Category Archives: plot


Terrorist Alert issued for September 11th 2015 by CONCIENCIA RADIO and CR NEWS. A comprehensive analysis of the clear and present threat that I.S.I.S. now represents to the United States at home and abroad, in Mexico and in Europe.

Exclusive! I.S.I.S. Map of its operations in Ciudad Juarez Mexico from where they are planning heavy military attacks against American Military Bases across the Border in Texas.


“Alahu Akbar” motto on Public Transport in Veracruz Mexico
We urge any government agency or party to contact this outlet for more information.

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TERROR ALERT IN EFFECT FOR 9/11/2015 Comprehensive Report by CR NEWS with Alexander Backman

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Notice Length of Video!!! ►3:16:21 (John 3:16 + 21 Christian Martyrs Beheaded for Christ (21=7+7+7) This video has been Sealed by God Himself!

(CRTV FEB 22, 2015)  A Joint Special Report on Counterterroism, Radical Islam, Terorrism, ISIS, Global Jihad, Shariah and Persecution of Christians and non-Christians Worldwide †

Presented by investigative journalist Alexander Backman.

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THE IRAN SOLUTION:  A Special Interview with Reza Kahlili


Woolwich London Terrorist Attack: A Sign of What the ISLAMization of the West Means to US, not THEM and How to Solve It

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handhDouglas Hagmann issues ‘cryptic’ comment on his show and relays Steve Quayle’s petition, while on-air, requesting support or intentions to hire a retired Navy Seal Officer, Army Ranger or member of the Special Ops community to contact him over an urgent matter.

By Alexander Backman Feb 19, 2015.

Abstract: Time to shed some light once more on Douglas Hagmann and Steve Quayle. This article is long and worth the read if you have time. In it, I share the recent ‘cryptic’ threats and innuendos that these alternative media personalities have now spewed out over their over-rated online radio show. Also, Quayle’s solicitation of men for hire that would be willing to do some ‘wet work’ for him is a clear sign that he is taking bold steps to imply he is in danger or he wishes to harm me or other fellow journalists that have exposed their made-up lies and fabrications about events that never transpired.

In all seriousness, this is getting dangerous and it requires your utmost attention. If you are interested, then by all means, get a cup of Joe or Earl Grey and read on.

On the Friday the 13th, 2015 show of the Hagmann and Hagmann Report which airs daily from 8:00-11:00pm EST over, the host, Douglas Hagmann enunciates a series of very ‘cryptic’ comments indirectly referring to me, Mexican investigative journalist Alexander Backman, and possibly to fellow journalists Marinka Peschmann and/or Michael Erevna.

I believe the reason why I am being indirectly threatened is for my publishing information in support of Peschmann and Erevna with regard to the ongoing lies that these independent journalists have recently exposed about Douglas Hagmann being SWATTED whereby, in their defense, one Stephen Quayle, alias ‘Steve Quayle’, owner of Renaissance Precious Metals in Bozeman Montana, supported their claim of the events transpired only to get caught red-handed. The diligent process of tracing back and trying to verify their claims of this so-called SWATTING by Peschmann led to her TRUTH BOMB. The facts are clear, no such SWATTING ever took place. Therefore, Douglas Hagmann and Steve Quayle lied. And that very fact is what they are defending at all costs. Not by counterclaiming the argument itself but by using a very well-known tactic of diversion. They decided to post a lengthy and insidious article that they happily boasted about ont heir show titled ‘Setting the Record Straight: Joint Response Addressing the Character Assassinations Underway’.

As a follow up to Marinka’s report Michael Erevna posted an article titled, ‘Hagmann/Quayle: Mo’ Lies Mo’ Money’. In an article titled Hagmann/Quayle: Revenge of the Money Changers! and in response to the diversionary Hagmann/Quayle post, Erevna then dissects the insidious and backstabbing counterpost against him by correctly refuting its lies one-by-one. Please read it.

I left some comments in Erevna’s article that probably more than ‘triggered’ Quayle and he, along with Douglas Hagmann, decided to continue spinning their web of lies only to deceive the people even further. Only this time, they got tangled in a mess that is spinning out of control for them. They know this. That is why they have responded the way they have.

Half-truths are not truths at all. However, if you repeat them long enough and frequently enough, they become truths within the psyche of the people hearing them. It is a science almost, it worked for Stalin and Hitler and Kim Jong-Il, Pol Pot and countless others with great success.

Quayle routinely appears on the Hagmann and Hagmann Radio Show and is key in a larger Steering Committee of men and women who have used Christianity for profit and exploited it by injecting fear, doom and gloom to the listeners instead of hope, truth and faith. These groups or cult groups are called Fear-Based Ministries. They feed off the people that they have injected their fear into, just like that spider biting Frodo in Lord of the Rings and paralyzing him in fear, immobilizing him and not allowing him to operate or lead a normal life. That is what I call the FEARS SYSTEM. FEARS is an acronym for Fear-porn Alert Reporting System.

Considering the Bible says FEAR NOT 365 times, one for every day of the year mind you. No. These men do the opposite. Just like Alex Jones and the rest of them. They instill FEAR into people. This has been going on for years. It started when they got on Coast to Coast with Art bell back in the day. Even before that.

As a side-note. This Alternative ‘Christian’ show, The Hagmann and Hagmann Report, is relayed also over the Christian United Broadcasting Service or CUBN for short in the United States.

Back to the story.

On February 18, 2015, I was contacted by a long-time listener of The Hagmann and Hagmann Report and victim who has woken up and been freed from their cobwebs of deceit. The worried party that emailed me—with a great sense of urgency I might add— warned me of what appears to be ‘cryptic’ threats to my person, Alexander Backman.

The worried party mentioned the following in one part of the email:

“More of Hag’s very thinly veiled threats or special mention.  He is like a Mafia thug.  This is meant to be intimidating to Mr. Backman or at least I would take it that way.”

