Tag Archives: terrorists


UPDATE MARCH 5 2015: CONFIRMED ISIS leader is behind plot to assassinate Mexican journalists Alexander Backman and Monica Gahbler

“Mexican Journalist’s head is being auctioned off in the French DEEP WEB possibly for speaking out about ISIS and the persecution of Christians in Libya and the Middle East.”

PERMALINK: http://concienciaradio.com/why_i_am_in_danger.htm
(Versíon en Español aquí) (PDF VERSION IN ENGLISH AVAILABLE HEREby Alexander Backman


• Freedom of speech, lower than ever
• Freedom House : “Only 1 in 7 people live in a country with a ‘free’ press.”

The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is the truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.” – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.

(CR NEWS/ CR NOTICAS /CRTV- Feb 25, 2015—Mexico)— I was informed via Twitter ON February 23rd, 2015 that someone put out a bid for my head. When I asked this contact about the details, he mentioned that the information is in certain forums that are part of THE DEEP WEB.  These are servers and webpages that mask themselves and are invisible to search engines. One example of this DARK OR DEEP WEB is FACEBOOK.com. But there are many others that are even more sinister. On Facebook there is even a page that says RIP Alexander Backman.

Recently, I exposed how this DEEP WEB operates, specifically Facebook with relation to Child Pornography, Child Trafficking within its confidential databases and files in its private network. Posts that often are ignored by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg making him complicit of aiding and abetting criminals.  The video report can be seen here: http://youtu.be/FL97vn-TmSk

Similarly, on the other side of the Atlantic, there is one of these such DARK SITES that make up the DEEP WEB. These are underground forums within forums, subforums where all kinds of heinous things are going on; from selling children, streaming live videos of sexual abuse, rape, torture and killings of minors, street fights to the death, bestiality, gore, snuff films, to Islamic killings.

Entrance to these highly restricted sites is by invitation only. Apparently, there is a section about posting bounty heads on people. Here is a redacted twitter message of the message.


I know this has everything to do with my publications, video reports and radio shows, TV and radio appearances. Based on my work,

I do not doubt that I have my share of enemies. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. The most recent one could be militant Islamic radicals, members of secret societies within the Vatican.

By interviewing many personalities, I have also helped expose the Vatican’s ongoing crimes with regard to child rape conducted by priests, archbishops and others at the highest levels including the Pope.

Reports are here: http://youtu.be/cUksNYJGaIQ and here: http://concienciaradio.com/vaticano/

Other important and high-profile guests I have interviewed on matters of global security and counterterrorism have also been under threat for their lives for coming out and publicly exposing the core agenda that fuels militant Islam.  One is Reza Kahlili and another is Academic Prof. Boylan.

Now I understand why.

My enemies stem from people in the Intelligence Community Apparatus, Radical Islamists, members of Organized Crime, staunch Communists, The Mexican Left, a Retired Mexican pseudo-General, or so he says, Jaime Garcia Miramontes who, at the same time, threatened Mexican President Peña Nieto including me and my colleague Mónica Gahbler in a public video on Youtube. All because I criticized his public announcement on one of my news shows of him wanting to ignite a revolution or civil war against the current Mexican administration.

Here is one of Miramontes’ comments sent to our Google+ account on September 19, 2014. The words speak for themselves.


Let us be clear. No one wants this asymmetrical Civil War in Mexico to keep growing. Those who do, only have to look at Ukraine, Syria and Iraq and understand the consequences this entails. The thousands upon thousands of dead are a testament of this.

In the United States, the same agenda is being promoted by these agents provocateurs that have infiltrated the mass media and online media organizations demonizing what was once the greatest nation on earth. They have made the citizens of this country hate its own country in order to make a small spark of discontent flare up into a bonfire of chaos and social turmoil akin to the revolts in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

What people fail to realize is that this agenda has been planned in detail by the Communists since the end of World War II. The media has been infiltrated by these agents to such a degree that no one sees it anymore because their mindset has already been conditioned to think in conformity with the agenda.

Almost all, if not all revolutions and revolts are fueled, promoted or started by people with a left-oriented agenda. Call them Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, Atheists, Humanists etc. This needs to be said and acknowledged. Fascism, socialism and communism are inherently the same thing. They all do one thing, suppress the human condition by force and repression of the mind while at the same time, use the media to brainwash the population with their lie-filled agenda to further their own agenda.

Some think the current threat towards me might be coming from ISIS because of my recent video CHRISTIANS RISE! on Youtube.

