SEE JUST ONE OF THE SECRET UNDERGROUND CITIES INTO WHICH THE RULING ELITE INTEND TO DESCEND BEFORE MAJOR EARTH DISASTERS STRIKE. JD Part 6) The DAILY MAIL, United Kingdom, April 8, 2015 . . . HEADLINE: “Why IS the US Military Moving Back into ‘Stargate’ Base Deep Under the Rocky Mountains a Decade After it was Abandoned? — Cheyenne Mountain Complex Being Refurbished by Pentagon” Part 7) Regarding these currently increasing Earth disasters, the late Pastor David J. Smith convinces us that God offers us hope of survival, both here-and-now, and eternally. Part 8) The NEW YORK TIMES: “Space Craft Launched to Detect Planet X” The Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 Space probes are launched to detect the gravitational pull from N.A.S.A.’s brown dwarf star named “Planet X”. Part 9) The third largest news magazine in the United States, U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, reports that N.A.S.A.’s Infrared Astronomical Satellite successfully sighted the brown dwarf star which was causing perturbations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, noticed since the early 1800s. This brown dwarf star had been named “Planet X” in 1910 by astronomer Percival Lowell, and N.A.S.A. had published a document in the late 1980s by Dr. Robert S. Harrington, chief astronomer of the United States Naval Observatory, titled: “The Search for Planet X.” Finally, the discovery of what The NEW YORK TIMES called, “the long sought Planet X” is herein reported in US News & World Report. Part 10) Kevin Smith introduces John DiNardo on the subject of the return of the dreaded ancient Nibiru, what N.A.S.A. calls “Planet X.” Part 11) John DiNardo interviews Mark Hazlewood, author of “DELICATE EARTH . . .” Part 12) Dr. Patricia Green’s ( inspired vision of a coming East Coast Tsunami is vital to all those living within miles of the entire east coast of the Americas, from near the Antarctic to near the Arctic. The high probability that an East Coast Tsunami will occur soon is a culminating scientific fact because:

  1. A) concerned geologists, Dr. Simon Day and Dr. Bill McGuire, areproving to us that the next mild to moderate eruption of the CumbreVieja volcanic mountain will likely slide the half-trillion tonwestern flank of the mountain into the East Atlantic Ocean. Now,scientists know that landslide-driven tsunamis are orders of magnitudegreater than the more common undersea earthquake-driven tsunamis;
  2. B) the following eleven evidentiary exhibits, constitute proof thatthis dwarf star is being reeled into our Solar System by our Sun’sgreat gravitational force field — and therefore, an East Coasttsunami of widespread annihilation is likely to occur in our near future.

Contrary to the spirit of fearful disregard, the spirit of cognitive dissidence — realizing this scientific fact now can save many lives later, through proactive planning. –John DiNardo Explain all this away Prof. McCanney!

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Alexander Backman’s first appearance on Liberation Nation, hosted by Rick Chicago on Revolution Radio on JUNE 16 2015.

Tune in next Tuesday at 1PM PST | 3PM CST | 4PM EST


Twitter: @crnalexander

Note: This video was uploaded in very low resolution disregarding quality of the video because it is a radio interview. Also, it was upload in such a low resolution for faster upload and download speeds.

Profr. Backman’s location is in a very remote region of Mexico and it has very limited Internet access including micromanaged bandwidth with a ridiculously poor upload speed.

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Incredible interview with Black Ops member and former US ARMY Sniper COL SC who relayed his most amazing experiences to Radio Host and Journalist Alexander Backman. SC worked at AREA 51 and at the DULCE NM facility.

Spanish Version available here:

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Notice Length of Video!!! ►3:16:21 (John 3:16 + 21 Christian Martyrs Beheaded for Christ (21=7+7+7) This video has been Sealed by God Himself!

(CRTV FEB 22, 2015)  A Joint Special Report on Counterterroism, Radical Islam, Terorrism, ISIS, Global Jihad, Shariah and Persecution of Christians and non-Christians Worldwide †

Presented by investigative journalist Alexander Backman.

MP3 FILE ► View details »  Download »

Language : English
Subtitles needed in Spanish, Korean,  (Please contact us to help us in subtitling this important video) Email:
DVD of this Video presentation is available.

POWERPOINT IN PDF OF THE SLIDES PRESENTED► christians_rise_feb222015_alexander_backman
This is a joint presentation of Conciencia Radio and Christian Ministry.

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THE IRAN SOLUTION:  A Special Interview with Reza Kahlili


Woolwich London Terrorist Attack: A Sign of What the ISLAMization of the West Means to US, not THEM and How to Solve It

Jihad Watch

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The days of compromising are over. You better get aligned. God is cleaning house.

Here is my response to a brother in Jesus after he asked me to retract my article about Rick Wiles from

I have no quarrel with you nor Mr Wiles. I just felt led to point out these things that I consider of grave importance due to the great responsibility that Mr. Wiles has with TRUNEWS. I used to listen to him regularly and started to sense that there was something else behind what his ‘humble’ enterprise represents.  I will not discuss this further.

I will remove any mention of Mr., Wiles form the article if he would just recognize and say publicly that the word Hallelujah is incorrect and is not even in the Bible. I mean, is it ok to you to have someone say Hail Lucifer in Hebrew all the time? It is like saying Heil Hitler and be in Jerusalem. If Mr., Wiles would truly reevaluate his ant biblical slur and see that he is in error and repent before Jesus and come out on his show and promote Alleluia. Also, if he would stop promoting the Hebrew Roots heresy by interviewing Mark Blitz and other pastors that have infiltrated Christianity and taken it hostage… For what purpose? Money!