I have been threatened many times before, over the phone, in person even, but never over the radio. You can read about some of them in the about section on my blog. I have nothing to hide.

Albeit I never listen to these manipulating, deceiving, narcissistically-driven men anymore, I had to give it a listen. What you will hear and read will astound you!

Right at the beginning of the show, at marker 00:01:55, Douglas Hagmann, father of Joe Hagmann, with whom he broadcasts the show, greets that ‘very special hello to a listener in Mexico and sends his ‘cryptic’ warning:

We have eyes on you sir.Douglas Hagmann

Here is the excerpt and transcript below. I typed out in ALL CAPS the places where Douglas Hagmann emphasizes or places more stress on CERTAIN KEY WORDS. This is one of his tells. Notice THAT when he speaks.

Click the Player to Listen to the excerpt.

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Douglas Hagmann: “Welcome listeners from coast to coast and worldwide. This is the Hagmann and Hagmann Report for today. It’s Friday, February 13, 2015. I’m Doug Hagmann, cohost along with my son Joe Hagmann. Together, we are The Hagmann and Hagmann Report.

Folks, we have a great program for you TONIGHT. A lot of KEY, CRITICAL INFORMATION.

We are going to be talking about what is propelling the headlines, what’s important to focus upon AND WHAT IS NOT. AND THERE IS A WHOLE LOT OF STUFF THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT that is… that is saturating the news headlines. IT’S HIDING. IT’S REALLY (HECKLES) CRITICAL.

And.. uh… I gotta tell you. PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY TONIGHT. We gotta a lot of news.”

Wait, this is where it gets interesting. I am skipping to the point where he says it.

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “We broadcast live each and every weekday from eight to eleven PM Eastern Time. You can find us on the Internet at HOMELANDSECURITY[.com]… [SPLICE]”

Here it is:

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “The Hagmann and Hagmann Report dot com WANTS TO SAY A VEEERY SPEEECIAL HELLO, if you know what I mean, TO A LISTENER IN MÉXICO. [poignant and audible angry stress added to MÉXico].”

He then goes on to say the following:

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “Uh… eh… We have eyes ON YOU sir.”

It is more than obvious in the way he says it, that he is referring to me after I published my comments on Michael Everno’s articles. Who else would he be bullying like that on his show that lives in Mexico?

Sorry Douglas, I decided to never listen to your show after your son kicked me out of the chat room for questioning your errantly-flawed ‘pre-rapture’ cult-like beliefs.


But thanks for considering me as one of your listeners. Subconsciously, it means you are thinking about me. It might even mean you are in fear or feel threatened. Why? Are you hiding something that you or your team do not want revealed or uncovered? You could always come clean and accept that you lied to your audience making false claims that THE GOVT is out to get you.

I wonder, after all your lies, all those DHS Informant claims true? After all, they never really happen either, did they?

Following the creepy and hecklish greeting to me, Hagmann then links his indirect and incisive comment to me and starts thanking a woman called ‘Deborah’ or ‘Deborah O’ who lives in Canada, thanking her for her very special collaboration with him on certain very pressing matters.

Have a listen here

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Transcript of this Excerpt:

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “Ah… uh… you know… I just want to say hello to Deborah O. I am not permitted to give any… her… ah… I do not have her permission you know but… she’s been such a God-send to us. Deborah, you know WHO you are. Thank you so much.

Here is where he says it.

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: You’ve really helped us out a lot with respect to WHAT YOU’RE DOING.

I know it sounds CRYPTIC but… uh… uh… from Canada.. THANK YOU SOOO VERY MUCH.

Why is this so ‘cryptic’? Crypto means to hide, conceal or encode, does it not? What is Douglas Hagmann hiding now that he needs to say on the air right after his creepy hecklish hyena-like greeting to ‘the listener in Mexico’?

Lastly, starting at 01:07:09 into the show—after the first break—Douglas Hagmann decides to relay another cryptic message. He is asking on behalf of Stephen Quayle, that any ‘Retired Navy Seal’, ‘Special Ops’ or ‘Army Ranger’ contact him. Hagmann, as we know, who has recently been scrutinized and exposed publicly for lying about being SWATTED is very repetitive but very adamant about Quayle’s ‘special requests’. That this former Government gun-for-hire be not affiliated with any government agency and as an additional requirement “seen action” or be “experienced”. Hagmann goes on to ask the potential candidates for the job to write to Steve for something special that they dare not announce over the air. What is that something special? Why so CRYPTO-TOP-SECRET all of a sudden? Is it maybe because they want to get rid of the people that are exposing their lies? There, I said it. After all, why issue such a petition on the air? What is Steve Quayle up to now? Is he hiring a hit man to take me out…to take Marinka Peschmann out… or to get rid of Michael Erevna?

Click Play to Listen to Excerpt►

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Here is the Transcript of this request:

DOUGLASS HAGMANN:“Folks I do have an announcement of sorts.

When I was talking with Steve Quayle today, he asked me to mention this during the program… asked me to toss this out there.

If there are any retired special ops people, Navy Seals, anybody with experience in special operations who are not currently associated with the government… Have seen, or have a level of experience in special ops… Not a pencil pusher but actual boots on the ground experience….and have.. And have also.., and this is important… are also saved or have had a life changing transformation. If you are saved, genuinely saved by the blood of our savior…

Those are two requirements… three requirements.

Number one special ops… special operations or Navy seal type person, just retired not affiliated with any government or government agency.

Number two.. You have experience and…

Thirdly and perhaps even most importantly you have a relationship, an active relationship with, with our Lord and Savior .

If you meet those requirements and you…some have the ability and inclination to assist us in something we are not going to talk about over the air.

Please email Steve Quayle and in the subject line just put “Special Ops per H and H” “Special Ops per H and H”

Email it to Steve Quayle. Just go to and just email it to him. You can find his email there.

