Tag Archives: isis


ALEXANDER BACKMAN interviews DR. PRESTON T BAILEY PhD for the 1st time ever! English Only Version.

Get his must-read book Spiritual Warfare, Defeating the Forces of Darkness at his site http://spiritualwarfarecenter.com

Also visit thebridemovement.com for other interviews and prayers spiritually-tailored by Dr. Bailey himself.

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Is Nuclear Terror Next? ISIS buying fissionable materials for bombs from Communist hardliners

COMMENT: Just like I warned repeatedly since December 2013, and in a YouTube video 2 weeks before the Nuclear Summit, in my dream/vision of The Newark Airport event (see here), it appears that all is aligning into place. Lamentably, little can be done with a porous border and an Usurper In Chief who has taken over the Highest Office in the Land. No wonder Obama has nightmares of such scenarios.

Same goes with the still missing Malaysia Airliner and the other 12 Airbus jetliners that ISIS has when they stole them from Lybia. The clock is ticking and fast-approaching to nuclear terror.-Alexander Backman

VIA LINKED IN ► Is Nuclear Terror Next? ISIS buying fissionable materials for bombs from Communist hardliners

A special investigation by The Associated Press has brought to light a nightmare for the West; the feasibility of Islamofascist terrorist groups like ISIS or Al Qaeda acquiring radioactive elements to attack the West with Improvised Explosive Devices of Mass Effects, a.k.a. “Dirty Nukes”.
Let us remember Obama saying in The Hague in March 2014 at the Nuclear “Terror” Summit that his worst nightmare is “A Nuclear Weapon detonated in Manhattan.” Twitter @crnalexander

AP INVESTIGATION: Nuclear smugglers shopped radioactive material to IS and other extremists

Over the pulsating beat at an exclusive nightclub, the arms smuggler made his pitch to a client: 2.5 million euros for enough radioactive cesium to contaminate several city blocks. …

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Terrorist Alert issued for September 11th 2015 by CONCIENCIA RADIO and CR NEWS. A comprehensive analysis of the clear and present threat that I.S.I.S. now represents to the United States at home and abroad, in Mexico and in Europe.

Exclusive! I.S.I.S. Map of its operations in Ciudad Juarez Mexico from where they are planning heavy military attacks against American Military Bases across the Border in Texas.


“Alahu Akbar” motto on Public Transport in Veracruz Mexico
We urge any government agency or party to contact this outlet for more information.

Email: info@concienciaradio.com SUBJECT: Information Request

TERROR ALERT IN EFFECT FOR 9/11/2015 Comprehensive Report by CR NEWS with Alexander Backman

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I cannot and will not stop voicing my opinion ont he insanity of these NAZIs int he White House, the Demorats and the Establishment about what PP (Planned Parenthood), the new SS, is doing. It gets worse and worse! Now, as Children of God’s Debbi Vinnedge illustrates, they are inducing the live birth of these soul-filled, God-breathed babies, dissecting them alive (vivisection) without anesthesia in order to procure their organs. Then, the just kill them off while they scream in agony unable to defend themselves. Deborah Nucatola and her whole staff are the New Nazis practicing Neonaticide! This has to stop! Fuck science! and I am sorry, I am angry!!! So angry by this… F**k Planned Parenthood and may they all burn in hell. God will cut them down, make no mistake about it! – Alexander Backman

Another Felony at Planned Parenthood Caught on Camera

Children of God for Life website:

Can a baby: Fetus Food for the Family

Related Episodes of Information Overload with Alexander Backman:

Dead Babies for Sale (Part I):
Dead Babies for Sale 2:
This is a video project called INFORMATION OVERLOAD with Investigative Journalist Alexander Backman. All hats are off! Alexander is going to rant away and throw all political-correctness where it belongs… in the toxic trash dump in Rome from where it first spawned.
Get ready for a daily dose of news and views from THE ELECTRO PRINTO INFO PRESS…
Comment if you like it and subscribe.
If you do, we will keep on uploading new daily video briefs on all things global.
Suggest any topic and Alexander will comment on it.
Support us! We are Independent Media and are viewer-sponsored.
Paypal: concienciaradio@prodigy.net.mx