Others have suggested that certain investigators of the Alternative Christian media that I and other journalists have been recently exposing their lies and manipulation of the masses could be wanting to hire a hit man to have me and these other journalists assassinated.  After all, they used open airwaves to send cryptic threats to me and express their intentions. The evidence speaks for itself in the related article

So yes, I have my share of enemies. Four assassination plots that have not succeeded, thank God! The most recent one was in 2014. I will not go into details for security reasons.

But now, this new threat must be acknowledged against me, my colleagues and my family. First and foremost, I am a son of Jesus Christ, a language professor by trade, a federally-licensed radio host, an online journalist and lecturer. I am free thinker and a defender of freedom of speech understanding that there are indeed limits to what statements one may make over a microphone or in the press.

I am defender for human rights and will defend the right that each human being has to be in concordance with their free will but, at the same time, knowledgeable that with all actions there are consequences.

I am a defender of life and the living. No one has the right to kill the weak, the helpless nor the innocent, no matter what the distorted justification may be.

I am an advocate of freedom and the right to private property; always in alignment with moral statutes that serve as an example so we can live in harmony and peace. Knowing that this model for peace and happiness has been passed down from a higher domain than the one that we currently inhabit.

I will always fight against any antagonist force that may challenge these views and will never be subjected or submitted into fascist and Orwellian forms of social acclimation, oppression and control.

I am against corruption and its agents. I will continue to expose them to the best of my ability, knowing that I have had to apply self-censorship in many cases just to stay alive in my country of residence.

It is a lamentable and sad thing to say. I live in a state where speaking out is dangerous. A country where more journalists have been killed in the last decade than anywhere else in the world.

We are living in dangerous times. Almost 600 journalists have been killed since 2006 according to UNESCO. Most of these were not even War-Time reporters. 6 percent out of the 593 journalists killed exercising their profession from 2006-2013 were not even foreign correspondents; in other words, they were assassinated for their profession in their own nations of origin or residence.

According to The Road to Justice, a special report issued by the Committee to Protect Journalists, “It isn’t just one story that ends with a journalist’s death; a climate of intimidation builds. If no one is punished, killers are emboldened, and violence repeats. Journalists have no choice but to censor themselves or even flee into exile. Targeted attacks on the media have kept the world from
understanding the full dimension of violence in Syria, drug trafficking in Mexico, militant influence in Pakistan, and corruption in Russia.” In fact, Mexico is right behind Middle-Eastern nations like Syria and Pakistan. Another fact is that Mexico is ranked #6 according to UNESCO with 43 journalists killed between 2006-2013.


Source: Freedom House 2014
As I said. And I say it again, Journalism is War.

It is a fact that Mexico continues being one of the worst countries in the world to exercise journalism. According to a report by the Mexican Chapter of Freedom House, in 2014 (English version here), “76 journalists were killed from the period of 2000-2013 and 16 continue missing since 2003.”

Impunity at its best.

This is the continued result of the incessant Government corruption, impunity, the ongoing criminal insurgency, and what I would characterize as a form of depraved apathy on part of legislators and other politicos for not taking action to defend us and guarantee our livelihood and allow us to do our job as journalists.

Sadly, these senseless deaths against these hommes et femmes de plume  and the negligent behavior to bring those responsible to justice can be better defined as an almost form of under-the-rug policy in failed states like Mexico.

Then of course, there is the corruption on the other side of the aisle extending to those journalists that stick out their hand under the table and who are paid off via ‘mordidas’ to publish what those in power, government, business, banking and finance want published.

But not all has gone to waste.

Now, with the online media, this has changed. They can control so much. MediaCorp Inc. is not an absolute monopoly anymore. Youtube.com and freelance online journalism has made the world of information and news a better place in many respects. In others, it has made it a not-so-better place with so much disinformation and lies being spread via this vast global network and luckily continues to be a last bastion which partially still allows freedom of expression to exist.

And I will state it again, Journalism is war. Censorship is the same as hiding the facts.

As a journalist, I have been censored before. Our media outlets, visited by millions worldwide, have been subject to such actions by those that simply want to stifle the cause for truth. We were censored in all Mexico during our coverage of the 2012 Elections by one of the leading Internet providers.

Our websites have been censored in entire countries such as Spain and others. Censored for our content of reporting the truth and the facts as we see fit. After all, this is freedom of expression, a universal right to speak out and report on matters that matter.

Freedom of Expression is our duty to defend such a God-given right is more important now than ever. What our minds think and express should never be trod on. What our mouths speak and our eyes see should never be silenced. After all, our mind is in itself a thought machine that, when at work, can produce great works to further humanity.

As a journalist, I am a champion for truth!
As an intellectual, I am a defender of critical thinking!
As a man of God, I am an upholder of Truth, at all costs!

