Monthly Archives: July 2014



By Alexander Backman /

(CR NEWS-MEXICO) July 30, 2014—The picture below is not of a one-eyed happy face. The image below is a dire warning to us all!  If you are a Christian or a Nazarene,—a termed used my Muslims that refers to born-again Christians—in Syria and Iraq, make no mistake about it, the worse-than-Nazi covertly-funded Islamic caliphate known as ISIS is marking homes of Christians across the Levant. Just like the Nazis marked the homes of people to be taken to the extermination camps in Poland during World War Two, ISIS is an epitome of such events.

The image below is the character ن (n) which stands for Nasrānī (Christian).


This report by Ted and Walid Shoebat is clearly another confirmation of the times we are living in. It shows very rare footage of what ISIS is doing in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS just released a video showing what they claim are Iraq’s Army POWs captured by ISIS, driven away in truck loads and then shot them all dead. The video caption stated that there were 1,500 individuals. The video shows their end being shot at point blank in several horrific mass slaughters reminiscent to what we see during Nazi Germany. The young teens begged for their lives as they were made to curse Al-Maliki but to no avail while they were forced to chant “long live the Muslim nation”. were the first to discover the video.”

The video is graphic and prophetically-driven. Mainly because Muslims believe that they are in The End Times just as we Christians do too. And we are!

According to Islamic prophecy, the final battle at Dabiq, a small town north of Aleppo in northern Syria, requires that the Romans (Christians) land in Syria to fight the Islamic Terrorist State (ISIS). In the GRAPHIC VIDEO that is translated by, one of the few Christian organizations that is truly working to get persecuted Christians in these war-torn nations out of harm’s way, the voice sends a warning that we should all take head:


“After the men were executed and tossed in the river the voice goes to say,  ‘Here was the spark ignited in Iraq. It will arise Allah willing until they burn the armies of the cross in Dabiq’

It is worth to mention that ISIS just came out with its glossy End-Times Islamic magazine called DABIQ. What should surprise us is why Christians in the West are not protesting and vociferously speaking out against these evil regimes popping up all over the planet after Obama came into power n the US. From the Color Revolutions or Clinton-sponsored Arab Springs, to the new Al Qaeda multinational army now called ISIS—thanks to Benghazi—, we have our work ‘cut out’ for us, pun intended.

More on this Muslim End-Time scenario which involves the Return of Isa (Jesus Christ) to help them in the great battle against the Romans according to their distorted understanding and interpretation of ‘prophecy’ can be read here and here where Jack Smith explains it for us End-Times Saints.

Now with the borders left wide open, and ammunition being denied to US Customs and ICE personnel under the shadow of the Gestappo-like agency known as DHS, word-of-mouth and official sources now confirm that ISIS’ terrorists are crossing freely into the US via the Sonora-Arizona region and probably Baja California-California sector as well.

A sister in Christ, P, wrote to me on what she feels this sudden spur of illegal aliens being purposefully imported into the US through Obama-controlled Federal agencies. Here is what she said to me in an email today.


“My take on the illegal tsunami is that is a well-planned event to install yet another Fifth Column. I call it Obama’s Army. We the People (the 47%) are the targets.”

She is right on the money. The US is experiencing a Fifth Column attack as we speak. Many in fact. From Spetnaz operating on US soil and reported in multiple spots in the US to a little Russian girl spilling the beans on why and what her daddy is doing in the US, ‘He’s here to shoot Americans.’ As a confirmation, just recently, one of our correspondents in the border-torn region between Coahuila and Monterrey Mexico, that’s the Texas region for you Americans, reported seeing Russians in military uniform. They were even wearing hats with a red band on them. They were military. More on this story to come.

One thing is for sure, all things are mounting up! It is unraveling faster and faster. From rumors of a looming economic collapse of the Dollar which prophetically is provable mathematically just as Johnathan Cahn demonstrates in his excellent book The Harbinger and DVD The Isaiah 9:10 Effect. Cahn relates that the 29 of the month of Elul of the year 5775 of the Hebrew lunar calendar is a key date that has to do with the Shemitah, a 7-year cycle of economic cleansing. We are about to enter the third cycle. The first was in 2001, then on 2008 where the Dow lost exactly 7.777%. This video sums it up nicely. And as with all axiomatic, 100%, always -correct Bible prophecy, Jesus Christ seals all events under His command with His hand using sequences of not three, not four but up to 7 sevens. Proof of this is that 29 of Elul 5775 is the day when the US economy will default on 15 September, 2015, on the very day of a partial solar eclipse, just as Cahn shows. I for one believe this as true prophecy.