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Remaining part of episode 07. This is a video project called INFORMATION OVERLOAD with Investigative Journalist Alexander Backman. All hats are off! Alexander is going to rant away and throw all political-correctness where it belongs… in the toxic trash dump in Rome from where it first spawned.
Get ready for a daily dose of news and views from THE ELECTRO PRINTO INFO PRESS…
Comment if you like it and subscribe.
If you do, we will keep on uploading new daily video briefs on all things global.
Suggest any topic and Alexander will comment on it.
Support us! We are Independent Media and are viewer-sponsored.
Paypal: concienciaradio@prodigy.net.mx

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Alexander Backman’s first appearance on Liberation Nation, hosted by Rick Chicago on Revolution Radio on JUNE 16 2015.

Tune in next Tuesday at 1PM PST | 3PM CST | 4PM EST


Site: http://alexanderbackman.com
Blog: https://alexanderbackman.wordpress.com
Twitter: @crnalexander

Note: This video was uploaded in very low resolution disregarding quality of the video because it is a radio interview. Also, it was upload in such a low resolution for faster upload and download speeds.

Profr. Backman’s location is in a very remote region of Mexico and it has very limited Internet access including micromanaged bandwidth with a ridiculously poor upload speed.

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UPDATE MARCH 5 2015: CONFIRMED ISIS leader is behind plot to assassinate Mexican journalists Alexander Backman and Monica Gahbler

“Mexican Journalist’s head is being auctioned off in the French DEEP WEB possibly for speaking out about ISIS and the persecution of Christians in Libya and the Middle East.”

PERMALINK: http://concienciaradio.com/why_i_am_in_danger.htm
(Versíon en Español aquí) (PDF VERSION IN ENGLISH AVAILABLE HEREby Alexander Backman


• Freedom of speech, lower than ever
• Freedom House : “Only 1 in 7 people live in a country with a ‘free’ press.”

The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is the truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.” – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.

(CR NEWS/ CR NOTICAS /CRTV- Feb 25, 2015—Mexico)— I was informed via Twitter ON February 23rd, 2015 that someone put out a bid for my head. When I asked this contact about the details, he mentioned that the information is in certain forums that are part of THE DEEP WEB.  These are servers and webpages that mask themselves and are invisible to search engines. One example of this DARK OR DEEP WEB is FACEBOOK.com. But there are many others that are even more sinister. On Facebook there is even a page that says RIP Alexander Backman.

Recently, I exposed how this DEEP WEB operates, specifically Facebook with relation to Child Pornography, Child Trafficking within its confidential databases and files in its private network. Posts that often are ignored by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg making him complicit of aiding and abetting criminals.  The video report can be seen here: http://youtu.be/FL97vn-TmSk

Similarly, on the other side of the Atlantic, there is one of these such DARK SITES that make up the DEEP WEB. These are underground forums within forums, subforums where all kinds of heinous things are going on; from selling children, streaming live videos of sexual abuse, rape, torture and killings of minors, street fights to the death, bestiality, gore, snuff films, to Islamic killings.

Entrance to these highly restricted sites is by invitation only. Apparently, there is a section about posting bounty heads on people. Here is a redacted twitter message of the message.


I know this has everything to do with my publications, video reports and radio shows, TV and radio appearances. Based on my work,

I do not doubt that I have my share of enemies. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. The most recent one could be militant Islamic radicals, members of secret societies within the Vatican.

By interviewing many personalities, I have also helped expose the Vatican’s ongoing crimes with regard to child rape conducted by priests, archbishops and others at the highest levels including the Pope.

Reports are here: http://youtu.be/cUksNYJGaIQ and here: http://concienciaradio.com/vaticano/

Other important and high-profile guests I have interviewed on matters of global security and counterterrorism have also been under threat for their lives for coming out and publicly exposing the core agenda that fuels militant Islam.  One is Reza Kahlili and another is Academic Prof. Boylan.

Now I understand why.