Again we’re… Steve is looking for, specifically special ops or Navy Seal, Army Ranger or whatever… has seen action… no … has seen action, retired, not affiliated with the government… currently not affiliated with any government agency and is saved spiritually saved and follower of our Lord and Savior.   Please email Steve Quayle. In the subject line you just put “Special Ops or Former Special Ops per H and H”.

We really appreciate that thank you. Thank you very much. Where is… you know there is… thank you.   That is all I have to say to that.”

You have to admit. This is getting very strange indeed.

In counterintelligence one is trained in following and taking any threat seriously, even if 10% of the HUMINT (Human Intelligence) is real. In this case, the so-called ‘veiled threats’ are veiled and very ‘cryptic’ indeed. But anyone trained in the field of behavioral psychology can easily read between the lines and peer into the subconscious intentions of Douglas Hagman and Steve Quayle.

Although the latter was not on the air with ‘the Hags’ this time around, whenever he is, he is foul mouthed. I can only imagine him when he is not on the air with these ‘mafia thugs’ and ‘bullies!’

Really, it would not be bad to have a shrink have a listen to one of Quayle’s heavy-breathing rants that almost always berate, diminish and put down the audience with phrases like “What people fail to realize is…” or “Most of the people fail to understand that…” Almost like if he were the Overlord of the Airwaves.

Over the years, Quayle has become more and more aggressive in his stance, his tone and his forms of expression. You can clearly see this. In a regular show with ‘the Hags’, Quayle suddenly ‘flips’ back and forth from the I-know-it-all ‘you just sit down and shut up stupid’ mentality to a God-loving, Gospel-preaching man closing the show with a prayer. Almost unreal! While minutes before he just repeats the same demeaning and almost deafening psychobabble, he totally ‘flips’ from A to B.

The big question here is if- and this is a big if-, if Steve Quayle is of such a sound mind and is a champion for Jesus Christ and His Army in these End Times, why does he lie and cover for Douglas Hagmann, while at the same time he ‘unintendedly’ tries to swindle buyers of his gold and silver through his Precious Renaissance Metals company? Doesn’t he know what happens to ALL LIARS and THIEVES? It’s in Revelation 21:8.

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” —Revelation 21:8

Of course, there is always repentance, coming clean, accepting one’s unrighteous deeds, and having the precious Blood of Jesus at one’s disposal to cleanse away our sins. That, in itself, is a blessing beyond measure!

All I am doing is supporting and echoing Marinka Peschmann’s and Michael Erevna’s articles in exposing these individuals. It is all about exposing the LIES really. And how? By sharing the TRUTH. There is a saying, TRUTH BE TOLD. Well, it is being told. Right here and now.

I am following what Jesus Christ, my Commanding Officer asked me to do when he showed me His Bride infested with maggots. You can read it here in a post I did recently titled “VISION OF THE MAGGOT-INFESTED BRIDE”.

As Saint Agustine said:

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.“—Saint Agustine

If they, Douglas Hagmann and Quayle had nothing to hide, they would have already come clean and just accepted that there was no SWATTING effectuated against Douglas Hagmann in the first place. Instead, Quayle said such an event did take place when there is no official record of there being one. There is evidence of this in Marinka Peschmann’s exposé. And the conclusion of the whole matter is that THEY LIED TO THE AUDIENCE. THEY LIED TO THE PEOPLE FOR THEIR OWN REASONS: to maintain their pristine credibility, a facade in itself, and increase their profit margin.

What is clear now is that their ‘credibility’ is totally shot and their ‘pristine’ condition has become rather stale. It is gone. They have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar and the people have a right to know. What the public does with this information is up to them.

After all, the listeners of The Hagmanns always listen to their aggressive and horrid intro blasting into their minds the words, over and over again, “I WANT THE TRUTH” and with the words “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH’. Maybe it is THE HAGMANNS and QUAYLE that ‘can’t handle the Truth’ this time around.

All this, has become a media circus really. How these supposed men of Christ twist their lies and bizarre claims to hypnotize their audience into a three-hour vortex of mind-kontrol-like triggers and cryptic messages.

I am being told to take their threats seriously as these men do not toy round nor mince words. This worries me. Is Steve Quayle a dangerous man? Has he become a danger to society? Does the yet-to-be-confirmed fact that he had a Class 3 Federal Firearms License to bear and sell arms make him more dangerous? Does this License prove he worked for the Government? If so, doing what? Then again, maybe what makes him more dangerous is that he is willing to hire ex Navy Seals, Army Rangers or Spec Ops to carry out ‘special missions’ for him, or as so it is implied by the announcement he had Douglas Hagmann repeat on the mentioned episode.

What is also clear is the fact that this group of men have emboldened their stance in defense of their lies and are willing to take further steps to prevent that they are scrutinized more in depth. What is it they are hiding? Is there more to all of this than meets the eye?

True, the implied and ‘cryptic’ threats speak for themselves. They are, in themselves, dangerous and will only bury them more and more in the pit they have already ‘dug’ for themselves (pun intended). These threats are evidence and attest to the fact that they crossed a huge red line. To use a mass media outlet to communicate their intentions to possibly bring harm to Marinka Peschmann, Michael Erevna or myself, Alexander Backman, or at least imply it by wanting to hire former soldiers to conduct possible acts of violence is unheard of in ‘Christian’ radio. I ask you, is this normal behavior to you?

Also evident is that these men are conspiring with other parties and could be about to commit a crime. Who is this ‘Deborah’ in Canada? Why the solicitation of a former Spec Ops member? Soldiers know and are very well-trained to do one thing, KILL OTHER HUMAN BEINGS when they are told to. That is their job, their duty to follow orders and never question them. MERCs or mercenaries are different, they do not answer to anyone except they get the job done for the right price.

Is Steve Quayle and Douglas Hagmann conspiring to have someone killed? Either that or they are scared for what is being uncovered about them. I am told there is more. Much more.