V The Guerilla Economist


Know these things before you go on believing the pseudo-Christian commie-fed agents like V the Guerrilla Economist when he says that a Four-Star General told him this or that about the US and its demise. V the Guerrilla Economist, who hides behind this mystic façade, ‘sounds like Benjamin Fulford’ as some say on the forums. When I visited his site Rogue Money, I noticed right-off-the-bat his two-headed masonic 33rd degree insignia. Russian Crest adorns his Rogue Money website. This is NOT a Christian symbol but a symbol of the Egyptian god MENDES: as in the Goat of Mendes. Read more on the double-headed Phoenix here. And how it ties into Russia rising in the world almost without any anticommunists (Christians) opposing him. Steve Quayle supports him. I wonder why? The Hagmans support him and have him continually on their show. I wonder why? Why support a man who does not give his name, hides his identity, and herald’s Lucifer on his website? Why?

V says the General told him that there is a plan to bring America down to its knees by 2017. Read the transcript here. What he says might be so, but still, is it credible INTEL?

The children and illegals that are crossing into the US en-masse, as Zack Taylor mentions in this excellent video, is a ruse to keep the citizens of the United States busy –while Alex Jones keeps blowing his 1776 bullhorn vowing for revenge against the ‘Globalists’ while he sells his Chiapas-made 1776 ‘American’ coffee— while the CIA-trained soldiers of Al-Qaeda keep entering for what will probably end up being a new era in transnational terrorism where simultaneous attacks are in their final stages to kill Americans and tourists in shopping malls and commercial centers like we say at the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi Kenya on September 21 2013 where Islamic terrorists killed 67 innocent people. At least that is what we are being told.

What is to come is exactly as Reza Kahlili warned back in 2013 when I interviewed him right after the Boston Bombings, that Al-Qaeda is planning such attacks in the US. But others, piggy-back this INTEL and make it their own and suddenly get all the credit as the raid the alternative media outlets with their warnings.


I am talking about the Pink-pagoda man known as Jim Garrow—if that is his real name—who recently posted on his Facebook page of Kenya-style Al-Qaeda-inspired attacks that would happen this last week of July, 2014 in shopping malls across the USA. The question is, is this Dr. Jim Garrow credible and trustworthy? I mean, he appears on Alex Jones and other ALTMEDIA giants across the board.

After some digging with colleagues and fellow researchers as well as input from real sources in the INTELCOMM, Jim Garrow is not what he says he is. Jim Garrow is really a scam artist and liar.


His Pink Pagoda program of rescuing 24,000 girls in China has already been questioned (read here). He boasts that his protector in China is Communist President Hu Jintao. I found this interesting Anonymous comment from the link I am referring to. It says:


“Anonymous: I do have documents supporting much of Garrow’s story. For example, Garrow was professionally censored in 2002 (at that time he was a teacher in the Upper Canada School District) for “abusing students physically, sexually, verbally, psychologically or emotionally.” He was suspended and fined.”

In fact, the Ontario College of Teachers does have a sheet on the here where he was in fact disciplined but does not say why. Read here.

Another thing is that the Pink pagoda program is really a front of the Bethune Institute. Not very Christian at all by looking at the Red Dragon on their logo. Official site here. The state:

“Pink Pagoda is the charitable arm of the Bethune Institute. Its sole purpose is to save baby girl from infanticide in the Peoples Republic of China. Due to China’s one child policy, some parents in unfortunately choose to murder their baby girl to make way for a boy to carry on their name. It is in response to this failed policy that we formed Pink Pagoda. To date we have saved over 26 000 baby girls and for our efforts, were nominated for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. For more information on Pink Pagoda click here.

I found the book by Garrow at and the review comments are very interesting to say the least.


A five-minute search on any search engine will reveal that Garrow’s supposed Ph.D. in Divinity from the North Carolina College of Theology can be easily purchased for about $2700 dollars from a fake University running a diploma mill that supposedly is based in North Carolina but is actually in New Jersey. Once you cough up the money, they will gladly give you your Ph.D. or Doctorate Degree saving you 5 years at least of study and research for your thesis. Or should I say a “LIFE-EARNED DEGREE”. I quote their site:

For Life Earned Experience
I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself and the “Life-Earned Experience” Doctoral degrees offered by North Carolina College of Theology. NCCT looks forward to honoring God’s faithful servants with the degrees that so many truly deserve. North Carolina College of Theology is a Bible College. To receive “Life-Earned Experience Degrees,” you must meet the following requirements:”


  • Minimum of fifteen years of full-time ministry experience This experience serves as your educational background  information if you do not have a formal education

  • We Do Not SELL Degrees

Many pastors, missionaries, and church workers have earned their degrees and should have them. NCCT is accredited by Southern Accreditation Association of Christian Schools and Colleges; American Association of Theological Institutions; and American Accrediting Education Association of Christian Schools. I look forward to talking to you about your lifelong full-time service and your Doctoral degree.
Contact us today and allow us to help you receive your degree for your “Life-Earned” service… you deserve it!