My enemies stem from people in the Intelligence Community Apparatus, Radical Islamists, members of Organized Crime, staunch Communists, The Mexican Left, a Retired Mexican pseudo-General, or so he says, Jaime Garcia Miramontes who, at the same time, threatened Mexican President Peña Nieto including me and my colleague Mónica Gahbler in a public video on Youtube. All because I criticized his public announcement on one of my news shows of him wanting to ignite a revolution or civil war against the current Mexican administration.

Here is one of Miramontes’ comments sent to our Google+ account on September 19, 2014. The words speak for themselves.


Let us be clear. No one wants this asymmetrical Civil War in Mexico to keep growing. Those who do, only have to look at Ukraine, Syria and Iraq and understand the consequences this entails. The thousands upon thousands of dead are a testament of this.

In the United States, the same agenda is being promoted by these agents provocateurs that have infiltrated the mass media and online media organizations demonizing what was once the greatest nation on earth. They have made the citizens of this country hate its own country in order to make a small spark of discontent flare up into a bonfire of chaos and social turmoil akin to the revolts in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

What people fail to realize is that this agenda has been planned in detail by the Communists since the end of World War II. The media has been infiltrated by these agents to such a degree that no one sees it anymore because their mindset has already been conditioned to think in conformity with the agenda.

Almost all, if not all revolutions and revolts are fueled, promoted or started by people with a left-oriented agenda. Call them Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Atheists, Humanists etc. This needs to be said and acknowledged. Fascism, socialism and communism are inherently the same thing. They all do one thing, suppress the human condition by force and repression of the mind while at the same time, use the media to brainwash the population with their lie-filled agenda to further their own agenda.

Some think the current threat towards me might be coming from ISIS because of my recent video CHRISTIANS RISE! on Youtube.

Others have suggested that certain investigators of the Alternative Christian media that I and other journalists have been recently exposing their lies and manipulation of the masses could be wanting to hire a hit man to have me and these other journalists assassinated.  After all, they used open airwaves to send cryptic threats to me and express their intentions. The evidence speaks for itself in the related article

So yes, I have my share of enemies. Four assassination plots that have not succeeded, thank God! The most recent one was in 2014. I will not go into details for security reasons.

But now, this new threat must be acknowledged against me, my colleagues and my family. First and foremost, I am a son of Jesus Christ, a language professor by trade, a federally-licensed radio host, an online journalist and lecturer. I am free thinker and a defender of freedom of speech understanding that there are indeed limits to what statements one may make over a microphone or in the press.

I am defender for human rights and will defend the right that each human being has to be in concordance with their free will but, at the same time, knowledgeable that with all actions there are consequences.

I am a defender of life and the living. No one has the right to kill the weak, the helpless nor the innocent, no matter what the distorted justification may be.

I am an advocate of freedom and the right to private property; always in alignment with moral statutes that serve as an example so we can live in harmony and peace. Knowing that this model for peace and happiness has been passed down from a higher domain than the one that we currently inhabit.

I will always fight against any antagonist force that may challenge these views and will never be subjected or submitted into fascist and Orwellian forms of social acclimation, oppression and control.

I am against corruption and its agents. I will continue to expose them to the best of my ability, knowing that I have had to apply self-censorship in many cases just to stay alive in my country of residence.

It is a lamentable and sad thing to say. I live in a state where speaking out is dangerous. A country where more journalists have been killed in the last decade than anywhere else in the world.

We are living in dangerous times. Almost 600 journalists have been killed since 2006 according to UNESCO. Most of these were not even War-Time reporters. 6 percent out of the 593 journalists killed exercising their profession from 2006-2013 were not even foreign correspondents; in other words, they were assassinated for their profession in their own nations of origin or residence.

According to The Road to Justice, a special report issued by the Committee to Protect Journalists, “It isn’t just one story that ends with a journalist’s death; a climate of intimidation builds. If no one is punished, killers are emboldened, and violence repeats. Journalists have no choice but to censor themselves or even flee into exile. Targeted attacks on the media have kept the world from
understanding the full dimension of violence in Syria, drug trafficking in Mexico, militant influence in Pakistan, and corruption in Russia.” In fact, Mexico is right behind Middle-Eastern nations like Syria and Pakistan. Another fact is that Mexico is ranked #6 according to UNESCO with 43 journalists killed between 2006-2013.