Maybe these ‘veiled threats’ toward my person are just words. Maybe Steve is looking to hire a MERC as a bodyguard for him? Who knows really. Someone should ask him. His email, as Douglas stated, is on his site. For those that do not know it, it is

All I have to add is this in return to Douglass Hagmann and Steve Quayle:

‘We too, are watching you VERY CLOSELY.’

As a last note, from now on I am questioning everything that comes out of Steve Quayle Aaong with all the guys in their cult-like ‘Circle of Trust’, who really knows what these guys are anymore or what they are capable of. I bet there are some individuals out there that know a lot more about ‘their other deeds’ and are thinking about coming forward to keep exposing them along with their cohorts.

Dr. Elizabeth Mattke wrote to me from She wrote an article titled The Hagmanns’ Corrupt Behavior. Here is a brief quote on how they literally mind-control their audience:

  1. Stuttering- They do this to make you feel sorry for them.

  2. Overload of Information- They do this to confuse the masses.

  3. Repetition and Overemphasis of Words through Exaggeration and Lies.”

Then she advises about how the Hagmanns are dangerous:

“One former listener was so scared, that she put an electrical fence around her house because she thought her life was in danger from the Hagmanns. This is one of many listeners who have come out of their cult, who felt isolated and alone;”

This attests to the facts at hand. These red flags popping up all over the place say one thing: The Hagmann’s should not have a radio show and they are in fact a cult and Quayle is their leader.

All I ask of them, the affected parties, is to contact Marinka Peschamnn or Michael Erevna with their testimonies via their respective websites. It is time for the truth to come out. Wether we like it or not, this is about us THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, being made ready for the Great and Glorious Coming of Our Beloved, Bridegroom, King and Savior, Jesus Christ. †

That is all for now.


“The TRUTH War is a good fight.

So let’s wage good warfare-

For the Honor and Glory of

Our Lord, Our God, Our Savior,

Our One and Only Beloved,

Our Righteous King of kings,

Holy, Holy, Holy is He,
Jesus Christ.”


Full link to the Hagmann and Hagmann Show in question:

Full splice of files above:

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MUST WATCH► Pastor Eric Ludy, A Cult Leader’s Worst Nightmare

Eric Ludy – A Cult Leader’s Worst Nightmare from Ellerslie Mission Society on Vimeo.

This is a subject that most of us simply don’t want to face. But face it we must. For, if the saints lose their watchfulness and discernment, the enemy moves into the Church with speed and precision. This particular message is possibly one of the most important messages Eric Ludy has ever given. It took guts to give it and it will takes guts to listen to it. And may it be proven true that this message becomes a thorn in the side of every spiritual manipulator the world over.

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By Alexander Backman

CRN®-MAY 10, 2013—I interviewed University Professor and expert on counter-terrorism and Homeland Security, Paddy Boylan. The topic, ISLAM: Defining the Enemy, the way it should be defined. No more wishy-washy politically-correct lingo. An amazing interview with a very knowledgeable man who knows Islam and the Qur-an very well.

Paddy Boylan is a very knowledgeable man when it comes to counter-terrorism and the way Islam thinks and operates. He even developed a Bachelors program in Homeland Security validating the need for this course of study in our country after 9/11.

To that effect, Boylan has worked closely with elements in higher education facilities and government to develop and implement a comprehensive Safety and Emergency Plan for Universities.

He is an expert on terrorism trends, threat analysis, open source research, presentations in understanding the threat we face today.

Boylan has trained and lectured around the country privately to organizations, the military and law enforcement agencies. He is also the founder of the Center for Strategic Analysis (CSA- ) where he serves as the President and CEO.

Boylan holds a Master’s degree in the file of Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management, and also a Master’s degree in Higher Education/Higher Education Administration.

Defining the Enemy

Who can we define the enemy better than Boylan? Few can.

ISLAM is not a religion of peace. Islam is not even a religion. It is a system. It is submission by definition. A totalitarian system on oppression and control without any regard toward human rights. George Orwell and all the New World Orderists would relish to have such a system brought upon the world. Maybe that is why they are financing and allowing it to thrive and infiltrate and seep through into western culture.

ISLAM permits atrocitites in the name of its Moon Goddess, Allah. Walid Shoebat makes it clear in this article. I am just quoting an article here. No need to take offense.

Quoting the heading ‘What ISLAM is NOT’ from the Stop the Islamization of the World website ( under its section on the Qur’an, it defines it perfectly. Boylan and I concur on this much more appropriate definition of Islam:

“Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.” What Islam is Not, Stop the Islamization of the World

This video debate where radical islamist Anjem Choudary discusses Jabhat Al-Nusra’s pledge to Al-Qaeda. The debate makes clear that the CIA-sponsored Al Qaeda and al-Nusra fronts in Syria are being financed by the West with the true goal of a unifying the Ummah or One Islam. It serves as evidence that the terrorist are extending the Jihad at a global level. The globalists are financing the very enemy that wants to destroy Christianity and any other form of spiritual belief systems, be it Buddhist, Jewish or Hindu, Islam is intolerant.

A little insight and photographic proof of what these CIA Arab Spring fronts are bringin in Syiria is the killing of Syrian babies. (Warning> Graphic content, be advised.)

Multiculturalism and any form of tolerance toward Islam has to go out the window. This is what is bringing Europe and de Anglo-Saxon to its knees. Islamic law, Shariah, must never be allowed into our western society. It is urgent that countermeasures be taken at all levels of government. From Chile to Canada, this multifaceted jihad must be curtailed by strong legislations that disavowed it and reprove it.

Moreover, the Bible should be brought back to the pulpits and the schools. Ever since Hitler took it out during World War II, and it became a standard in the West, our so-called secular position on religious tolerance has brought only division and unholy ventures that has left us wandering as a minority and not a strong, God-fearing, Jesus-believing society.

