handhDouglas Hagmann issues ‘cryptic’ comment on his show and relays Steve Quayle’s petition, while on-air, requesting support or intentions to hire a retired Navy Seal Officer, Army Ranger or member of the Special Ops community to contact him over an urgent matter.

By Alexander Backman Feb 19, 2015.

Abstract: Time to shed some light once more on Douglas Hagmann and Steve Quayle. This article is long and worth the read if you have time. In it, I share the recent ‘cryptic’ threats and innuendos that these alternative media personalities have now spewed out over their over-rated online radio show. Also, Quayle’s solicitation of men for hire that would be willing to do some ‘wet work’ for him is a clear sign that he is taking bold steps to imply he is in danger or he wishes to harm me or other fellow journalists that have exposed their made-up lies and fabrications about events that never transpired.

In all seriousness, this is getting dangerous and it requires your utmost attention. If you are interested, then by all means, get a cup of Joe or Earl Grey and read on.

On the Friday the 13th, 2015 show of the Hagmann and Hagmann Report which airs daily from 8:00-11:00pm EST over, the host, Douglas Hagmann enunciates a series of very ‘cryptic’ comments indirectly referring to me, Mexican investigative journalist Alexander Backman, and possibly to fellow journalists Marinka Peschmann and/or Michael Erevna.

I believe the reason why I am being indirectly threatened is for my publishing information in support of Peschmann and Erevna with regard to the ongoing lies that these independent journalists have recently exposed about Douglas Hagmann being SWATTED whereby, in their defense, one Stephen Quayle, alias ‘Steve Quayle’, owner of Renaissance Precious Metals in Bozeman Montana, supported their claim of the events transpired only to get caught red-handed. The diligent process of tracing back and trying to verify their claims of this so-called SWATTING by Peschmann led to her TRUTH BOMB. The facts are clear, no such SWATTING ever took place. Therefore, Douglas Hagmann and Steve Quayle lied. And that very fact is what they are defending at all costs. Not by counterclaiming the argument itself but by using a very well-known tactic of diversion. They decided to post a lengthy and insidious article that they happily boasted about ont heir show titled ‘Setting the Record Straight: Joint Response Addressing the Character Assassinations Underway’.

As a follow up to Marinka’s report Michael Erevna posted an article titled, ‘Hagmann/Quayle: Mo’ Lies Mo’ Money’. In an article titled Hagmann/Quayle: Revenge of the Money Changers! and in response to the diversionary Hagmann/Quayle post, Erevna then dissects the insidious and backstabbing counterpost against him by correctly refuting its lies one-by-one. Please read it.

I left some comments in Erevna’s article that probably more than ‘triggered’ Quayle and he, along with Douglas Hagmann, decided to continue spinning their web of lies only to deceive the people even further. Only this time, they got tangled in a mess that is spinning out of control for them. They know this. That is why they have responded the way they have.

Half-truths are not truths at all. However, if you repeat them long enough and frequently enough, they become truths within the psyche of the people hearing them. It is a science almost, it worked for Stalin and Hitler and Kim Jong-Il, Pol Pot and countless others with great success.

Quayle routinely appears on the Hagmann and Hagmann Radio Show and is key in a larger Steering Committee of men and women who have used Christianity for profit and exploited it by injecting fear, doom and gloom to the listeners instead of hope, truth and faith. These groups or cult groups are called Fear-Based Ministries. They feed off the people that they have injected their fear into, just like that spider biting Frodo in Lord of the Rings and paralyzing him in fear, immobilizing him and not allowing him to operate or lead a normal life. That is what I call the FEARS SYSTEM. FEARS is an acronym for Fear-porn Alert Reporting System.

Considering the Bible says FEAR NOT 365 times, one for every day of the year mind you. No. These men do the opposite. Just like Alex Jones and the rest of them. They instill FEAR into people. This has been going on for years. It started when they got on Coast to Coast with Art bell back in the day. Even before that.

As a side-note. This Alternative ‘Christian’ show, The Hagmann and Hagmann Report, is relayed also over the Christian United Broadcasting Service or CUBN for short in the United States.