And since Journalism is War, and the different media platforms are our battlegrounds, then let us have a good fight, a fight for truth, a fight for freedom, a fight to shed light and expose that which lurks in the shadows so it may be made known. But let us not have our voices be silenced by those who oppose the right to exercise our freedom to stand up, speak out and tell it like it is. For if it weren’t for journalism, the world would be void of that which makes it real, information. After all, we all are information and a manifestation thereof. Without information there is nothing but darkness and ignorance like we are seeing being imposed in many regions of the world like in Japan, Mali and the Middle East. And if we do not do something now to defend this right, this cancerous evil will reach every continent, country and city in this world we all have to share. After all, information and knowledge is a precious resource that we do not have the luxury to lose as time itself.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a defender of truth and freedom. He was prohibited to speak out, publish in print and express his ideas under the fascist Nazi regime. He was censored at all costs. He was harassed by the Nazi authorities and required to report his activities to the police.

In a 1932 sermon Bonhoeffer said:

“The blood of martyrs might once again be demanded, but this blood, if we really have the courage and loyalty to shed it, will not be innocent, shining like that of the first witnesses for the faith. On our blood lies heavy guilt, the guilt of the unprofitable servant who is cast into outer darkness” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Dutch MP, Geert Wilders had this to say about his right to define and express his view of Islam:

 “I see Islam not as a religion, but as a totalitarian ideology—comparable to communism and fascism.
¿Don’t I have a right to say it
?” —Geert Wilders – Dutch MP


There is no doubt about it. Islamofascism is the new evil in this world. It is just like Nazism, only many times worse due to its religious covering with which it enshrouds itself serving as a front for a totalitarian, tyrannical, dictatorial and authoritarian governmental system. The persecution of Christians by Radical Islamists happening today is the same as Hitler’s persecution and extermination of the Jews and Christians more than 75 years ago. We should never be persecuted or killed for speaking and thinking, but we are. Now, instead of writing and printing, producing and filming, we are self-censoring our works around the world for terror and fear of being hunted down and assassinated. We are in fact accepting Islamic rule and Islamic law in our lives.

Bonhoeffer spoke of the dangers of being silent in times of tyranny. He said:

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.

—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

And also similar to Bonhoeffer, the brutal impact of communism in the Stalin regime left a deep scar on another defender of truth, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. This quote from his book The Gulag Archipelago echoes this.

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future.” —Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Like I said, as journalists, it is our duty for us to speak and type, and film and document what happens in this world. By not doing so, we are complicit by just sitting idly by in fear of repercussions for our actions when it is our lack of action that is condemning us.

Lastly, I ask everyone to ponder what Bonhoeffer asked to be remembered by before his execution with this:

This is the end — for me the beginning of life.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

If ‘this is the end’ for me, then too, as Jesus Christ as my God, my Savior and the Holy Spirit as my witness, likewise, this will be, for me, ‘the beginning of life.’

God Speed! †

Alexander Backman
Investigative Journalist


Journalism and Freedom of Speech are being destroyed through Radical Islam. © Garrincha

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Crucifixion is a standard practice now with ISIS. Back in May (image on the left) they struck terror deep in  the heart of all Christians by crucifying them publicly (Read report here). Today, they have decided to continued their reign of terror that Morsi in Egypt, with the support of Obama began in the first place by crucifying Coptic Christians in the public squares and parks of Cairo. This, when Hillary Clinton promoted with Obama ‘behind the scenes’ the Color Revolutions three years ago in Northern Africa and parts of the Levant (Syria) with exclusive funding by the NEOCONS via CIA-MEXICAN-NARCO funds.

Sadly, as the horror and hunting down of Christians continues, today, 9 men were crucified in Aleppo, Syria by ISIS and whose limp and dead bodies will continue hanging from crosses for at least three days according to reports setting an example of what the Shariah is.

Make no mistake about it, this is the Islamic Revival that will usher in the 12th Mahdi (Islamic Messiah). We are there!

The awful truth is that one of ISIS’ main goals is to find and slaughter Christians and Jews of any an all denominations.

According to this report by OpenDoorsusa.org, ISIS is a project designed to establish a Caliphate in the Middle East led by the inspiration of Al-Qaeda’s Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi. This is the same Al-Qaeda leader who Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein managed to interview while in prison and got him to “spill the beans” on the terror group’s step-by-step plan including the formation and advancement of this Islamic End Times Antichrist Army described in the Bible.