It is time to stand up and not be ashamed to preach the Gospel of Salvation to all in our nations. It is time to rise for Christ Jesus and Occupy till He comes!

Urgent and constant prayers should be our exercise and focus as the battles for our very existence draw nigh.

From one Islamphobic to another, it is us that stand up and speak out that are making a difference in bringing awareness to the dumbfounded, mind-controlled and manipulated societies of the West. Time to Wake Up!

And no. I am not excusing what Israel has done to the region either. For God’s sake! Netanyahu just nuked Syria! No? Go here and here read up on the Depleted Uranium bombs and the death of tens of thousands not 55 as is being reported. War kills! Period! War is death and destruction! Who wins! Only one side, the Dark Side of course. But ultimately, the Light shall overcome the darkness when jesus comes and starts some serious and needed ‘soul-whooping’.

This will surely not be the last interview I have with Professor Boylan. We have much to learn about our common enemy and little time to do so.

God be with us always.

Related links mentioned in the interview:

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Plane from Phoenix evacuated on arrival at Seattle-Tacoma airport

Threats increasing. In just a week, 4 planes were at risk… See below.
 Please expect an update on THE TERRORIST THREAT TIME-TICKING BOMB when I interview Reza Kahlili for a third time.

Two planes have been evacuated on arrival at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport due to what a spokesman called a “security concern.”A JetBlue flight from Long Beach, CA, and a regional Skywest jet from Phoenix were the planes involved. The flights arrived late Sunday afternoon, airport spokesman Perry Cooper said. Read More This story comes to us via […]

This story comes to us via Homeland Security – National Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America’s trusted source for homeland security news and information.

Source► Plane from Phoenix evacuated on arrival at Seattle-Tacoma airport

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By Alexander Backman

Video Report>

CR NEWS-Mexico, Sep 7 2014- The following exclusive images were taken at a busy shopping mall close to the US-MEXICO border. The man in the picture was there observing and speaking via radio or mobile phone for more than 30 minutes passing information to another party.

The images were taken at 4:45pm on Saturday September 6, 2014 and sent to CR NEWS.

We make them available as part of our CT effort to prevent any attacks or criminal activity along the US-MEXICO border.

ISIS_suspect_sep_06_2014_1 ISIS_suspect_sep_06_2014_2 ISIS_suspect_sep_06_2014_3 ISIS_suspect_sep_06_2014_4

The man in the picture was there observing and speaking via radio or mobile phone for more than 30 minutes passing information to another party.

He might have been passing on information as to the coming and goings of shoppers, selecting perhaps a target for a kidnapping or even worse, to conduct a terrorist attack.

The shopping mall where this man was seen and detected is highly visited by Americans that live south of the border.

The man was standing less than 50 feet away from one of the main entrances to Walmart, a store that has been mentioned in terrorist chatter as a possible target for a series of terrorist plots being planned by Al Qaeda against the United States and its interests abroad since 2008.

We suggest the viewer conduct a search on ‘Al Qaeda’s U.S. Railroad, Wal-Mart plotsto know more about how Hispanic-Americans are being actively recruited and radicalized by Al Qaeda and now ISIS.

The man is talking on a radio or mobile phone.

His attitude is highly suspicious.

Earpiece is visible in left ear as he speaks to his accomplice(s).

The man is wearing a backpack hanging from his right shoulder.

What stood out from this particular individual was his prominent beard. The beard seems Islamic and one that Muslims grow in service for their cause and Jihad.

The beard is grown in obedience to Mohammed, who also grew a beard.

Example of Muslim with Beard

Nadal Malik Hasan-Fort Hood Shooter

Notice the beard again. From this angle, there is little doubt that this man is influenced by Islam ideology.


Who is this man?

Why is he scoping out a Walmart full of American tourists?

Is he part of a terrorist plot?

Is he part of ISIS?

Is this photographic evidence proof that radical Islamists are operating and gathering intelligence on US investments south of the border?

Are they planning an attack against Americans and Westerners at Walmart locations south of the border?


Close to 1,000 Radical Islamists are crossing the border into the United States illegally every month.

Mexico is being used by radicals as a staging ground to conduct terrorist attacks against the US as has been proven many times.

Many of these attacks have been stopped without any reporting on behalf of the media.


  • 11 Airliners go missing in Libya a week before 9/11, is a repeat in the works?
  • Border War between Cartels Imminent?

By Alexander Backman

CRN News- CR NOTICIAS- Mexico- Sep 3, 2014- On September 1s7 2014, right after the explosion at the Mexican Government Customs Office located in Piedras Negras Coahuila, the high-conflict border town on the border with adjoining Eagle Pass, Texas, that left one woman dead and at least eight gravely injured, our embedded correspondent has informed CR NEWS that according to an intelligence report from the Local and State Police, a top-level Cartel Summit just took place there.

In spite the fact that media sources questioned the Military Commander in the North Region, General Francisco Juan Avoites Guerra, that such a high-profile meeting had taken place in Piedras Negras, he along with State and Local authorities denied that they had received intelligence reports before the meet to place. According to this report, a NEW SUPER CARTEL has been formed.

Although denied by the Military and Federal Police, at the Narco Summit, cartels expect the Sinaloa Cartel have joined forces in order to create a Super Cartel with worldwide ramifications. It seems that it is not only an Islamic Caliphate that is en vogue, the mass unification of military forces to enforce terrorism against the West. Now, it seems, that Criminal Organizations are uniting to form a massive insurgent army across on the border.

CR NEWS informed its listeners in 2012 that the purpose of Operation Fast and Furious was to arm the Cartels to the teeth for an upcoming mega war between the Obama-CIA-controlled Sinaloa Cartel and the new multi-cartel coalition.

What is clear, is that a war on the border is imminent and the presence of Middle Eastern radical forces that are working along with the cartels only makes things worse. The weak policies in Washington have helped make the border with Mexico as a staging ground for war.