Back to the story.

On February 18, 2015, I was contacted by a long-time listener of The Hagmann and Hagmann Report and victim who has woken up and been freed from their cobwebs of deceit. The worried party that emailed me—with a great sense of urgency I might add— warned me of what appears to be ‘cryptic’ threats to my person, Alexander Backman.

The worried party mentioned the following in one part of the email:

“More of Hag’s very thinly veiled threats or special mention.  He is like a Mafia thug.  This is meant to be intimidating to Mr. Backman or at least I would take it that way.”

I have been threatened many times before, over the phone, in person even, but never over the radio. You can read about some of them in the about section on my blog. I have nothing to hide.

Albeit I never listen to these manipulating, deceiving, narcissistically-driven men anymore, I had to give it a listen. What you will hear and read will astound you!

Right at the beginning of the show, at marker 00:01:55, Douglas Hagmann, father of Joe Hagmann, with whom he broadcasts the show, greets that ‘very special hello to a listener in Mexico and sends his ‘cryptic’ warning:

We have eyes on you sir.Douglas Hagmann

Here is the excerpt and transcript below. I typed out in ALL CAPS the places where Douglas Hagmann emphasizes or places more stress on CERTAIN KEY WORDS. This is one of his tells. Notice THAT when he speaks.

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Douglas Hagmann: “Welcome listeners from coast to coast and worldwide. This is the Hagmann and Hagmann Report for today. It’s Friday, February 13, 2015. I’m Doug Hagmann, cohost along with my son Joe Hagmann. Together, we are The Hagmann and Hagmann Report.

Folks, we have a great program for you TONIGHT. A lot of KEY, CRITICAL INFORMATION.

We are going to be talking about what is propelling the headlines, what’s important to focus upon AND WHAT IS NOT. AND THERE IS A WHOLE LOT OF STUFF THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT that is… that is saturating the news headlines. IT’S HIDING. IT’S REALLY (HECKLES) CRITICAL.

And.. uh… I gotta tell you. PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY TONIGHT. We gotta a lot of news.”

Wait, this is where it gets interesting. I am skipping to the point where he says it.

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “We broadcast live each and every weekday from eight to eleven PM Eastern Time. You can find us on the Internet at HOMELANDSECURITY[.com]… [SPLICE]”

Here it is:

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “The Hagmann and Hagmann Report dot com WANTS TO SAY A VEEERY SPEEECIAL HELLO, if you know what I mean, TO A LISTENER IN MÉXICO. [poignant and audible angry stress added to MÉXico].”

He then goes on to say the following:

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “Uh… eh… We have eyes ON YOU sir.”

It is more than obvious in the way he says it, that he is referring to me after I published my comments on Michael Everno’s articles. Who else would he be bullying like that on his show that lives in Mexico?

Sorry Douglas, I decided to never listen to your show after your son kicked me out of the chat room for questioning your errantly-flawed ‘pre-rapture’ cult-like beliefs.


But thanks for considering me as one of your listeners. Subconsciously, it means you are thinking about me. It might even mean you are in fear or feel threatened. Why? Are you hiding something that you or your team do not want revealed or uncovered? You could always come clean and accept that you lied to your audience making false claims that THE GOVT is out to get you.

I wonder, after all your lies, all those DHS Informant claims true? After all, they never really happen either, did they?

Following the creepy and hecklish greeting to me, Hagmann then links his indirect and incisive comment to me and starts thanking a woman called ‘Deborah’ or ‘Deborah O’ who lives in Canada, thanking her for her very special collaboration with him on certain very pressing matters.

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Transcript of this Excerpt:

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: “Ah… uh… you know… I just want to say hello to Deborah O. I am not permitted to give any… her… ah… I do not have her permission you know but… she’s been such a God-send to us. Deborah, you know WHO you are. Thank you so much.

Here is where he says it.

DOUGLAS HAGMANN: You’ve really helped us out a lot with respect to WHAT YOU’RE DOING.