According to Hussein, and this is pivotal, Al-Zarqawi told him how ISIS would be formed including the following. All this since 1996. I quote from the Wikipedia entry on Hussein:

In the book Hussein describes what he says is al-Qaeda’s grand strategy, a sequence of events that spreads over nearly 20 years. The first phase, “The Awakening”, began with the September 11th attacks, which were meant to lure the United States into military conflict in the Middle East. This stage, Hussein says, ended with the American capture of Baghdad in early April 2003. In the second phase, “Eye-Opening”, al-Qaeda will become more than just an organization but a popular trend fueled by the American occupation of Iraq and the Arab media through mediums like the internet. This will last through 2006. During the third stage, which he calls “Arising and Standing Up”, al-Qaeda will begin focusing its energies on attacking the secular governments in Syria and Turkey and also against Israel. When this ends in 2010, the fourth stage will work to continue weakening American strength in the Middle East while also causing the capitulation of governments across the Arab world. From 2013 to 2016, Hussein says the Islamic movement will have shifted the balance of power in the Middle East away from the West and Israel, and the Islamists will be supported by new allies such as China. In this environment a new caliphate will be established. The sixth phase, lasting until 2020, is that of “Total Confrontation”, when an Islamic army and newly formed caliphate will defeat the non-believers in a global conflict. Following this, a final phase will be that of the caliphate’s “definitive victory”.

So, there you go. This is a big piece of the puzzle for us, as Christians and Soldiers of Jesus Christ, to understand the Enemy and how to deal with it.

Moving on to another issue.

Counterterrorism Expert Offers Exclusive Opinion on ISIS

I would like to share with all is an article from Counterterrorism Expert and friend “Paddy” Boylan whom I had the honor to interview in 2013. You may download and listen to the full interview here.

Here is his article in full:

EXCLUSIVE! – Know Your Enemy – what is a Sunni and a Shia?

(Islamic Terrorism and The Next Attack in America)

By “Paddy” Boylan –Counterterrorism Expert

June 29, 2014

The American politicians, intelligence types, and military big shots, have no idea who the enemy really is, twelve years after 9/11 they are using $500 mil to train another set of Muslims to do their bidding, this time in Syria, while our SF guys are hunting the Christian rebel leader Joseph “Kooney” (yes he is looney) fighting the Muslim terrorist group ‘Seleka’ in the jungles of Central Africa.

Yes we are doing deadly yeoman’s work on behalf of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as they covertly finance the very terrorists we wouldn’t recognize even while they carry their black flags of Islam into battle and swear by the Koran, that they are only following it’s teachings that have come directly from Allah.

In the East there is a saying, “It is easy to train a snake to bite your enemies, but there is no way to train it not to bite you.” Remember al-Qaeda and the Mujahaideen, well the FSA (Free Syrian Army) are different, they are “moderates”, they our snakes and the $500 mil, will do the trick, now we know so much more about Islamic terrorists, we can tell them apart.

Really? Then read no further, you already know this stuff.

“Are you Sunni, or Shia (the two main branches of Islam)?”

The Sunnis, (those who follow the traditions (sunna) of Muhammed) believe Islam was/is transmitted through the followers (companions) of Muhammed and they were his chosen ones, thus his companion Abu Bakr was chosen as the first Caliph of Islam.

The Shia (group of supporters) believe Muhammed’s cousin/son-in-law Ali, along with Ali’s sons, Hussain, Abbas, and Hassan were the true inheritors and leaders of Islam.

“Sunni? How many times do you pray in the day and how do you hold your hands?”

“Four, five, seven? And your hands I asked you? In front of you, palms turned up to Allah?

“Yes? And your imam (Shia cleric) is sinless, right?”

“Yes, you say no? You are a Shia. He is Shia – kill him.”

This is ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) an Islamic (Sunni) terrorist group that believe Shias are apostates and must be killed. After installing Sharia (Islamic law), public beheadings, crucifixions, and mass killings of those they felt were enemies of Islam, they have enforced Jizya (special tax) on Christians, and sent the women back into the seventh century with unabashed cruelty.

They (ISIS) are not despised by al-Qaeda, not radicalized by al-Qaeda, not a “franchise” of al-Qaeda, not influenced by al-Qaeda, not inspired, not “anything” by al-Qaeda – they follow the teachings of the Koran, like the rest of the Islamic terrorist groups gunning for the Caliphate and slaughtering of kafirs (non-Muslims).

Koran (8:12).- “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them…” This is just one, of over 100 verses of violence against non-Muslims (disbelievers) in the Koran.

Last Sunday al-Shabaab (the youth in Arabic), another Sunni Muslim terrorist organization from Somalia, carried out a slaughter of 48 innocents who didn’t speak Somali, or were not Muslims, in Mpeketoni, Kenya. The Muslim terrorists went from door to door shooting and beheading anyone who said they were Christians.

Last year in an upscale Kenyan shopping mall, al-Shabaab (the youth), asked shoppers if they were Muslim or Christian, checked Ids, and asked questions like ‘What was Muhammed’s mother’s name? Those who didn’t know the answer were killed.