Recent threats of ISIS’ presence at Ciudad Juarez, Al QAEDA’s Inspire Magazine asking for car bombs to be used in the United States, terrorists using social media to promote such attacks, and the threat of an EMP device and Nuclear Terrorism is making the current border crisis unsafe for citizens on both sides.

The threat only worsens after Intelligence Agencies have failed to pinpoint the true location of flight MH370 of Malaysia Airlines that disappeared earlier this year. Military experts warn that this airplane, a Boeing 777, could me retrofitted and armed and used as a Weapon of Mass Destruction against the West.

In addition to this threat, on September 2nd, it was announced that Libya has fallen into a failed state status and is controlled now by Radical Islamic groups that have raised their ISIS Black Flag of Terror on the US Embassy in Tripoli. All this as a result of Obama and Hillary Clinton’s Arab Spring fiascoes and their stubborn Communist and Pro Islamic worldview. Egypt and Libya are clear examples of this failed foreign policy.

Worse even is the fact that Tripoli’s main airport has been secured by the terrorist group in power and that at least 11 airliners have been reported missing all in one week of the 13th commemoration of 9/11. Analysts fear that these airplanes could be used for future attacks as well.

I can only imagine the worst scenario. Libya is right across the Mediterranean. Imagine a plane filled with explosives hitting Madrid or Barcelona or another hitting The Louvre and another one crashing into the London Parliament. All in a matter of hours and at the same time the US getting hit with Mumbai-style attacks and car bombs in its cities or its interests abroad.

Mind you the humanitarian border crisis whereby the US Government has been helping to transport illegal immigrants en masse, some whose health is not the very best, can be defined as a Fifth Column attack against the United States as some have suggested.

The US border is wide open and these open access points are being exploited by all types of people and groups; from drug traffickers, to human traffickers, from illegal immigrants to radical Islamists that are ready to take their violent jihad to the US homeland.

Someone pointed out to us that maybe the Russian troops seen conducting different checkpoints on the Mexican side of the border at Piedras Negras could be in fact Chechen terrorists who also speak Russian and are radical Muslims as well. We are getting close to interview a person who came into direct contact with the unfirmed Russian-speaking soldiers. Information will be available as it develops.



By Alexander Backman /

(CR NEWS-MEXICO) July 30, 2014—The picture below is not of a one-eyed happy face. The image below is a dire warning to us all!  If you are a Christian or a Nazarene,—a termed used my Muslims that refers to born-again Christians—in Syria and Iraq, make no mistake about it, the worse-than-Nazi covertly-funded Islamic caliphate known as ISIS is marking homes of Christians across the Levant. Just like the Nazis marked the homes of people to be taken to the extermination camps in Poland during World War Two, ISIS is an epitome of such events.

The image below is the character ن (n) which stands for Nasrānī (Christian).


This report by Ted and Walid Shoebat is clearly another confirmation of the times we are living in. It shows very rare footage of what ISIS is doing in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS just released a video showing what they claim are Iraq’s Army POWs captured by ISIS, driven away in truck loads and then shot them all dead. The video caption stated that there were 1,500 individuals. The video shows their end being shot at point blank in several horrific mass slaughters reminiscent to what we see during Nazi Germany. The young teens begged for their lives as they were made to curse Al-Maliki but to no avail while they were forced to chant “long live the Muslim nation”. were the first to discover the video.”

The video is graphic and prophetically-driven. Mainly because Muslims believe that they are in The End Times just as we Christians do too. And we are!

According to Islamic prophecy, the final battle at Dabiq, a small town north of Aleppo in northern Syria, requires that the Romans (Christians) land in Syria to fight the Islamic Terrorist State (ISIS). In the GRAPHIC VIDEO that is translated by, one of the few Christian organizations that is truly working to get persecuted Christians in these war-torn nations out of harm’s way, the voice sends a warning that we should all take head:


“After the men were executed and tossed in the river the voice goes to say,  ‘Here was the spark ignited in Iraq. It will arise Allah willing until they burn the armies of the cross in Dabiq’

It is worth to mention that ISIS just came out with its glossy End-Times Islamic magazine called DABIQ. What should surprise us is why Christians in the West are not protesting and vociferously speaking out against these evil regimes popping up all over the planet after Obama came into power n the US. From the Color Revolutions or Clinton-sponsored Arab Springs, to the new Al Qaeda multinational army now called ISIS—thanks to Benghazi—, we have our work ‘cut out’ for us, pun intended.

More on this Muslim End-Time scenario which involves the Return of Isa (Jesus Christ) to help them in the great battle against the Romans according to their distorted understanding and interpretation of ‘prophecy’ can be read here and here where Jack Smith explains it for us End-Times Saints.

Now with the borders left wide open, and ammunition being denied to US Customs and ICE personnel under the shadow of the Gestappo-like agency known as DHS, word-of-mouth and official sources now confirm that ISIS’ terrorists are crossing freely into the US via the Sonora-Arizona region and probably Baja California-California sector as well.

A sister in Christ, P, wrote to me on what she feels this sudden spur of illegal aliens being purposefully imported into the US through Obama-controlled Federal agencies. Here is what she said to me in an email today.


“My take on the illegal tsunami is that is a well-planned event to install yet another Fifth Column. I call it Obama’s Army. We the People (the 47%) are the targets.”

She is right on the money. The US is experiencing a Fifth Column attack as we speak. Many in fact. From Spetnaz operating on US soil and reported in multiple spots in the US to a little Russian girl spilling the beans on why and what her daddy is doing in the US, ‘He’s here to shoot Americans.’ As a confirmation, just recently, one of our correspondents in the border-torn region between Coahuila and Monterrey Mexico, that’s the Texas region for you Americans, reported seeing Russians in military uniform. They were even wearing hats with a red band on them. They were military. More on this story to come.