Source: Freedom House 2014
As I said. And I say it again, Journalism is War.

It is a fact that Mexico continues being one of the worst countries in the world to exercise journalism. According to a report by the Mexican Chapter of Freedom House, in 2014 (English version here), “76 journalists were killed from the period of 2000-2013 and 16 continue missing since 2003.”

Impunity at its best.

This is the continued result of the incessant Government corruption, impunity, the ongoing criminal insurgency, and what I would characterize as a form of depraved apathy on part of legislators and other politicos for not taking action to defend us and guarantee our livelihood and allow us to do our job as journalists.

Sadly, these senseless deaths against these hommes et femmes de plume  and the negligent behavior to bring those responsible to justice can be better defined as an almost form of under-the-rug policy in failed states like Mexico.

Then of course, there is the corruption on the other side of the aisle extending to those journalists that stick out their hand under the table and who are paid off via ‘mordidas’ to publish what those in power, government, business, banking and finance want published.

But not all has gone to waste.

Now, with the online media, this has changed. They can control so much. MediaCorp Inc. is not an absolute monopoly anymore. Youtube.com and freelance online journalism has made the world of information and news a better place in many respects. In others, it has made it a not-so-better place with so much disinformation and lies being spread via this vast global network and luckily continues to be a last bastion which partially still allows freedom of expression to exist.

And I will state it again, Journalism is war. Censorship is the same as hiding the facts.

As a journalist, I have been censored before. Our media outlets, visited by millions worldwide, have been subject to such actions by those that simply want to stifle the cause for truth. We were censored in all Mexico during our coverage of the 2012 Elections by one of the leading Internet providers.

Our websites have been censored in entire countries such as Spain and others. Censored for our content of reporting the truth and the facts as we see fit. After all, this is freedom of expression, a universal right to speak out and report on matters that matter.

Freedom of Expression is our duty to defend such a God-given right is more important now than ever. What our minds think and express should never be trod on. What our mouths speak and our eyes see should never be silenced. After all, our mind is in itself a thought machine that, when at work, can produce great works to further humanity.

As a journalist, I am a champion for truth!
As an intellectual, I am a defender of critical thinking!
As a man of God, I am an upholder of Truth, at all costs!

And since Journalism is War, and the different media platforms are our battlegrounds, then let us have a good fight, a fight for truth, a fight for freedom, a fight to shed light and expose that which lurks in the shadows so it may be made known. But let us not have our voices be silenced by those who oppose the right to exercise our freedom to stand up, speak out and tell it like it is. For if it weren’t for journalism, the world would be void of that which makes it real, information. After all, we all are information and a manifestation thereof. Without information there is nothing but darkness and ignorance like we are seeing being imposed in many regions of the world like in Japan, Mali and the Middle East. And if we do not do something now to defend this right, this cancerous evil will reach every continent, country and city in this world we all have to share. After all, information and knowledge is a precious resource that we do not have the luxury to lose as time itself.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a defender of truth and freedom. He was prohibited to speak out, publish in print and express his ideas under the fascist Nazi regime. He was censored at all costs. He was harassed by the Nazi authorities and required to report his activities to the police.

In a 1932 sermon Bonhoeffer said:

“The blood of martyrs might once again be demanded, but this blood, if we really have the courage and loyalty to shed it, will not be innocent, shining like that of the first witnesses for the faith. On our blood lies heavy guilt, the guilt of the unprofitable servant who is cast into outer darkness” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Dutch MP, Geert Wilders had this to say about his right to define and express his view of Islam:

 “I see Islam not as a religion, but as a totalitarian ideology—comparable to communism and fascism.
¿Don’t I have a right to say it
?” —Geert Wilders – Dutch MP


There is no doubt about it. Islamofascism is the new evil in this world. It is just like Nazism, only many times worse due to its religious covering with which it enshrouds itself serving as a front for a totalitarian, tyrannical, dictatorial and authoritarian governmental system. The persecution of Christians by Radical Islamists happening today is the same as Hitler’s persecution and extermination of the Jews and Christians more than 75 years ago. We should never be persecuted or killed for speaking and thinking, but we are. Now, instead of writing and printing, producing and filming, we are self-censoring our works around the world for terror and fear of being hunted down and assassinated. We are in fact accepting Islamic rule and Islamic law in our lives.