In April 2009 this same Islamic terrorist group, which has dozens of Americans in its ranks, also fired mortars at an American congressman’s plane as it took off from Mogadishu airport. Most of these American traitors were recruited from the large Somali Sunni population in Minneapolis, and yes the first American suicide/homicide bomber belonged to this Islamic group.

In May 2004 four Sunni Muslims from the “Jerusalem Brigade” attacked a foreign workers’ residential building in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, killing 22 non-Muslims by slitting their throats and injuring 25 more. The terrorists spared the Muslims after lecturing them and reminding them that the Koran (5:51) states “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.”

In 2009 Abdow M Abdow a Muslim of Somali descent was stopped with four other Somalis, as they sped towards Las Vegas about ten miles North of Sin City. Even though the drivers name came up on an FBI “terrorist watch” list, the trooper had no authority to investigate further, interestingly all five occupants of the car, claimed their birthdays as the first of January but different years. Nothing suspicious here, the FBI said to let them go.

Two days later two of the occupants crossed the border into Mexico, and the FBI paid Abdow a visit at his workplace in the Twin Cities as part of an investigation into terrorist recruitment in the area. Yes the other “brothers” have disappeared, but don’t worry, Abdow was indicted. The other two joined a strip club as pole dancers.

Interesting how Muslim terrorists like the 9/11 hijackers, most of them from Saudi Arabia, and now al-Shabaab members from Somalia, always seem to make a pilgrimage to Sin City Vegas on their way to Jihad. With Ramadan (Islamic month of fasting) upon the world, there is bound to be peace at all costs, as Muslim majority nations force non-Muslims to “respect” the feelings of Muslims. Saudi Arabia has already warned all non-Muslims who dare to eat, drink, smoke in public, they will be deported, seems beheadings are out this year.

With over 23,000 terrorist attacks by Muslim terrorists all over the world, since 9/11, a spokesman for CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) playing the victim card, was extremely disappointed that the media didn’t call the recent Las Vegas cop killers terrorists, “Without a doubt, if these individuals had been Muslim, it not only would be called ‘terrorism’ but it would have made national and international headlines for weeks,”.

In both 2006 and then again in 2013 two different Las Vegas Sheriffs and “important” politicians were caught flatfooted trying to explain why they should be receiving millions of taxpayer dollars from DHS, because Las Vegas was a terrorist target, then turning around and telling the tourists, no, Las Vegas was the safest place to have un-Islamic fun and debauchery, sorry you wont find seventy two virgins here.

Wonder if the incoming sheriff will have any knowledge about who the enemy really is, or will he be just as pc as every other Joe.•


May Jesus Christ, in All His Glory, Bless you and protect you always.♥

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I received this email from a Christian Pastor this morning. There is an attached video that I dare not post on my website for free viewing. I will share the video only if asked to via email.Int he video, Christians are brought in front of a pit, forced to lay down on their side while three men grab them by their ankles, their wrists and the head. The Boko Haram terrorist that grabs the head stretches it out and pulls it back to show the neck and the jugular vein of each of these Christian Saints. He then invites a soldier or member of the group to step up and hands him a machete. This man then slices open the throat and neck and the Christian is allow to bleed out and then thrown int he pit while still alive. The second Christian man is a pastor (pictured above), dressed in a white robe he suffers the similar Islamic capital punishment under the Shariah. His executioner is a 7 feet behemoth and demonically-infested beast, also dressed in white.
What is going to take? ISLAM is rising and Christians are being hunted down and slaughtered like pigs and thrown in mass graves. This is a medieval and savage DEMONstration of what the enemy is doing on a daily basis and will bring worldwide if they manage to establish their NAZI Caliphate .
This is the email.


Boko Haram members lined up Nigerian citizens and slit their throat one by one.

Please do not place this material online. Circulation should be restricted to matured Christians, please. 


While it is acknowledged that some Muslims have expressed total objection to the activities of Boko Haram, the fact remains that the insurgents by their own admission, insist they are fighting for Islam. The Muslims that they kill, apparently, are those who do not support them.

The fact also stands clear that the leaders of Islam have not done enough to stop Boko Haram. On the contrary, conflicting statements have been emanating from Muslim leaders that make it difficult to place their stand on the insurgency.

Apart from the statement of Bamanga Tukur that Boko Haram is fighting for justice, and the call of the Sultan of Sokoto that they should be given amnesty, the most recent of such statements was made, again, by the Sultan of Sokoto on Sunday 25th May, 2014 at the National Mosque in Abuja. In the presence of the Vice-President, Namadi Sambo, the Sultan mandated the Vice – President to inform the President of Nigeria, that when Muslims are no longer marginalized in Nigeria, insurgency will stop. Now, what is the meaning of that statement? Who is marginalizing Muslims in Nigeria?

