Monthly Archives: May 2013


CRN® Counter-Terrorism and Radical Islam


By Alexander Backman

CRN®-MAY 10, 2013—I interviewed University Professor and expert on counter-terrorism and Homeland Security, Paddy Boylan. The topic, ISLAM: Defining the Enemy, the way it should be defined. No more wishy-washy politically-correct lingo. An amazing interview with a very knowledgeable man who knows Islam and the Qur-an very well.

Paddy Boylan is a very knowledgeable man when it comes to counter-terrorism and the way Islam thinks and operates. He even developed a Bachelors program in Homeland Security validating the need for this course of study in our country after 9/11.

To that effect, Boylan has worked closely with elements in higher education facilities and government to develop and implement a comprehensive Safety and Emergency Plan for Universities.

He is an expert on terrorism trends, threat analysis, open source research, presentations in understanding the threat we face today.

Boylan has trained and lectured around the country privately to organizations, the military and law enforcement agencies. He is also the founder of the Center for Strategic Analysis (CSA- ) where he serves as the President and CEO.

Boylan holds a Master’s degree in the file of Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management, and also a Master’s degree in Higher Education/Higher Education Administration.

Defining the Enemy

Who can we define the enemy better than Boylan? Few can.

ISLAM is not a religion of peace. Islam is not even a religion. It is a system. It is submission by definition. A totalitarian system on oppression and control without any regard toward human rights. George Orwell and all the New World Orderists would relish to have such a system brought upon the world. Maybe that is why they are financing and allowing it to thrive and infiltrate and seep through into western culture.

ISLAM permits atrocitites in the name of its Moon Goddess, Allah. Walid Shoebat makes it clear in this article. I am just quoting an article here. No need to take offense.

Quoting the heading ‘What ISLAM is NOT’ from the Stop the Islamization of the World website ( under its section on the Qur’an, it defines it perfectly. Boylan and I concur on this much more appropriate definition of Islam:

“Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.” What Islam is Not, Stop the Islamization of the World

This video debate where radical islamist Anjem Choudary discusses Jabhat Al-Nusra’s pledge to Al-Qaeda. The debate makes clear that the CIA-sponsored Al Qaeda and al-Nusra fronts in Syria are being financed by the West with the true goal of a unifying the Ummah or One Islam. It serves as evidence that the terrorist are extending the Jihad at a global level. The globalists are financing the very enemy that wants to destroy Christianity and any other form of spiritual belief systems, be it Buddhist, Jewish or Hindu, Islam is intolerant.

A little insight and photographic proof of what these CIA Arab Spring fronts are bringin in Syiria is the killing of Syrian babies. (Warning> Graphic content, be advised.)

Multiculturalism and any form of tolerance toward Islam has to go out the window. This is what is bringing Europe and de Anglo-Saxon to its knees. Islamic law, Shariah, must never be allowed into our western society. It is urgent that countermeasures be taken at all levels of government. From Chile to Canada, this multifaceted jihad must be curtailed by strong legislations that disavowed it and reprove it.

Moreover, the Bible should be brought back to the pulpits and the schools. Ever since Hitler took it out during World War II, and it became a standard in the West, our so-called secular position on religious tolerance has brought only division and unholy ventures that has left us wandering as a minority and not a strong, God-fearing, Jesus-believing society.

It is time to stand up and not be ashamed to preach the Gospel of Salvation to all in our nations. It is time to rise for Christ Jesus and Occupy till He comes!

Urgent and constant prayers should be our exercise and focus as the battles for our very existence draw nigh.

From one Islamphobic to another, it is us that stand up and speak out that are making a difference in bringing awareness to the dumbfounded, mind-controlled and manipulated societies of the West. Time to Wake Up!

And no. I am not excusing what Israel has done to the region either. For God’s sake! Netanyahu just nuked Syria! No? Go here and here read up on the Depleted Uranium bombs and the death of tens of thousands not 55 as is being reported. War kills! Period! War is death and destruction! Who wins! Only one side, the Dark Side of course. But ultimately, the Light shall overcome the darkness when jesus comes and starts some serious and needed ‘soul-whooping’.

This will surely not be the last interview I have with Professor Boylan. We have much to learn about our common enemy and little time to do so.

God be with us always.

Related links mentioned in the interview:

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