All three accreditation organizations are listed as “unrecognized higher education accreditation organizations” on Wikipedia…rganizations#S /…_International


Noteworthy is the fact that “IAC was caught in a sting operation by Missouri assistant attorney general Eric Vieth. They accredited an obvious diploma mill and were subsequently charged with fraud.[2] IAC was ordered to cease operation in the state of Missouri but reappeared in Beebe, accrediting the same institutions as previously…”

But wait! There is more. Why write a Doctoral thesis when you can be pardoned from such laborious and tedious work! The diploma mill that ‘Dr.’ John Garrow used even waives the obligation of you presenting your thesis before the board. Evidence of this can be found here. This exposé on Garrow by the Leaving Alex Jonestown blog sums in better detail than what I included herein.

Also, let me remind you that there have been convictions for this very crime. Here is one I found on a post here:

“Doctor” Irving Fryar Indicted

Irving Fryar, a long-time wide receiver for the University of Nebraska and the NFL, was indicted today for a mortgage scam he conducted with his mom.

“Doctor” Fryar received a doctorate from the North Carolina College of Theology, a fake school that claims fake accreditation. It sells doctorates for life experience (and cash). Fryar took his fake doctorate and opened up his own school–or so it was claimed. I can’t see any real evidence of the school (Burlington County College of Theology).

All of that activity didn’t get him into trouble–thanks, North Carolina! But scheming to obtain multiple mortgages on the same property is apparently against some silly law. Who knew? (Allegedly, the school is in New Jersey, but it isn’t. And it isn’t on the state’s list of religious schools.)

The guy played 17 seasons in the modern NFL. And he needs to steal from people who are absolutely not going to tolerate it? Wow.

Did you know there are laws against you saying you are CIA or FBI officer when you are not? You can go to jail for this. Evidence of this is found here. Who is protecting Garrow? What ‘special interests’ are behind him and does the ALTMEDIA know who they are inviting on their shows and giving free publicity to? Does highly respected journalist and acquaintance of mine Jim Corsi at World Net Daily know that Garrow is a scam artist? Probably not. But he still is endorsing Garrow and his book here. Here is a screenshot:


Why would Corsi, an expert in exposing fake certificates like the Executive in Chief’s, be endorsing this fallacy of a man like Garrow? Unless… he never wrote and Garrow copy-pasted from somewhere else in his grandiose delusions and used Corsi’s name instead! I mean. Corsi does have a Ph.D. too, but that one is legit, unlike Garrow’s.

Wait There is more. Garrow was a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, like if that were a title in itself! Lucky for Garrow that the Nobel Committee keeps the nominations private for at least 50 years, almost like Obama’s birth certificate!

Looks like we all have been, as the say in the Illuminati, ‘hoodwinked’ by a man who uses his wits and fake degrees to spread more lies or disinfo. I bet Garrow is more Communist than American, if he even is American. Hell! Maybe he is Canadian for all I know!

Welcome to the world of controlled-opposition and disinformation. We have the Russians to thank for that.

It is sad that the public believes and ‘toots the horn’ of Jim Garrow, who possesses a fake Ph.D. and who boasts being a former-intelligence officer without providing any proof nor credentials. His LINKED-IN profile is here. It is terrible to see Vietnam Vet John Moore, Dr. Dave Janda, Alex Jones who is definitely being indirectly ‘handled’ by the Russians as a controlled opposition force only fueling and spear-heading a Civil War in America, a war of provocation being ignited by the Communist back in Moscow. Many other alternative media broadcasters, radio hosts are supporting a man that is a fraud and soothsayer: a man who bought his Doctorate Degree for $ 2750 dollars from a non-existing University but at least we know he has a GED, right and some ministerial experience, right

Pure and simple. Jim Garrow is guilty of fraud and deception and should be exposed for what he is and you are being duped America.