The Inspector General of Police     –           Northern Muslim

The National Security Adviser       –           Northern Muslim

The Minister of Defense                 –           Northern Muslim

What else do they want?

There are two Christian groups in Nigeria that are too quiet for comfort. They are Christian Lawyers and Christians in the Media. I think they are too quiet. By now, Christian lawyers should have commenced Class Action against the leaders of Islam in Nigeria on account of the atrocities committed by Islamic insurgents. Lawsuit should be following lawsuit on behalf of the persecuted Christians in the North East and Middle Belt. The Christians in the Media should be vigorously engaging perpetrators of these heinous crimes in the media. Alas, the Christians are too quiet!

Mordecai told Esther, “For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; … and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4: 14

This is the time to speak out!


1.        Nigerian Christians are now praying and our leaders have agreed to unite. That is very good. However, what God wants to see primarily, is repentance. Without genuine repentance, our prayers and unity make no meaning to Him. Therefore, let us repent. Not simply confessing sin, but forsaking sin. Let us stop glorifying mammon in Christian assemblies and preach the cross of Jesus. Let our women return to modesty in dressing and let us forsake worldly vanity. Instead of raising millionaires through our sermons, let us raise genuine disciples. Etc.

2.      Three things defile the land and bring curses upon the people: bloodshed, adultery, and idolatry. Those behind the bloodshed in the land are doing it intentionally.
Therefore, let us revoke the curses that are being brought upon Nigeria and pronounce judgment of God upon the sponsors, supporters, sympathizers and participants of Boko Haram and other insurgents. Please let us not curse; simply pronounce judgment. Is. 26: 9-11; 2 Thes. 1: 6; Ps. 11: 6; Ps. 68: 1-3;

3.       At whatever level that we are capable of, please let us call upon President Jonathan to use his authority as the President of Nigeria and clamp down on all known sponsors of Boko Haram. This is no time to play politics. The “President” of Nigeria is not weak; he has authority like Nebuchadnezzar! It is written, “… rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.” Titus 2: 15

4.      Inasmuch as we detest violence, it is time to demand Community Policing so that the affected communities in the North East and Middle Belt can defend themselves according to the law of the land. It is clear that the army has been infiltrated by the insurgents and has been rendered impotent to protect these communities. The arms should be provided by the government and entrusted to the village heads. Hopefully, when this crisis is over, they would render account to the government. We can no longer leave our people as sheep for the slaughter, as shown in the video. (I am sending again, below, the cry of community leaders from Gwoza and Chibok. You may understand my demand for Community Policing.)

5.      The President must implement a full State of Emergency by removing the governors of the affected states and replacing them with military administrators. The governors are incapable of protecting the lives of the citizens. (This recommendation does not conflict with the claim above that the military has been infiltrated. The Military Administrator should not come from the far North.)

6.      Let Nigerians be of one mind that the sponsors of these evils shall not be rewarded. There is something that they want and they have resorted to this terror tactic to get it. Whatever it is that they want, it must not be given to them. If they get it, they are being rewarded for the evil that they have done. Tomorrow, if they want something again, they will resort to terrorizing other citizens. Let an embargo be placed upon them that for the next 50 year;, they shall never get what they want. If we decree it, it shall stand.

Please find below the article from the Christian leaders in the North East: I want to challenge us to COUNT the number of communities that have been sacked. You will be shocked. Ethnic cleansing is going on!!!


Carried in Guardian Newspaper of Wednesday 11th June, 2014

·         Boko Haram-led pogroms, ethnic cleansing and medieval bestiality in Nigeria’s North East

Boko Haram-led pogroms, ethnic cleansing and medieval bestiality in Nigeria’s North East

A statement by some concerned leaders of ethnic nationalities of Borno South Senatorial District

AGAINST the background of denials by high-ranking functionaries of the Muslim establishment in Nigeria that the Boko Haram insurgency is not a Muslim agenda, we owe it to ourselves and the world to set the record straight. In 2012, in a widely publicized video recording that is easily accessible on the internet, Abubakar Shekau, the late erstwhile leader of Boko Haram announced the mission statement of his sect. Among other things, he said “this war is not political. It is religious. It is between Muslims and unbelievers (arna). It will stop when Islamic religion is the determinant in governance in Nigeria or, in the alternative, when all fighters are annihilated and no one is left to continue the fight. I warn all Muslims at this juncture that any Muslim who assists an unbeliever in this war should consider himself dead.”