Bonhoeffer spoke of the dangers of being silent in times of tyranny. He said:

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.

—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

And also similar to Bonhoeffer, the brutal impact of communism in the Stalin regime left a deep scar on another defender of truth, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. This quote from his book The Gulag Archipelago echoes this.

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future.” —Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Like I said, as journalists, it is our duty for us to speak and type, and film and document what happens in this world. By not doing so, we are complicit by just sitting idly by in fear of repercussions for our actions when it is our lack of action that is condemning us.

Lastly, I ask everyone to ponder what Bonhoeffer asked to be remembered by before his execution with this:

This is the end — for me the beginning of life.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If ‘this is the end’ for me, then too, as Jesus Christ as my God, my Savior and the Holy Spirit as my witness, likewise, this will be, for me, ‘the beginning of life.’

God Speed! †

Alexander Backman
Investigative Journalist


Journalism and Freedom of Speech are being destroyed through Radical Islam. © Garrincha

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Notice Length of Video!!! ►3:16:21 (John 3:16 + 21 Christian Martyrs Beheaded for Christ (21=7+7+7) This video has been Sealed by God Himself!

(CRTV FEB 22, 2015)  A Joint Special Report on Counterterroism, Radical Islam, Terorrism, ISIS, Global Jihad, Shariah and Persecution of Christians and non-Christians Worldwide †

Presented by investigative journalist Alexander Backman.

MP3 FILE ► View details »  Download »

Language : English
Subtitles needed in Spanish, Korean,  (Please contact us to help us in subtitling this important video) Email: info@concienciaradio.com
DVD of this Video presentation is available.

POWERPOINT IN PDF OF THE SLIDES PRESENTED► christians_rise_feb222015_alexander_backman
This is a joint presentation of Conciencia Radio and VIVACRISTOJESUS.com Christian Ministry.

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Radical Islam Section:
Terrorism Resources:
Quotes on Nuclear Terrorism:
Leave Islam Safely:
Global Jihad Watch:
Prepare for Domestic terrorism:


THE IRAN SOLUTION:  A Special Interview with Reza Kahlili


Woolwich London Terrorist Attack: A Sign of What the ISLAMization of the West Means to US, not THEM and How to Solve It

Jihad Watch

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By Alexander Backman | Twitter @crnalexander | Email: abba@alexanderbackman.com

(I am thinking of doing a Youtube Video on this subject. Not sure if I should though.)

It was so real. The knife tearing away on the left side of my throat, slicing to the right going into my neck. They were rambling like hyenas ‘Allahu Akbar… Alahu Akbar!’ I recall the others stabbing me in the back from the top down tearing into my flesh moments before after I had turned back while on my knees to see them. All of them had tight-fitting masks except the beheader. No, this man was an overweight Muslim who was enjoying every bit of what he was doing. Enjoying it! He was different than the rest. He was in his 30s, shaven head and shaven face but had a red mole above his right lip. I turned around trying to duck once they realized I had seen them, seen him. He came from behind and stabbed me once, from the top down. Ohhh, it hurt so much!

As I squirmed in pain, I knew the end for me on this earth had arrived. Yes, I felt the pain. I thought it could not be felt in ‘dreams’, or was it? Was it a dream or was this more than a dream? Was it The LORD showing me what is to come?

It’s been a week since the ‘dream’ / vision I had, which I believe was a revelation from The LORD.  Read the post I did on it here.

I sent an email this morning. It was very early. I could not sleep at all! It keeps repeating. The memory, the vivid memory of the ‘dream’. I grab my neck still in unbelief that I am still here. That is how real it was. ISIS cutting off my head.

There are more details I did not write about. Facts that are too gory to share. I floated above my lifeless and headless body and saw more. I was not the only one! They had more in the make-up office that the ISLAMIC State had established in my town of residence.  Their flag was above the door. It was like a precinct for Shariah Law or whatever they might call it.