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Human Shields: ‘Hamas Wants Israel to Kill Their Children’

Please watch this video>

GAZA BORDER — Seven Israeli soldiers have been killed in a confrontation with Hamas infiltrators disguised as Israeli soldiers wearing suicide belts inside the Israeli border. The IDF killed most of these infiltrators. So far, the Israel Defense Force has destroyed more than 20 tunnels and killed nearly 200 Hamas terrorists since the start of its ground operation. Here on the Israeli-Gaza border you can see the plumes of smoke from the fighting within Gaza city. The IDF has called up 60,000 troops in Operation Protective Edge. About 30 soldiers have died in the line of battle. Israeli soldiers find themselves fighting an enemy that uses the same tactics as al Qaeda in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Col. Richard Kemp, who commanded British ground troops in Afghanistan, refutes the claim that Israel has committed war crimes. “The British forces fought against the Taliban for many years in Afghanistan,” Kemp said. “They use human shields. They attempt to lure us to kill their civilian population. It’s a common theme among Islamist extremist groups in this world.” “Everything I’ve seen would suggest to me that Israel is not committing a war crime,” he said. “Far from it. Israel is going further than most other countries in this world, going to prevent the loss of civilian innocent civilian life.” “The people that are committing the war crimes are Hamas who fire rockets into Israeli civilian population indiscriminately and who also use their own people as human shields,” he continued. “That is a war crime.” “Hamas wants the Israeli Defense Force to kill their children, their women, that’s what they want to happen,” he said. “They want to get the propaganda; they want to get the publicity, the sympathy and the pity of the world to by getting the Israelis to kill their population. That’s exactly what their tactic is.” Former IDF spokesperson Avital Leibovitz said Hamas deliberately put Palestinian civilians in harm’s way during the intense fighting in Shebalia. “We are trying to do everything we can in order to make sure that civilians are evacuated from the area,” he said. “However, as we’ve seen from Hamas time and time again, the Ministry of Interior is forbidding their civilians — it’s really tragic — he’s forbidding them from leaving those areas and we find ourselves in very tough situations.” On the diplomatic front, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry are in the region trying to broker a ceasefire. Yet Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said they would continue to fight Israel. Original Source

And this video by MEMRI proves that Hamas uses this strategy as a policy in their terrorist tactics.

Hamas Spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri stated that Hamas has put into effect the policy of using human shields as protection against Israel and the IDF.

THE VATICAN ON TRAIL – Kevin Annet ITCCs Update July 17 2014

This is the low resolution version of the interview I held with Kevin Annett, the acting Secretary for the International Tribunal into the Crimes of Church and State, on July 17, 2014.

Please share far and wide. A newer version in HD is forthcoming.

It is time to take the Vatican Down.

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BIG QUESTION TO ALL! What would you do if….


What would Americans do if the Zetas in Mexico started launching rockets against their cities such as Houston, Phoenix and San Diego with the intent of killing is citizens? Would they do the same that Israel is doing? Hamas is a terrorist organization that needs to be uprooted and destroyed. I feel terrible for the Palestinians, but this is an opportunity for them, as painful as it may be, to get rid of Hamas once and for all and broker a lasting and peaceful solution to this geopolitical quagmire.-Alexander Backman

Netanyahu ➡ “No country on earth would remain passive in the face of hundreds of rockets fired on its cities…”

“Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza are firing rockets on cities throughout the State of Israel – on Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Beer Sheba, Sderot and other cities in Israel. No country on earth would remain passive in the face of hundreds of rockets fired on its cities and Israel is no exception.

Today we expanded our operations against Hamas and the other terrorist groups in Gaza.

We will continue to protect our civilians against Hamas attacks on them. Hamas, by contrast, is deliberately putting Palestinian civilians into harm’s way. It embeds its terrorists in hospitals, schools, mosques and apartment buildings throughout the Gaza Strip. Hamas is thus committing a double war crime: It targets Israeli civilians, while hiding behind Palestinian civilians.

This operation could take time. We are resolved to defend our families and our homes.

Today I spoke with several world leaders. I appreciated their expressions of strong support for our right and our duty to defend ourselves, and this is what we will continue to do”.

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Tu B’Av, Super Moons And War In The Middle East

Excellent follow-up post by Stewart Best. The events are lining up and this Malaysia Airlines thing is part of the same thing I spoke of in my Code back in March 2014. Read more on this link below.