One thing is for sure, all things are mounting up! It is unraveling faster and faster. From rumors of a looming economic collapse of the Dollar which prophetically is provable mathematically just as Johnathan Cahn demonstrates in his excellent book The Harbinger and DVD The Isaiah 9:10 Effect. Cahn relates that the 29 of the month of Elul of the year 5775 of the Hebrew lunar calendar is a key date that has to do with the Shemitah, a 7-year cycle of economic cleansing. We are about to enter the third cycle. The first was in 2001, then on 2008 where the Dow lost exactly 7.777%. This video sums it up nicely. And as with all axiomatic, 100%, always -correct Bible prophecy, Jesus Christ seals all events under His command with His hand using sequences of not three, not four but up to 7 sevens. Proof of this is that 29 of Elul 5775 is the day when the US economy will default on 15 September, 2015, on the very day of a partial solar eclipse, just as Cahn shows. I for one believe this as true prophecy.



V The Guerilla Economist


Know these things before you go on believing the pseudo-Christian commie-fed agents like V the Guerrilla Economist when he says that a Four-Star General told him this or that about the US and its demise. V the Guerrilla Economist, who hides behind this mystic façade, ‘sounds like Benjamin Fulford’ as some say on the forums. When I visited his site Rogue Money, I noticed right-off-the-bat his two-headed masonic 33rd degree insignia. Russian Crest adorns his Rogue Money website. This is NOT a Christian symbol but a symbol of the Egyptian god MENDES: as in the Goat of Mendes. Read more on the double-headed Phoenix here. And how it ties into Russia rising in the world almost without any anticommunists (Christians) opposing him. Steve Quayle supports him. I wonder why? The Hagmans support him and have him continually on their show. I wonder why? Why support a man who does not give his name, hides his identity, and herald’s Lucifer on his website? Why?

V says the General told him that there is a plan to bring America down to its knees by 2017. Read the transcript here. What he says might be so, but still, is it credible INTEL?

The children and illegals that are crossing into the US en-masse, as Zack Taylor mentions in this excellent video, is a ruse to keep the citizens of the United States busy –while Alex Jones keeps blowing his 1776 bullhorn vowing for revenge against the ‘Globalists’ while he sells his Chiapas-made 1776 ‘American’ coffee— while the CIA-trained soldiers of Al-Qaeda keep entering for what will probably end up being a new era in transnational terrorism where simultaneous attacks are in their final stages to kill Americans and tourists in shopping malls and commercial centers like we say at the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi Kenya on September 21 2013 where Islamic terrorists killed 67 innocent people. At least that is what we are being told.

What is to come is exactly as Reza Kahlili warned back in 2013 when I interviewed him right after the Boston Bombings, that Al-Qaeda is planning such attacks in the US. But others, piggy-back this INTEL and make it their own and suddenly get all the credit as the raid the alternative media outlets with their warnings.


I am talking about the Pink-pagoda man known as Jim Garrow—if that is his real name—who recently posted on his Facebook page of Kenya-style Al-Qaeda-inspired attacks that would happen this last week of July, 2014 in shopping malls across the USA. The question is, is this Dr. Jim Garrow credible and trustworthy? I mean, he appears on Alex Jones and other ALTMEDIA giants across the board.

After some digging with colleagues and fellow researchers as well as input from real sources in the INTELCOMM, Jim Garrow is not what he says he is. Jim Garrow is really a scam artist and liar.


His Pink Pagoda program of rescuing 24,000 girls in China has already been questioned (read here). He boasts that his protector in China is Communist President Hu Jintao. I found this interesting Anonymous comment from the link I am referring to. It says:


“Anonymous: I do have documents supporting much of Garrow’s story. For example, Garrow was professionally censored in 2002 (at that time he was a teacher in the Upper Canada School District) for “abusing students physically, sexually, verbally, psychologically or emotionally.” He was suspended and fined.”

In fact, the Ontario College of Teachers does have a sheet on the here where he was in fact disciplined but does not say why. Read here.

Another thing is that the Pink pagoda program is really a front of the Bethune Institute. Not very Christian at all by looking at the Red Dragon on their logo. Official site here. The state:

“Pink Pagoda is the charitable arm of the Bethune Institute. Its sole purpose is to save baby girl from infanticide in the Peoples Republic of China. Due to China’s one child policy, some parents in unfortunately choose to murder their baby girl to make way for a boy to carry on their name. It is in response to this failed policy that we formed Pink Pagoda. To date we have saved over 26 000 baby girls and for our efforts, were nominated for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. For more information on Pink Pagoda click here.

I found the book by Garrow at and the review comments are very interesting to say the least.


A five-minute search on any search engine will reveal that Garrow’s supposed Ph.D. in Divinity from the North Carolina College of Theology can be easily purchased for about $2700 dollars from a fake University running a diploma mill that supposedly is based in North Carolina but is actually in New Jersey. Once you cough up the money, they will gladly give you your Ph.D. or Doctorate Degree saving you 5 years at least of study and research for your thesis. Or should I say a “LIFE-EARNED DEGREE”. I quote their site:

For Life Earned Experience
I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself and the “Life-Earned Experience” Doctoral degrees offered by North Carolina College of Theology. NCCT looks forward to honoring God’s faithful servants with the degrees that so many truly deserve. North Carolina College of Theology is a Bible College. To receive “Life-Earned Experience Degrees,” you must meet the following requirements:”


  • Minimum of fifteen years of full-time ministry experience This experience serves as your educational background  information if you do not have a formal education

  • We Do Not SELL Degrees

Many pastors, missionaries, and church workers have earned their degrees and should have them. NCCT is accredited by Southern Accreditation Association of Christian Schools and Colleges; American Association of Theological Institutions; and American Accrediting Education Association of Christian Schools. I look forward to talking to you about your lifelong full-time service and your Doctoral degree.
Contact us today and allow us to help you receive your degree for your “Life-Earned” service… you deserve it!