This mission statement explains why Muslim communities have been viciously attacked for having within them persons who served as informants to the authorities. While we appreciate the concern of well-meaning persons in Nigeria   and world-wide over the fate of more than three hundred female students abducted from Government Secondary School in Chibok, Borno State, by the Boko Haram sect we want to draw the attention of the world to the fact that the abduction saga has become a distraction that has left our communities to free-pillaging and rampaging by Boko Haram.

These are the facts that happened in the past four weeks:

In Ataggara, Southern Senatorial Zone of Borno State, Boko Haram attacked and were repelled by the community. Community leaders went to Pulka, where a military formation exists, to report the attack and were assured that a unit would be drafted to the town to protect the people. The following day some people appeared in Nigeria Army issue in nine armoured personnel carriers bearing the colours and insignia of the Nigerian Army. They announced to the villagers that they had come to assess the security situation. When the people gathered to hear them, the men that came in armoured personnel carriers, and in Army uniform, opened fire and killed over two hundred and fifty men, women and children. Those who were able to take to their heels were pursued by the marauders into the bush and when they were caught up with, were either butchered with knives or shot to death. The survivors have taken refuge in Cameroun, or in friendly communities;

In Bokko Wizhe, four people died when Boko Haram terrorists opened fire indiscriminately in the predominantly Christian community. About two thousand survivors have fled to Cameroun and neighbouring states;

In Bokko Timta, about 1,500 Christians had to flee to Cameroun and other states in Nigeria after Boko Haram attacked their community;

In Kugyly, about 2,500 fled the village to Cameroun and other states in Nigeria after they were visited by Boko Haram;

In Ngoshe, 46 persons were killed by Boko Haram and more than 3,000 had to flee to Cameroun and other states in Nigeria. None of the houses and churches in the community escaped being torched;

In Gava, 26 persons were killed by Boko Haram. About 2,000 people fled to Cameroun and other states in Nigeria. All the houses and churches were burnt down;

In Amuda, 17 persons were murdered by Boko Haram and more than four thousand people fled to other places. The Village Head is, at present taking refuge in Nasarawa State;

In Halaghwa after an undetermined number of persons were killed by Boko Haram, about 500 persons from the community fled to Cameroun and another 2,000 fled to other states in Nigeria;

In Agapalawa, 15 persons were killed by Boko Haram and more than 4,000 had to flee to Cameroun;

In Ganjara, 46 persons were killed by Boko Haram and more than 2,500 fled to Cameroun;

In Jibrili, an undetermined number of people were killed by Boko Haram and Christian houses and churches burnt to the ground. The remnant of the people have fled to Cameroun;

In Zamgba, Boko Haram attacked and killed 13 people, and about 1,700 were forced to flee to Cameroun;

In Ashigashita, Boko Haram attacked and killed 10 people. The remnant of the community fled to Cameroun;

In Vale, Christians were completely chased out. Their belongings were looted by Boko Haram and their sympathizers;

In Kwadale, an undetermined number of persons were killed by Boko Haram and about 2,000 fled to Cameroun;

In Pulka, 30 persons were killed by Boko Haram, including the Village Head Mallam Ali Pulka. Many members of the community have fled to Cameroun leaving about 4,500;

In Kirawa, all the Christians fled to Cameroun after the village was taken over by Boko Haram;

In Chinene, Boko Haram killed 14 persons, more than 500 fled to Cameroun, about 1,000 fled to other states in Nigeria, while about 1,000 are still in the mountains as all motorable roads have been blocked by the sect;

In Arboko, more than 10 persons were killed by Boko Haram, all houses and churches razed to the ground, and about 2,000 have fled to Cameroun;

In Chikide, 2 persons were killed by Boko Haram, and about 1,500 have fled to Cameroun and other states in Nigeria;

In Barawa, more than 20 persons were killed by Boko Haram, and the community’s houses and churches burnt down. Survivors have fled to Cameroun, other states and the hills;

In Pege, Boko Haram killed five persons by Boko Haram, and about 1,000 members of the community have fled to Cameroun and other states in Nigeria;

In Kaghum, Boko Haram killed more than 20 persons by Boko Haram, and more than 3,000 members of the community have been forced to flee to Cameroun, other states in Nigeria and the hills;

In Angurva, an undetermined number of persons were killed by Boko Haram, and some 4,000 persons have fled to Cameroun;

In Baladigavuraza, Boko Haram killed 3 persons, about 2,000 persons fled to Cameroun and another 500 fled to other states in Nigeria;

In Kunde, some 7 persons were killed and the community’s houses and churches burnt. About 2,500 fled to Cameroun and the hills;

In the past fourteen days the following communities in Damboa Local Government area have been over-run by Boko Haram: Kwapchi; Shawa; Daku; Kwamjilari; Blakat 1; Blakat 2; Blakat 3; Mulgwe 1; Mulgwe 2; Mulgwe 3; Katsalabulari; Kulali 1; Kulali 2; Kuburuvhu; Kautivha; Izghe 1; Izghe 2; Izghe 3; Kaya 1; Kaya 2; Konchi;

Mbulakuduga (Alagamo) in Askira Uba Local Government Area was over-run within the same time frame;

Takulashi of Chibok Local Government Area was also over-run in the past few days.