I know it sounds CRYPTIC but… uh… uh… from Canada.. THANK YOU SOOO VERY MUCH.

Why is this so ‘cryptic’? Crypto means to hide, conceal or encode, does it not? What is Douglas Hagmann hiding now that he needs to say on the air right after his creepy hecklish hyena-like greeting to ‘the listener in Mexico’?

Lastly, starting at 01:07:09 into the show—after the first break—Douglas Hagmann decides to relay another cryptic message. He is asking on behalf of Stephen Quayle, that any ‘Retired Navy Seal’, ‘Special Ops’ or ‘Army Ranger’ contact him. Hagmann, as we know, who has recently been scrutinized and exposed publicly for lying about being SWATTED is very repetitive but very adamant about Quayle’s ‘special requests’. That this former Government gun-for-hire be not affiliated with any government agency and as an additional requirement “seen action” or be “experienced”. Hagmann goes on to ask the potential candidates for the job to write to Steve for something special that they dare not announce over the air. What is that something special? Why so CRYPTO-TOP-SECRET all of a sudden? Is it maybe because they want to get rid of the people that are exposing their lies? There, I said it. After all, why issue such a petition on the air? What is Steve Quayle up to now? Is he hiring a hit man to take me out…to take Marinka Peschmann out… or to get rid of Michael Erevna?

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Here is the Transcript of this request:

DOUGLASS HAGMANN:“Folks I do have an announcement of sorts.

When I was talking with Steve Quayle today, he asked me to mention this during the program… asked me to toss this out there.

If there are any retired special ops people, Navy Seals, anybody with experience in special operations who are not currently associated with the government… Have seen, or have a level of experience in special ops… Not a pencil pusher but actual boots on the ground experience….and have.. And have also.., and this is important… are also saved or have had a life changing transformation. If you are saved, genuinely saved by the blood of our savior…

Those are two requirements… three requirements.

Number one special ops… special operations or Navy seal type person, just retired not affiliated with any government or government agency.

Number two.. You have experience and…

Thirdly and perhaps even most importantly you have a relationship, an active relationship with, with our Lord and Savior .

If you meet those requirements and you…some have the ability and inclination to assist us in something we are not going to talk about over the air.

Please email Steve Quayle and in the subject line just put “Special Ops per H and H” “Special Ops per H and H”

Email it to Steve Quayle. Just go to and just email it to him. You can find his email there.

Again we’re… Steve is looking for, specifically special ops or Navy Seal, Army Ranger or whatever… has seen action… no … has seen action, retired, not affiliated with the government… currently not affiliated with any government agency and is saved spiritually saved and follower of our Lord and Savior.   Please email Steve Quayle. In the subject line you just put “Special Ops or Former Special Ops per H and H”.

We really appreciate that thank you. Thank you very much. Where is… you know there is… thank you.   That is all I have to say to that.”

You have to admit. This is getting very strange indeed.

In counterintelligence one is trained in following and taking any threat seriously, even if 10% of the HUMINT (Human Intelligence) is real. In this case, the so-called ‘veiled threats’ are veiled and very ‘cryptic’ indeed. But anyone trained in the field of behavioral psychology can easily read between the lines and peer into the subconscious intentions of Douglas Hagman and Steve Quayle.

Although the latter was not on the air with ‘the Hags’ this time around, whenever he is, he is foul mouthed. I can only imagine him when he is not on the air with these ‘mafia thugs’ and ‘bullies!’

Really, it would not be bad to have a shrink have a listen to one of Quayle’s heavy-breathing rants that almost always berate, diminish and put down the audience with phrases like “What people fail to realize is…” or “Most of the people fail to understand that…” Almost like if he were the Overlord of the Airwaves.

Over the years, Quayle has become more and more aggressive in his stance, his tone and his forms of expression. You can clearly see this. In a regular show with ‘the Hags’, Quayle suddenly ‘flips’ back and forth from the I-know-it-all ‘you just sit down and shut up stupid’ mentality to a God-loving, Gospel-preaching man closing the show with a prayer. Almost unreal! While minutes before he just repeats the same demeaning and almost deafening psychobabble, he totally ‘flips’ from A to B.