The Malaysia Airlines Code


We have studied the STAR SIGN of Revelation 12:1 that appears to be the marker date for the Feast of Trumpets, September 22nd and 23rd, 2017. Revelation 12 appears to also mark the “midst” of Daniel’s 70th week or the beginning of the great tribulation period. When antichrist goes into the holy and holies and stands where he “ought not”, things begin to break down for world civilization in a big way.


We then come back this way 1260 days to April 11th, also marked out in the heavens by way of Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp, two of the most spectacular comets ever seen by modern civilization. We have been speculating as to what all of this could mean to Christians, as the two comets formed a perfect cross in the heavens directly over Algol, Satan’s star in the heavens.

It seems to be an echo of times past, way…

View original post 3,128 more words


This is a copy of an email I sent out this morning to all those Rapture Cult members.


This book below  is a must read!!!

Save for those who still promote the ‘Rapture’ and are anxiously waiting to bow down to Nicholas Cage’s performance in the upcoming Hollywood blockbuster LEFT BEHIND this year. Sorry to confront you in this way, but I thought we are to be ONE FAMILY UNDER JESUS AS OUR GODHEAD.
The Hagmans regularly kick me out of their chat room. John ‘The Baptist’ Seitzinger does this too.
I imagine Marzooli, Hamp and others like Quayle or Stewie Best still see me as their beffudled friend.
Oh well… all well that ends well..
Buy this book and READ and live not in deception but IN TRUTH! What are you afraid of?

Email sent to in the BCC to my email contact list an sent direct to them who see me as the ‘incorrect’ brother in the family of Jesus.



The Great Tribulation ‘Cut Short’
Will the rapture occur before or after the Antichrist’s arrival?

Many of us have been told that we will be “raptured out of here before the Antichrist arrives.”

But what if this is wrong?

Is this really what the Bible teaches?

In this thought-provoking and freshly examined account on the second coming of Christ, Alan Kurschner traces the key topics and passages, providing compelling biblical evidence that the church will first encounter the Antichrist’s great tribulation before the rapture.

Jesus warns us, “Remember, I have told you ahead of time” (Matt. 24:25). And Paul cautions us, “Let no one in any way deceive you, for that day will not arrive until the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness [Antichrist] is revealed, the son of destruction” (2 Thess. 2:3).

Since Jesus and Paul ominously warn us “ahead of time,” should this not be an urgent message the church needs to hear? Are we spiritually preparing our hearts to be “overcomers” for what may soon come to pass?

By reading Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord, you will discover the Bible teaches that Antichrist will arrive before the day of the Lord.

Click here to get your copy of Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord: What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Return of Christ.

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Kevin Annett ITCCS update Interviewed by Alexander Backman

17-07-2014 (108.94 MB)

View details »  Download »

Duration: 59:30 m – Filetype: mp3 (256 kbps 44100 Hz)


For all those emailing us with respect to having problems downloading the MP3 file from the Kevin Annett interview from July 17, 2014, we inform you that we are currently being censored and blocked not allowing some people to listen to the streams of our files or their downloads beinf interrupted. We have already taken this up with our ISP and Hosting providers and all is working fine. So the blockage is coming from another source beyond our server. We were told that the downloads then are being filter by some other unknown party (NSA) from being downloaded.
As an alternative, we have uploaded the same interview in a smaller size and in ZIP format for your convenience.

We are sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused you.

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Suspicious North Korean freighter Mu Do Bong ran aground, Gulf of Mexico

Posted on July 16, 2014, 2:02 am

North Korean general cargo vessel Mu Du Bong grounded off Mexican port of Tuxpan, Gulf of Mexico, on July 14, reported Reuters. Officials said refloating may take several days. Vessel in ballast was to call Tuxpan port, presumably for taking shipment of sugar, as Tuxpan is one of the main Mexico’s sugar export ports. Such a trivial accident attracted a lot of attention from major media, because the behaviour of North Korean is similar to that of another North Korean freighter, caught with arms on board by Panama authorities last year. Some 240 tons of Cuban weapons and military gear were found hidden under 220,000 of sacks of sugar in holds of Chong Chon Gang. Mu Du Bong left Havana on July 10, according to AIS.
General cargo vessel Mu Du Bong, IMO 8328197, dwt 9851, built 1983, flag North Korea, manager TAEDONGGANG SONBAK CO LTD, Pyongyang

North Korean Ship Tests the Waters Near America’s Shores

It’s not often that North Korean-flagged freighters turn up near America’s shores, but when they do, they deserve attention. North Korea has a prolific record of arms smuggling, narcotics dealing, counterfeiting, terrorist ties and missile and nuclear proliferation. So, let’s hope U.S. authorities are keeping a close eye on a North Korean cargo ship called the Mu Du Bong, which late last month called at Cuba, then vanished from the commercial shipping grid for more than a week. This past Thursday, July 10, the Mu Du Bong reappeared at Havana, then began steaming north of Cuba, and as of this writing is cruising the Gulf of Mexico, not all that far from the Mexican port of Tampico — or for that matter, the coast of Texas.