I see a sick Israel, an assembly that is lacerated and wounded. A bride that is dying and believe me… Jesus does not want His Bride in such a condition of division He is angry and sad at the same time to see these things happening. He shew me in a vision, an open-eyed vision on Nov 11 2011 an incredible thing. He shew me the condition of His church. In the vision, I was standing in an operating room. Jesus Christ was standing behind me. There on the metallic table was a woman. She was a bride to be. She was unconscious laying there on the operating bed in the OR and the doctors began to sheer her dress open from the bottom up. The proceeded to open the dress and the girdle. Then they grabbed a scalpel and began to make a y incision from her neck down her sternum and further down to her womb. They then opened her up like a book! It was a gruesome sight to behold.

Then the medical team grinded into the sternum with a circular saw. I cringed when I saw that. I would not turned around as Jesus asked me to watch this entire event to unfold. I respect Our Father in all He asks of me. How dare we question Him! Then the Doctors opened her ribcage up and to each side, like a book again! It was amazing to see. That is when Jesus wanted me to see and get closer. Watch now! He said! See now! This is what has happened to my bride. Tell them that I will come soon to salvage this. Tell them what you saw!

What I saw was something so horrible! I saw that the bride’s organs were infested with white larvae. These were maggots. I mean millions of them eating away at her! It was like a swarm of insects crawling inside her. She was infected and pus could be seen. The smell of the infection inside her was more than evident. I saw them then turn into flies. Jesus showed me that this is what is happening to His church, His assembly of saints. The church is infested with lies and false Christians.

Jesus told me that He is getting ready to amputate her limbs. That He does not want to do this but will have to if the current condition of His bride stays on the same course it has taken up to now. He showed me that He is willing to save His church from total annihilation and ordered me and showed me how to begin the cleansing process of His bride. He gave me a glass of water. This water was blessed indeed! The most beautiful water I have ever seen! It shone like nothing of this world! It was almost golden like in appearance. It shimmered and glittered. It was pristine and pure. I could only imagine its power! I mean, coming from the hand of Jesus. It had to be. Then he asked me to pour the water onto the open-body of His dying bride. The white maggots still swirled in an unending flesh-feeding frenzy as I began to pure the Glory Water. That is what I call it. The water began to kill off the infestation and the infection as I poured it over her entire insides. Then I heard Him say. Go and tell them!

That is all. All this happened to me in an open-eyed vision as I was walking and praying asking Him counsel about the condition of the church. As you might imagine, I returned after the walk around the block to speak before and audience of 1 thousand people from all denominations in Mexico City.  And I shared with them what had just happened to me. It shook them to the core. That is when I knew that Jesus had chosen me to begin this healing process.

The glass of Holy Water that will cure the church from the maggot infestation that has currently over-taken her is TRUTH. Pure and unadulterated TRUTH. To say things like they are. To point out who the wolves in sheep’s clothing are. All for the saints of God and to stop anyone who is trying to deceive them by exposing their lies!

Is Churchianity today filled with just maggots waiting to be transformed into flies? There have to be some good sheep left…

I hope that clears up why I have written some articles against my fellow brothers. It is TRUTH and even though it hurts… Guess what Daniel… it heals…

I do not want us to lose our friendship by any means. Please tell Mr. Wiles that I am sorry if I have offended him in anyway.

May the TRUTH replenish us all in Jesus’ Holy Name.

In His army,

Alexander Backman †

Time to clean up the Bride… the wedding is  close and the Bridegroom is coming!

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By Alexander Backman

CRN®-FEB-05-2013- I am having a series of dreams in sequence that lay out a prophecy that is to come. I am in Israel walking in a dried up riverbed. This riverbed is all beautiful tan-colored sand. As I enter the Riverbed from the North -the riverbed runs from east to west- I see on my left how these sharp-edged bones start coming out of the ground. They rapidly and sharply start thrusting out of the sand. Simply, I am amazed at this.  I begin to see skulls, not normal skulls though, elongated strangely-formed with what appears to be almond-shaped eye-sockets. They are awesome in size and incredible to behold. I begin to see the torsoes of these skeletons fill the riverbed. the riverbed was very wide, maybe 500 meters wide. The air was dry and the environment wwas very arid, and spiritually-void. Evil is present.

In the recurrent dream I am then transported to a cobblestone street in an old part of a city. I am contacted by a woman who wishes to interview me on important matters regarding NASA and the European Space Agency.  It has to do with an imminent non-earthly threat to Earth.

After the interview, I exit the office where it took place and as I came back out again on the sidewalk where this cobble-stone street is, I see the façade of this building or structure made up of pure black stones of great size. Similar to volcano rocks. They were jagged and completely black. As I observe and contemplate the wall of this property I clearly see 2 logos of a pentagon with two hands over the top that were joined together at the base of the thumbs and canopying over the top part of the pentagon. They were very well-made and finished in highlights, the edges that is, of bronze. They were bronze plaques painted black and just the edges made of shiny bronze.

I am told in the dream by the Holy Spirit resounding in my heart that these are the dark elements responsible for what is to come upon the Earth soon. I am told that these elements belong to a very dark group that uses this Pentagon Emblem with two hands joined at the base of the thumbs while serving as an umbrella of the Pentagon which they worship and enshrine themselves in.

The bones are a representation of the Ezekiel 37 prophecy coming into fruition and the inevitable start of World War Three as detailed in Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, Isaiah 9:10 and the Gog-Magog War detailed in Ezekiel 38 and 39.

I would not be writing this unless I felt in my soul that it might serve a purpose for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ King of Kings Creator of the Universe and All. May He Come Quickly!

In His Army!

Rak Chasak! Joel 1:7

Alexander Backman

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