Last night. I continued my research. A sister from South Korea, whom I met last month as she was doing missionary work for Jesus spent time with me in my home, she, bless her soul, sent me an email of the last man being decapitated via the Guillotine recently. (Original Video Here)

I had said or thought that it was just a matter of time that IS, ISIS, ISIL, DAESH or The Devil’s Soldiers as I call them, would be killing Christians via a faster and more efficient system. Yes, the Guillotine.

I recalled the 30,000 guillotines that the DOD (Department of Defense of the United States of America) had purchased a couple of years ago (2012?). Reports of US soldiers and the chatter that they had received the lots of Guillotines at an Army base and that they where being trained on how to use them. The Guillotine, for all intents and purposes, is an efficient and fast killing machine that can dispatch humans in a mechanized factory-line style of slaughter. This means only one thing, they want to kill a lot of people in very little time.


This week I was mulling over an email from some sisters that mentioned that they might be using the Ebola outbreaks for organ harvesting. I said, maybe this was not feasible given the fact that Ebola victims and their organs are massively infected with the virus. A virus, by the way, that is now called just ‘DEATH’. Behold a pale horse, here we come!

I apologize for digressing. But bear with me. The organ harvesting scheme is a true conspiracy of monstrous proportions. From the Chinese Communists from the PLA killing off Falung Gong members and selling their organs for profit (Read here), to the Zionist ‘Jews’ that kidnap and kill children in Latin America (Read Here) for that very purpose, to steal their organs. Mind you that they also do it with the Palestinians living in Gaza who, thanks to the Israeli occupation,  now governed by Hamas, and the now-extinct, PLO, live under a state of siege and war in a 2 million-person concentration camp. It is happening worldwide and it is now a booming business. (Have a look here).

In Latin America, Mexico even, it is good to sell your kidney to the get out of the economic depression and total subjection that Mexicans are living under thanks to the Elites. In fact, they are the ones who buy their organs. In the US alone, there is a growing demand for organs to fulfill the transplant waiting lists. (Read Here)

So, in summation, organ harvesting for the elites is part of a criminal conspiracy that they have created in the first place along with rich Europeans and Israelis. Crimes of genocide and human torture are part of their trade. It would not surprise me that the Vatican is also behind this very lucrative business as well. So, the poor are now what the Elites like Ray Kurzweil, the transhuman-2045.org-singularity-guru and fake mongrelized ‘Jew’, terms ‘life extension technologies’. How sick and perverted they all are!

ISIS beheads and crucifies the Saints of Jesus Christ, and at the same time,  the cursed and damned fake ‘Jews’ (AKA Zionists) harvest our organs after we die or are still alive. Effing insane!!! What is worse? Industrial Cannibalism! or being beheaded by medieval savages?

I have covered some insane stories in the past. From Chinese aborted human babies being dried and ground up and sold as stamina pills, to Senomyx harvesting aborted human baby cells to be used in soft drinks  and other processed foods as ‘natural flavor’ enhancers. But this is almost as evil if not as much.

And just as I am ready to post this article, my sister in Christ Barbara emails me and mentions the following on organ harvesting. She worked in the health industry for decades, so she knows what she is talking about. Here is what she just sent me:

Alexander;  I wrote before about my own serious misgivings about organ transplantation.  I think it is cannibalism.  Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should.  Must Christians will come back to me and tell me “but lives are saved” so that makes it a good thing.

I have dealt first hand with the Organ donation people and they are like smiling vultures buzzing around the intensive care units sucking up to the staff all the while bullying the families of the dying into signing over the bodies.  There is money to be made.  This is not altogether altruistic and it is sickening.
Go back to how the ancient people regarded the care of the bodies of their dead.  They were very careful to treat them with great respect and not defile them in any way.  Look at orthodox Jews and Muslims.
We have turned into literal butchers carving up our dead for a price.  BAD FRUIT

Forget the quantum machines that cure you of all diseases in minutes like in the movie Elysium,  or the organ-harvesting clone-factories in the Deep Underground Military Bases like in the movie The Island. No, these ‘pigs’, pun intended because, believe it or not, there are some in the Illuminati that literally have pig organs transplanted into them to extend their lives here on this earth trying to outlive their lifespan and therefore outwit Jesus and their coming judgment. I would conclude that they are not human at all. They are the literal spawn of Satan.