The Mu Du Bong’s mission could be entirely legitimate. But its behavior bears some disturbing similarities to last year’s voyage of another North Korean freighter, the Chong Chon Gang, which last summer sailed into the Caribbean, picked up an illicit load of weapons in Cuba, and got caught trying to smuggle its cargo through the Panama Canal.


  • Majority of Hawaii patients already testing 100% positive for Cesium 137

  • Ohio Man tests positive for Cesium and Plutonium poisoning

  • Doctors reporting promising results with Natural Supplement to Mitigate Fukushima Effects

By Alexander Backman for Conciencia Radio®

Original Source:


CR NEWS – JULY 15,2014– An extremely reliable source whose identity we have decided to keep confidential for the time being just informed us that she spoke with friends in Hawaii on the phone for over an hour and the told the informant that they have lost four family members to cancer just in the past year. They said that two of them were in their early twenties.

The source told me that he spoke with a physician in Hawaii last week and the physician told the source that 100% of his patients are testing positive for Cesium 137.

Ohio Man Test Positive for Radioactive Poisoning after Eating Sardines

Earlier in the year, our source informed us of a similar case of radioactive poisoning of a man living not in Hawaii but here in the CONUS (Continental United States). The man who got sick lives in Columbus Ohio. He started losing weight and feeling sick. He decided to visit the Doctor. The Doctor ran some tests. The tests showed positive for Cesium 137 (Cs) and Plutonium (Pu) accumulating in significant amounts around and inside his organs The Doctor asked him what he had been eating for the past 2 months. After running a list and cross-checking the items of consumption by the affected man, they realized that the only logical source of him getting ill was when he went to Trader Joe’s and bought two sardine cans and ate them.

I called Trader Joe’s in Columbus Ohio and asked about their own brand of sardines. They have for different types on their shelves. After further digging to know which type of sardines might be radioactive I found that depending on the type of Trader Joe sardine, they could come from both the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. The Trader Joe’s sardines in water are fished off the Pacific coast of Canada. Other ones like the ones in Olive Oil or smoked are either from Portugal or Morocco and therefore come from the Atlantic Ocean.


Thankfully, there is one solution to get rid of the radioactive isotopes being ingested in a safe and natural manner. PCR is a new product specifically designed to get rid of the radioactive elements coming out of Fukushima. PCR is a 100% natural supplement with a special formula developed by Maxam Labs in Oregon and is successfully being used to detox people showing up positive for Cesium, Iodine, Arsenic, Cadmium, Plutonium and many other heavy metals including such as Aluminum and Mercury. In Maryland, doctors have informed the lab about the product’s results.

Even doctors are running test on themselves after showing positive for radioactive elements in their bloodstream. ‘We are just dumping the Plutonium out of our bodies’, said one source. Urine tests practiced on patients consuming the PCR in Maryland show the Plutonium and Cesium being successfully excreted in their urine. PCR is excreted 85% via the feces, 10% via urine and the remaining via sweat and breath.

Another case is of Doctors doing their Residency in Southern California testing the PCR and the results showed the count levels of radioactive elements dropping sharply in a matter of two or three weeks.

A great and effective solution to mitigate the effects of the fallout form Fukushima is available now at an affordable price for anyone that is being affected by the worst nuclear disaster in history.

Go to this address and get your PCR now.

Pray and Spray! Pray and Spray!

If you by it via the Paypal button on my site, I get a small commission from the lab to keep my websites online and your support helps me keep doing my work as a journalist bringing you stories like this one.

For more stories on Fukushima and its effects please visit:

Fukushima Video Updates:
Go here and look for the playlist on Fukushima

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By Stewart Best

Compiled and converted to PDF by Alexander Backman

Download the file in one neat PDF  FOR MASSIVE REDISTRIBUTION HERE:


All © Copyright and credit for this work goes to Mr. Stewart Best

Original links to these tantamount posts are here:

Go ye, and prepareth the Saints of Jesus Christ’s Holy Army! The TIME has draweth nigh! REPENT! REPENT! REPENT!

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