The big question here is if- and this is a big if-, if Steve Quayle is of such a sound mind and is a champion for Jesus Christ and His Army in these End Times, why does he lie and cover for Douglas Hagmann, while at the same time he ‘unintendedly’ tries to swindle buyers of his gold and silver through his Precious Renaissance Metals company? Doesn’t he know what happens to ALL LIARS and THIEVES? It’s in Revelation 21:8.

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” —Revelation 21:8

Of course, there is always repentance, coming clean, accepting one’s unrighteous deeds, and having the precious Blood of Jesus at one’s disposal to cleanse away our sins. That, in itself, is a blessing beyond measure!

All I am doing is supporting and echoing Marinka Peschmann’s and Michael Erevna’s articles in exposing these individuals. It is all about exposing the LIES really. And how? By sharing the TRUTH. There is a saying, TRUTH BE TOLD. Well, it is being told. Right here and now.

I am following what Jesus Christ, my Commanding Officer asked me to do when he showed me His Bride infested with maggots. You can read it here in a post I did recently titled “VISION OF THE MAGGOT-INFESTED BRIDE”.

As Saint Agustine said:

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.“—Saint Agustine

If they, Douglas Hagmann and Quayle had nothing to hide, they would have already come clean and just accepted that there was no SWATTING effectuated against Douglas Hagmann in the first place. Instead, Quayle said such an event did take place when there is no official record of there being one. There is evidence of this in Marinka Peschmann’s exposé. And the conclusion of the whole matter is that THEY LIED TO THE AUDIENCE. THEY LIED TO THE PEOPLE FOR THEIR OWN REASONS: to maintain their pristine credibility, a facade in itself, and increase their profit margin.

What is clear now is that their ‘credibility’ is totally shot and their ‘pristine’ condition has become rather stale. It is gone. They have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar and the people have a right to know. What the public does with this information is up to them.

After all, the listeners of The Hagmanns always listen to their aggressive and horrid intro blasting into their minds the words, over and over again, “I WANT THE TRUTH” and with the words “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH’. Maybe it is THE HAGMANNS and QUAYLE that ‘can’t handle the Truth’ this time around.

All this, has become a media circus really. How these supposed men of Christ twist their lies and bizarre claims to hypnotize their audience into a three-hour vortex of mind-kontrol-like triggers and cryptic messages.

I am being told to take their threats seriously as these men do not toy round nor mince words. This worries me. Is Steve Quayle a dangerous man? Has he become a danger to society? Does the yet-to-be-confirmed fact that he had a Class 3 Federal Firearms License to bear and sell arms make him more dangerous? Does this License prove he worked for the Government? If so, doing what? Then again, maybe what makes him more dangerous is that he is willing to hire ex Navy Seals, Army Rangers or Spec Ops to carry out ‘special missions’ for him, or as so it is implied by the announcement he had Douglas Hagmann repeat on the mentioned episode.

What is also clear is the fact that this group of men have emboldened their stance in defense of their lies and are willing to take further steps to prevent that they are scrutinized more in depth. What is it they are hiding? Is there more to all of this than meets the eye?

True, the implied and ‘cryptic’ threats speak for themselves. They are, in themselves, dangerous and will only bury them more and more in the pit they have already ‘dug’ for themselves (pun intended). These threats are evidence and attest to the fact that they crossed a huge red line. To use a mass media outlet to communicate their intentions to possibly bring harm to Marinka Peschmann, Michael Erevna or myself, Alexander Backman, or at least imply it by wanting to hire former soldiers to conduct possible acts of violence is unheard of in ‘Christian’ radio. I ask you, is this normal behavior to you?

Also evident is that these men are conspiring with other parties and could be about to commit a crime. Who is this ‘Deborah’ in Canada? Why the solicitation of a former Spec Ops member? Soldiers know and are very well-trained to do one thing, KILL OTHER HUMAN BEINGS when they are told to. That is their job, their duty to follow orders and never question them. MERCs or mercenaries are different, they do not answer to anyone except they get the job done for the right price.