In all the communities it has over-run, Boko Haram has removed the Nigerian national flag and hoisted its own flag, the flag of jihad.

We want to place on record that all the communities mentioned above are predominantly Christian. Why are we being attacked now? The answer lies in the result of the 2011 Presidential Election. It is on record that the Middle Belt, which the Southern Borno State Senatorial Zone is a bona fide  part of, voted massively for President Goodluck Jonathan; a fact that enabled the sitting President to succeed at the polls in 2011. Going towards 2015, Boko Haram, on behalf of the oligarchic North, wants to decimate and displace our communities so that we would be less of a factor. Why is President Jonathan not instructing the military ro protect our communities? We are aware that the the Nigerian military is a deeply divided fighting force.

As the Ataggara case above illustrates, when some Muslim commanding officers and others receive reports from our communities, they pass such reports to Boko Haram who come in Nigerian Army issue uniforms to perpetrate pogroms in our communities.

Boko Haram has many atrociously wealthy sponsors on account of the fact that successive governments in Nigeria have always patronized Muslims to our exclusion. It is primitive capital that those Muslims have accumulated from the Nigerian state that they are deploying to decimate our populations. Our most profound prayer to President Jonathan, which we want other Nigerians and the international community to pressurize him to accede to, is that he should arm our communities. if we have access to arms and ammunition like Boko Haram, we would have a sporting chance of defending our lives, dependants and property. We would not run away from Boko Haram. Our President should please do this in good time before it is too late. We have a right to live in peace in our communities and to vote our choice without any fear, however we choose to do so in electoral contests in our country. That is an irreducible minimum for every citizen.

As communities in the defunct Northern Region we are not unaware of the inspiration of Boko Haram and their sponsors. It is no news that the average Northern Muslim thinks that Nigeria is his to dominate, and its riches his to dispense. In October 1960, the late Premier of the defunct Northern Region and Sardauna of Sokoto, Sir Ahmadu Bello, had declared:

“The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great-grandfather, Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities of the North as willing tools and the South as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us, and never allow them to have control over their future.” (Parrot Newspaper, 12th Oct. 1960; republished on November 13, 2002, by the Tribune Newspaper, Ibadan.);

Before the late Sardauna made this very revealing statement, the Conference of Northern Chiefs, in response to a letter from the UK-based West African Students’ Union (WASU) to the Northern emirs asking them to support the constitutional evolution of Nigeria into an independent nation, had declared “holding this country together is not possible except by means of the religion of the Prophet. If they want political unity let them follow our religion.” (Obafemi Awolowo, Path to Nigerian Freedom, London: Faber and Faber, 1947, p.51.);

We recall that the Fulani Jihad failed woefully to Islamize our people in the 19th Century. We also recall that the Kanuri, who had been practising Islam for more than eight centuries before the Fulani Jihad, could not Islamize our people. Boko Haram seeks to succeed where their more illustrious ancestors failed.

If the Federal Government of Nigeria would not arm our communities to defend ourselves, the least it can do is not to stand in the way of other Nigerians and members of the international community who are so inclined to help arm our communities. Boko Haram, as its mission statement as espoused by the late Abubakar Shekau states, the only time it would be mollified is “….when Islamic religion is the determinant in governance in Nigeria or, in the alternative, when all fighters are annihilated and no one is left to continue the fight.”

Our people refuse to be forcibly Islamized. We, also, insist on making our own free choices. It is our belief that it is only on the basis of mutual respect that nations can be built. We would like to contribute our quota to building the Nigerian Federation into a nation and call on others to follow our peaceful path. But if the forces of evil insist on pursuing their present murderous course, our people will be forced to respond in kind and to meet force with force. The present path of violence by Boko Haram can only lead to destruction, Boko Haram’s destruction as well as others.

We thank you for giving us an ear.

Dr. Pogu Bitrus (of Chibok),                            

Rev. Ibrahim Dauwa (of Gwoza) and

Rev. James Yaga, JP (of Gwoza)

Isaiah D.Lawon
International Director,
Fullstature Missions International,
P.O.Box29929, Secretariat P.O,
4 Parliament Highway,
Secretariat Ibadan,
Oyo State.


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