The so-called Jews are not the Hebrew Nation of the Bible, they are the tares that the Bible warns us about. They are from Khazaria or what today is Ukraine. That is why in the Ukraine they uncovered another organ harvesting operation run by Jews. ►(Read here) That is why they arrived to Haiti first, before anyone after the 2010 quake that killed 100,000 people in just 10 minutes. ►(Read here) They arrived to harvest the organs! So, you see, it is in their blood. They are vile to the core and this is the way they roll. And, as the Bible foretells with 100% accuracy, these evil individuals will be part of the harvest when the Malachim (Angels) come down and take them away. I just pray that judgment comes to them soon!

Also, a warning to all Israel Zionist-supporting Christians like John Hagee and Rapture cultists and Pastors in the Cavalry Chapels out there, when you are ‘raptured’, it will ironically be the same Malachim (Fallen Ones) who will take you up and slice and dice you up, organs and all, when you are raptured for your organs and they make carnitas out of you for believing the Strong Delusion and the Lie. Just watch the documentary AFTER THE TRIBULATION and get over it! (Watch it here! Come on! I dare you!)

Back to the Guillotines

I was reading up and it turns out that two states is where they have these 30,000 matte black-finished Guillotines: Montana and Georgia. I heard from a person in INTELCOMM that they even have a phrase on top in Arabic. He also mentioned that they were made in China. Somebody has really gone out of their way to build these simple machines of death. The Carlysle Group comes to mind, considering that the Bushes, Blair and even the Bin Laden Group have invested in this globalopolized corporation of death.

This article sums it up nicely. It is on the NOAHIDE LAWS and how they plan to kill Christians en mass►  (Read Here)

I suggest you watch these videos below▼ and read the law that was approved during the Bush Dubya Administration where they authorized the killing of Christians. It is titled ‘Now the Government Can Legally Kill Christians’ ►(Read Here)

And now that ISIS made it official that we ‘Nazarenes’, as they call us, or ‘People of the Book’ are their #1 Enemy, (Read here) and in Syria they are proudly sharing via their cellphones the video and images of a baby girl being they decapitated, I know that these armies that are now out in the open are the Antichrist’s End Times soldiers and time is indeed so short.

Last week, I watched this heart-wrenching testimony on what ISIS is doing and a Military Historian’s new Book ‘Day of Wrath’. It is only a matter of time. Really! Please take the time to watch this.

I for one have come to terms with my translation into Heaven to be received by Jesus Christ in All His Glory!

What better way than to die a martyr’s death for the One True God of Israel, Jesus Christ, King of King and Lord of lords, The Alpha and the Omega. Amen!

I would gladly die for Jesus’ name… would you? I bet you that our brothers and sisters, our siblings in Christ are already dying without a fight in the hands of ISIS happy that they died a Martyr’s Death and have arrived to Heaven. Let us not feel bad for them. This is written! This would happen!

Rev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (KJV)


Pray this with me:

Lord, let me live,
so I can stand,
among the faithful
like grains of sand.
Don’t let pestilence
sickness or war
take my body,
I want more.
Not an accident
of any kind,
one death that I desire,
that’s on my mind.
I want to live,
so I can die for Your Name,
for this I try.
It’s in your hands,
you have planned my fate,
but still I ask,
for a death so great .
In Jesus’ Holy Name
Alexander Backman – Soldier of Yeshua♥†
Romans 8:35    who shall separate us from the love of Chris t?  Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine ,or nakedness, or peril, or SWORD  ?    36 : As It is written: For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the Slaughter.    37: Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.    38: For I am persuaded that neither death nor life , nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things, present nor things to come,     39:nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing , shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
As an Addendum to this article, I would like for you to listen to Oct. 20th’s edition of TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles, I listened to it 3 times last night while in prayer. It says a lot.
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Edited, spliced and remixed by Alexander Backman in support of John B Wells superb independent radio show at http://caravantomidnight.com No wonder George ‘Pagan King’ Noory and the team at Clear Channel got rid of him.

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