Is Steve Quayle and Douglas Hagmann conspiring to have someone killed? Either that or they are scared for what is being uncovered about them. I am told there is more. Much more.

Maybe these ‘veiled threats’ toward my person are just words. Maybe Steve is looking to hire a MERC as a bodyguard for him? Who knows really. Someone should ask him. His email, as Douglas stated, is on his site. For those that do not know it, it is

All I have to add is this in return to Douglass Hagmann and Steve Quayle:

‘We too, are watching you VERY CLOSELY.’

As a last note, from now on I am questioning everything that comes out of Steve Quayle Aaong with all the guys in their cult-like ‘Circle of Trust’, who really knows what these guys are anymore or what they are capable of. I bet there are some individuals out there that know a lot more about ‘their other deeds’ and are thinking about coming forward to keep exposing them along with their cohorts.

Dr. Elizabeth Mattke wrote to me from She wrote an article titled The Hagmanns’ Corrupt Behavior. Here is a brief quote on how they literally mind-control their audience:

  1. Stuttering- They do this to make you feel sorry for them.

  2. Overload of Information- They do this to confuse the masses.

  3. Repetition and Overemphasis of Words through Exaggeration and Lies.”

Then she advises about how the Hagmanns are dangerous:

“One former listener was so scared, that she put an electrical fence around her house because she thought her life was in danger from the Hagmanns. This is one of many listeners who have come out of their cult, who felt isolated and alone;”

This attests to the facts at hand. These red flags popping up all over the place say one thing: The Hagmann’s should not have a radio show and they are in fact a cult and Quayle is their leader.

All I ask of them, the affected parties, is to contact Marinka Peschamnn or Michael Erevna with their testimonies via their respective websites. It is time for the truth to come out. Wether we like it or not, this is about us THE BRIDE OF CHRIST, being made ready for the Great and Glorious Coming of Our Beloved, Bridegroom, King and Savior, Jesus Christ. †

That is all for now.


“The TRUTH War is a good fight.

So let’s wage good warfare-

For the Honor and Glory of

Our Lord, Our God, Our Savior,

Our One and Only Beloved,

Our Righteous King of kings,

Holy, Holy, Holy is He,
Jesus Christ.”


Full link to the Hagmann and Hagmann Show in question:

Full splice of files above:

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MUST WATCH► Pastor Eric Ludy, A Cult Leader’s Worst Nightmare

Eric Ludy – A Cult Leader’s Worst Nightmare from Ellerslie Mission Society on Vimeo.

This is a subject that most of us simply don’t want to face. But face it we must. For, if the saints lose their watchfulness and discernment, the enemy moves into the Church with speed and precision. This particular message is possibly one of the most important messages Eric Ludy has ever given. It took guts to give it and it will takes guts to listen to it. And may it be proven true that this message becomes a thorn in the side of every spiritual manipulator the world over.

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  1. […] Others have suggested that certain investigators of the Alternative Christian media that I and other journalists have been recently exposing their lies and manipulation of the masses could be wanting to hire a hit man to have me and these other journalists assassinated.  After all, they used open airwaves to send cryptic threats to me and express their intentions. The evidence speaks for itself in the related article titled: DOUGLAS HAGMANN THREATENS MEXICAN JOURNALIST, ONLY CONDEMNING HIMSELF AND HIS SPONSORS ON LIVE ‘CH… […]

  2. […] DOUGLAS HAGMANN THREATENS MEXICAN JOURNALIST, ONLY CONDEMNING HIMSELF AND HIS SPONSORS ON LIVE ‘CHRISTIAN’ ALTERNATIVE MEDIA SHOW Douglas Hagmann issues ‘cryptic’ comment on his show and relays Steve Quayle’s petition, while on-air, requesting support or intentions to hire a retired Navy Seal Officer, Army Ranger or member of the Special Ops community to contact him over an urgent matter.… […]

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