All three accreditation organizations are listed as “unrecognized higher education accreditation organizations” on Wikipedia…rganizations#S /…_International


Noteworthy is the fact that “IAC was caught in a sting operation by Missouri assistant attorney general Eric Vieth. They accredited an obvious diploma mill and were subsequently charged with fraud.[2] IAC was ordered to cease operation in the state of Missouri but reappeared in Beebe, accrediting the same institutions as previously…”

But wait! There is more. Why write a Doctoral thesis when you can be pardoned from such laborious and tedious work! The diploma mill that ‘Dr.’ John Garrow used even waives the obligation of you presenting your thesis before the board. Evidence of this can be found here. This exposé on Garrow by the Leaving Alex Jonestown blog sums in better detail than what I included herein.

Also, let me remind you that there have been convictions for this very crime. Here is one I found on a post here:

“Doctor” Irving Fryar Indicted

Irving Fryar, a long-time wide receiver for the University of Nebraska and the NFL, was indicted today for a mortgage scam he conducted with his mom.

“Doctor” Fryar received a doctorate from the North Carolina College of Theology, a fake school that claims fake accreditation. It sells doctorates for life experience (and cash). Fryar took his fake doctorate and opened up his own school–or so it was claimed. I can’t see any real evidence of the school (Burlington County College of Theology).

All of that activity didn’t get him into trouble–thanks, North Carolina! But scheming to obtain multiple mortgages on the same property is apparently against some silly law. Who knew? (Allegedly, the school is in New Jersey, but it isn’t. And it isn’t on the state’s list of religious schools.)

The guy played 17 seasons in the modern NFL. And he needs to steal from people who are absolutely not going to tolerate it? Wow.

Did you know there are laws against you saying you are CIA or FBI officer when you are not? You can go to jail for this. Evidence of this is found here. Who is protecting Garrow? What ‘special interests’ are behind him and does the ALTMEDIA know who they are inviting on their shows and giving free publicity to? Does highly respected journalist and acquaintance of mine Jim Corsi at World Net Daily know that Garrow is a scam artist? Probably not. But he still is endorsing Garrow and his book here. Here is a screenshot:


Why would Corsi, an expert in exposing fake certificates like the Executive in Chief’s, be endorsing this fallacy of a man like Garrow? Unless… he never wrote and Garrow copy-pasted from somewhere else in his grandiose delusions and used Corsi’s name instead! I mean. Corsi does have a Ph.D. too, but that one is legit, unlike Garrow’s.

Wait There is more. Garrow was a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, like if that were a title in itself! Lucky for Garrow that the Nobel Committee keeps the nominations private for at least 50 years, almost like Obama’s birth certificate!

Looks like we all have been, as the say in the Illuminati, ‘hoodwinked’ by a man who uses his wits and fake degrees to spread more lies or disinfo. I bet Garrow is more Communist than American, if he even is American. Hell! Maybe he is Canadian for all I know!

Welcome to the world of controlled-opposition and disinformation. We have the Russians to thank for that.

It is sad that the public believes and ‘toots the horn’ of Jim Garrow, who possesses a fake Ph.D. and who boasts being a former-intelligence officer without providing any proof nor credentials. His LINKED-IN profile is here. It is terrible to see Vietnam Vet John Moore, Dr. Dave Janda, Alex Jones who is definitely being indirectly ‘handled’ by the Russians as a controlled opposition force only fueling and spear-heading a Civil War in America, a war of provocation being ignited by the Communist back in Moscow. Many other alternative media broadcasters, radio hosts are supporting a man that is a fraud and soothsayer: a man who bought his Doctorate Degree for $ 2750 dollars from a non-existing University but at least we know he has a GED, right and some ministerial experience, right

Pure and simple. Jim Garrow is guilty of fraud and deception and should be exposed for what he is and you are being duped America.


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Suspicious North Korean freighter Mu Do Bong ran aground, Gulf of Mexico

Posted on July 16, 2014, 2:02 am

North Korean general cargo vessel Mu Du Bong grounded off Mexican port of Tuxpan, Gulf of Mexico, on July 14, reported Reuters. Officials said refloating may take several days. Vessel in ballast was to call Tuxpan port, presumably for taking shipment of sugar, as Tuxpan is one of the main Mexico’s sugar export ports. Such a trivial accident attracted a lot of attention from major media, because the behaviour of North Korean is similar to that of another North Korean freighter, caught with arms on board by Panama authorities last year. Some 240 tons of Cuban weapons and military gear were found hidden under 220,000 of sacks of sugar in holds of Chong Chon Gang. Mu Du Bong left Havana on July 10, according to AIS.
General cargo vessel Mu Du Bong, IMO 8328197, dwt 9851, built 1983, flag North Korea, manager TAEDONGGANG SONBAK CO LTD, Pyongyang

North Korean Ship Tests the Waters Near America’s Shores

It’s not often that North Korean-flagged freighters turn up near America’s shores, but when they do, they deserve attention. North Korea has a prolific record of arms smuggling, narcotics dealing, counterfeiting, terrorist ties and missile and nuclear proliferation. So, let’s hope U.S. authorities are keeping a close eye on a North Korean cargo ship called the Mu Du Bong, which late last month called at Cuba, then vanished from the commercial shipping grid for more than a week. This past Thursday, July 10, the Mu Du Bong reappeared at Havana, then began steaming north of Cuba, and as of this writing is cruising the Gulf of Mexico, not all that far from the Mexican port of Tampico — or for that matter, the coast of Texas.

The Mu Du Bong’s mission could be entirely legitimate. But its behavior bears some disturbing similarities to last year’s voyage of another North Korean freighter, the Chong Chon Gang, which last summer sailed into the Caribbean, picked up an illicit load of weapons in Cuba, and got caught trying to smuggle its cargo through the Panama Canal.